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LapBand Surgery: How to Find the Support You Need

LapBand Surgery: How to Find the Support You Need

If you suffer from severe to morbid obesity, your physician may recommend the LapBand surgery. If so, you should heed their suggestion. In cases of severe to morbid obesity, the LapBand procedure becomes more than just a weight loss surgery; it becomes a lifesaving device.

Once you receive approval from a LapBand surgeon, the process begins. Even if your surgery isnt scheduled for a month, preparation will begin almost immediately. In the two to three weeks pre-surgery, diet restrictions are a must. Patients are asked to refrain from eating or drinking before midnight. Post-surgery extreme diet restrictions are required. Patients start on a clear liquid diet then make the progression to full liquids, pureed foods, soft solids, and full solid foods. This is a very important, yet stressful procedure.

Since the LapBand system demands a lot from patients, it is not uncommon for patients to experience high stress levels and bouts of depression. To prevent this from happening, it is important to have a strong support system in place. But, where can you turn?

Your LapBand surgeon or surgical center. When choosing a LapBand surgeon, it is important to inquire about care. You want a surgeon who will do more than just operate. You need a surgeon who will properly prepare you for the procedure, educate you on each step of the surgery, and offer assistance for post surgery care. Surgeons know that the LapBand procedure is not just a surgery, but a lifestyle change. That is why many are willing to be your support throughout the entire length of the procedure.

Your primary care physician. If you have concerns about the LapBand surgery, speak directly to your surgeon. With that said, you may find support from your primary care physician. Two months after the LapBand, your surgical visits will decrease. Of course, additional appointments can be scheduled if pain and discomfort is experienced. If you just need medical advice or support, consider contacting your primary care physician.

Friends and family. The ability to receive support from a medical professional is important, but so is your support system at home. On average, home recovery takes about one week. During this time, you will be home from work. Minimal movement is okay, but you may need help from others. Not only will you need physical help, but emotional support. The changes and diet restrictions patients face following surgery can be overwhelming.

Support groups. Obesity has become a major problem in the United States. For that reason, there are many support groups available. These groups will vary. For example, there are groups for those looking to manage obesity and groups for those looking to overcome it. A LapBand support group is your best option. Speak to your LapBand surgeon, as some setup their own in-house support groups for patients.

Online support groups. If given the choice, opt for an in-person support group where you are able to meet face-to-face. This personalization can help give you comfort and reassurance. However, if this is not an option, consider online support groups. These groups can be found with a standard internet search.

Dietary experts. As previously stated, the biggest adjustment LapBand patients need to make is with their diet. For some, this may seem like an impossible task, as many do not know where to start. In that instance, a dietary expert is recommended. Let a professional help you slowly make the transition to a healthier lifestyle. Remember, weight loss is maximized when the LapBand is later combined with healthy eating and exercise.


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