Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Healthy Diet Tips And Much More

Losing Weight? – Go Herbal

These days, there is a great need for overweight Americans to lose those excess pounds. Being healthy would not only lead them to have a healthier lifestyle but it will also literally lighten their load, and improve their overall well-being.

There is a long list of dieting options available. There are exercise programs, exercise machines, dietary supplements, dietary food and drinks, diet pills – there are even soaps which claim to help you lose pounds while you bathe.

One other available option to shed off those unwanted pounds is to go herbal.

Herbal weight loss products have been in great demand for people who want to lose weight the natural way. However, when you take herbal supplements to lose weight, you would have to wait for a longer time for the results because of the more subtle effects of medicines which came from plants and natural herbs.

Here are some herbal weight loss options that you might want to consider:

1. Herbal weight loss products

There are a lot of herbal weight loss products available in the market now. You can check out the Internet and you will find a lot of herbal weight loss pills and products.

Be careful, however, as there are some products which claim to be safe and natural because they are herbal, but some actually have side effects because of non-extensive research on the effects of these products.

Here are some ingredients and chemicals which make up some herbal weight loss products that you should watch out for, as they might have harmful effects to your health:

> Senna. This is an herbal laxative. Senna is a main ingredient in weight loss teas, and it works by stimulation the colon. The downside effect of this herb is dehydration. It can also lead to colon problems and can become addictive. Some people, when addicted, are unable to perform bowel movements without it, so watch out.

> Chromium picolinate. This is a synthetic compound found in herbal weight loss products. Chromium is a nutrient which helps regulate blood-sugar level. However, this ingredient, when taken in high doses, may cause damage in the chromosomes. It can also lead to dehydration.

> St. John’s wort. This supplement increases the production of a chemical in the brain. If not used properly, it may cause eye and skin sensitivity, mild gastrointestinal distress, fatigue and itching.

Although a lot of herbal products claim to be safe and natural, it is better to scrutinize the ingredients and research about the effects of the product itself before going for these herbal dietary pills.

2. Organic food.

In Wichita, Kansas, organic food has found its way to more homes and restaurants. Organic food devotees believe that consuming organic goodies help their bodies as well as the environment.

A person who buys organically raised eggs and vegetables claim to be healthier, and they are not spending money on doctors and prescriptions as these keep them healthier and away from the hospital. This could also be an option for weight watchers, as organic food is known to be kinder to your weight than chemically-processed food products.

3. Green Tea.

Studies show that intake of green tea, or green tea extracts burns extra calories. Also, green tea with caffeine can increase fat burning by up to 40% thereby reducing fat.

This is one good option for those who want to lose weight. In a study done, people who took green tea were found to lose 2 to 3 times more weight than those who did not drink green tea.

These results show that green tea is a natural product for the treatment of obesity. Thus, it also makes for a healthier dietary option, not to mention the good effects that it has on the body as compared to caffeine. A cup of tea gives an emmediate energy lift without the side effects of caffeine.

3. Caffeine.

Coffee provides an energy boost to increase fat burning. Caffeine also provides a likelihood to be active, which in turn increases your rate of calorie burn.

4. Immortality Herb

This herb, whose scientific name is Gymnostemna Pentaphyllum, is known to have the following benefits:

> increases healthy blood flow
> reduces artery blocks
> aids healthy blood pressure
> increases the rate of fat burning

5. Apple Cider Vinegar

There are pills and food supplements whose main ingredient is apple cider vinegar. Here are the benefits of taking this herbal option:

> weight loss
> improved cholesterol level
> improved high blood pressure
> helps prevent rheumatoid arthritis


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Your Kidney And Gastric Bypass

The number of people suffering from obesity every year is increasing, it is mainly about the lifestyle and how people eat. To avoid the risks of obesity, more and more people are looking for other options for rapid weight-loss. About 140,000 people annually are finding gastric bypass surgeries an option for weight-loss and reducing obesity and its health complications.

Roux-en Y is the most common gastric bypass. In this procedure, a small and upper section of the stomach is separated by staples or bands to create a small pouch. This would limit the amount of food the patient could consume. It could hold about an ounce of food but can expand to about 4 to 8 ounces of food after a few months. A Y-shaped section of the small intestines is attached to the stomach. This would allow the food to bypass the upper portion of the intestines.

There are many benefits brought by gastric bypass surgery. Individuals who have undergone the procedure are said to reduce their weight with an average of 50 to 60%. Some would lose about 80% of their body weight two years after the sugery. Diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol levels and even cancer risks can be reduced by the procedure. However, there are also downsides with this surgery.

Gastric bypass surgery is an effective way of losing weight an obesity related health risks. However, there are studies showing concern about nephrolithiasis or the formation of kidney stones among those who have undergone gastric bypass surgery. According to paper presented in the 39th Annual Meeting and Scientific Exposition of American Society of Nephrology, gastric bypass surgery increased the possibility of kidney stones.

Actually, this was not the first time that this kind of risk is identified with almost similar operations. In 1979, the Food and Drug administration had the jejunal ileal bypass under moratorium. This was because patients who had the procedure developed kidney stones five years after surgery.

Currently, there are studies showing that those who have undergone gastric bypass surgery would experience changes in the chemical composition of their urine. These changes eventually can lead into formation of kidney stones. After the gastric bypass surgery, the level of oxalate increased. This chemical when bound with calcium can cause the increase of kidney stones.

Another cause could be the production of low levels of citrate. Citrate dissolves crystals which can cause kidney stones. Low citrate levels and high levels, a combination that leads to an increase of calcium oxalate supersaturation. This increases or a strong factor or risk for having kidney stones. Other chemicals which also contribute to kidney stone formation like uric acid and potassium remains unchanged before and after the surgery.

A study conducted by Mayo Clinic showed that those who have underwent the procedure for the last six months have not developed this kind of chemical change. This condition could be avoided or the risk be reduced by undergoing some dietary changes. Doctors would recommend an increase on the intake of fluids, low-protein and low-salt diet, and normal calcium diet.

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Health And Fitness Through Weight Control

More and more people are now into controlling their weight because of the hazards that obesity brings to their overall health and fitness. One most common forms of controlling weight these days are dieting.

Through the years, dieting has become one of the most popular means of controlling weight to most overweight people in the world. Although there are seemingly countless testimonies of its effects, many experts agree that there are also side effects when controlling weight is not administered properly.

What you need to know about diet and dieting

Dieting refers to the practice of eating or drinking in a regulated manner in order to achieve a specific short-term objective of gaining and or losing size or weight diet, on the other hand refers to the habit of nutritional consumption and focuses more on a long-term goal.

Studies show that the most common objective of dieting is for a person to lose excess body fat. But, there are also kinds of diet that are prescribed in order to achieve a particular medical objective while some dieting are actually designed and prescribed to increase body fat or add up to muscle weight gain.

Diet is actually categorized into two: the weight-loss diets, which restrict the intake of specific foods or food group in order to reduce body weight and the weight-gain diets, which are usually self-imposed in order to achieve a higher weight class.

Aside from that, special cases also require diets especially when it is related to certain medical conditions. Special diets usually include, exclude, or regulate a set of certain chemicals especially from the foods that contain them and are given to people that have chronic diseases such as diabetes and other illnesses such as epilepsy, celiac disease, kidney diseases, and also those who are lactose-intolerant. Other specific types of diet to control weight include low-fat diets, low-carbohydrate diet or Atkins Diet, natural diets, vegetarian diet, and very low calorie diet.

People who are controlling weight should also seek professional help in controlling their weight because dieting because it may lead to prolonged hunger, depression, reduced sex drive, fatigue, irritability, fainting, sinus problems, muscle loss, rashes, bloodshot eyes, gallbladder diseases, and loose folds of skin among others.

Tips managing weight

One of the effective means of achieving health and fitness is once a person knows how to manage or control his or her weight. This is because a controlled weight simply means that one is able to eat balanced meals, healthy foods, and have a regular set of exercise needed to stay fit and healthy. The following are some of the ways that one can control his or her weight:

1. Load up with lots of fluids, especially water. Dehydration makes a person lose appetite and can make him or her lose so much weight which can be harmful to ones overall health. In order to prevent dehydration, a person is advised to drink lots of fluid, especially water.

2. Dont rush when eating. Taking your time while eating can help you relish the foods flavors well and also helps your body to adjust to the food eaten. Once the satiety signal is sent to your brain, you can now eat smaller amounts of food.

3. Eat more at daytime and eat less at nighttime. To achieve optimum health and fitness, it is best if you develop the practice of eating bigger meals daytime to have enough time to burn the whole day. At nighttime, people who are controlling their weight should eat smaller meals at nighttime so you can balance the bodys metabolism and burn the unwanted fats and calories.

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Benefits Of A Life Of Health And Fitness

Living a life of health and fitness may seem a huge sacrifice but the rewards are truly immeasurable. Not only will you be able to enjoy your life a little bit longer, you can also live it while looking good and looking young.

You dont believe us? Here is a rundown of the benefits that healthy living can give. Read on and you may be tempted to leave the dark unhealthy side.

1. Active body Eating the right kinds of food and keeping your body in shape will result to having more energy and that will spill over to your work and your play time. You will be more active and will have more chance to shine in your line of work. People who are active also come across as more capable and more independent. They are also perceived as more approachable, confident and charming.

2. Younger looking People who live healthy are younger looking than those who smoke and drink in excess. This is because chemicals in alcoholic drinks and cigarettes dry up the skin and create a more older appearance. Chemicals in the body also reduce the nutrients that go into the body, thus depriving the body of vitamins and minerals that keep the skin and other organs healthy and functioning.

Being young looking of course gives you a whole set of benefits, from a remarkable love life to success with career and in your social life. After all, whether we admit it or not, appearance do count in a lot of ways and being young looking and attractive can take you in places. As shallow as it seems, you will have more friends and more romantic involvements. Everybody loves beautiful people.

3. Clear thinking It is not true that chemicals in alcoholic drinks and cigarettes and drugs can amp up creativity levels. These are actually just short-lived and as studies have shown, only in the mind. People who eat and live healthy are more able to think clearly. They are more able to focus on the jobs at hand and therefore are able to accomplish much with their work than other people. They are also more dependable when given instructions and their memories are often clear and good.

4. No illness People who live a healthy lifestyle are well, healthy. They are not prone to sickness that can slow down a persons achievement levels. Thus, these people accomplish much of what they set out to do. They are not hampered by problems with their health or appointments with doctors that they have to go to. These people rarely take a leave of absence and when they do, they will often take a vacation and just relax. They dont take a leave because they are sick.

5. Emotionally-secure Although there really is no direct relationship, people who live a life of health and fitness are happier. They are able to enjoy their life more and are not distracted by odd habits and health problems. They also have less worries and are able to cope better with stressors. This is perhaps because they do not need to rely on chemicals for coping with the hardships that they encounter. Early on, they have developed natural coping strategies that can help them get through the daily grind.

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