Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Healthy Diet Tips And Much More

Losing Weight Rapidly

Wanting a slimmer and sexier body is no lofty ambition. Many people have succeeded in sculpting their physiques to make them look healthy and desirable. However, this end is not attained in just a snap or skipping one night’s dinner. For some people though, patience is not a virtue. They seem not to be able to afford so much attention, time and money to get the body they have always wanted. As a result, these people result to rapid weight loss practices and programs which may not be as effective as these people are led to believe they are.

Fast-track diets are one of these rapid weight loss practices which may not be very inviting as they seem according to research. Fast-track diet programs, as scientific research shows, are only good while they last. Rapid weight loss often results ironically, to rapid weight gain. people who undergo low carbohydrate or low calorie diets normally revert back to old eating habits simply because human beings can not actually live on with this type of diet scheme for the rest of their lives.

Now there is also scientific research showing that rapid weight loss does not imply an individual is losing unwanted excess fat; it is commonly water that is lost with following rapid weight loss practices. This could cause certain alarm but actually, water lost is regained very quickly. So there is actually zero net weight lost after all. So one should not be foolish enough to be so gullible with the advertising of certain diet pills out there in the market; especially those which claim to aid lose a whopping amount of fat in a short time. They will only dehydrate the body. And just so it is clear, the body can only lose two pounds of fat per week, one could be exceptionally lucky if he can lose three, but normally, it’s just two.

Another rapid weight loss product out in the market is the slimming soap. Claiming that these soaps are made from a unique concoction of rare chinese herbs and seaweed, they assert to help people using them to shed off body fats by emulsifying them upon application while taking a bath. Some are even specialized like those which promise to give the user “beautiful thighs”. The ingredients may prove to improve the quality of the skin but no research has ever come up yet which aids to prove the efficacy of these ingredients in emulsifying excess body fats.

One more rapid weight loss product out there in the market promises to suppress hunger and at the same time help increase the body’s metabolic rate. It also claims to be able to accelerate the healing process and reduce certain body pains, all these plus its being a very chic fashion accent. Well they are actually called magnetic weight loss earrings.

The secret of this set of earrings is in the magnet, so it says. Wearing them near the ears balances the magnetism in the body therefore one will experience all the above mentioned effects. Though press releases say that there are actually “studies” to back these assertions up, nothing yet is found in medical journals. Though buying a set may not kill a person, it’s probably not a wise investment. One might as well wear a horse shoe earring for a more exquisite fashion statement.

Bottom line is “no pain, no gain”. If one wants a beautiful body, one must sweat it out. And as for those rapid weight loss products coming out on the market, if they are too good to be true, they probably are not.


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Posted by: admin | Category: Healthy Eating,Weight Loss | Comments (2)

Arguments For The Atkins Diet

There are a number of arguments for the Atkins diet, which center from the developers of the diet and those who are currently following the diet. Many arguments on the internet also exist, which state that the Atkins diet is a viable diet and should be allowed to be tried by more people in order for them to receive the benefits of this great fat burning diet. Recent studies have also shown potential in the Atkins diet fat burning potential for anyone who wishes to use it.

However, not all of these arguments are positive and they require further examination. Despite this, the fact still remains the Atkins has proffered forth some valuable services within its diet that does make the user lose weight. To the average person, losing weight would be a boon that he or she could not pass up, and with this diet, nothing is different.

With the Atkins diet, this is one of the best things about this diet it replaces the bad things that go into your body and makes your body burn fat cells for fuel. There are constantly new diet fads that are going up all of the time, trying to take the place of more experienced diets that are showing themselves to work well for those who try them. For arguments for the Atkins diet, this is a common theme, as it constantly has to fight off other diets wanting to take its place and from those who do not believe it is anything good.

The Atkins diet can also save individuals money as it lessens the amounts and types of food you need to get, thus reducing cost and increasing accessibility. Saving money in an economy that is as in trouble as ours is a must. In addition, with costs skyrocketing, it is far too easy to eat unhealthy foods due to the price change. However, the diet will provide a limited selection of foods to choose from (typically focusing on meat) which will minimize the amount of food needing to be purchased and consumed. This is also beneficial for those who wish to use part of their money for groceries around the house.

Many individuals are not aware of how to best care for their health and make a number of mistakes, which result in problems in the long run. This unfortunate form of ignorance can easily damage a situation or a persons health. Following the Atkins diet allows each person to start setting goals for his or her health while using the guidelines of the diet.

But while there are many arguments for the Atkins diet, each individual will have to decide if they wish to try it and then decide the results for his or herself. It can be a great plan when used properly with supplements and a healthy exercise program. While the diet may not be for everyone, there are still strong arguments for the use of the Atkins diet.

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A Quick List Of 10 Foods That Speed Metabolism

Are you looking for foods that speed metabolism? This will probably surprise you. All foods speed metabolism.

“How is that possible?” you ask.

Let’s take a quick look at just what is metabolism and how does it works. This explanation might help you to better understand the process and how it can affect your body.

When you eat a meal, your body begins the process of digesting the food, drawing out the nutrients and processing them to create energy that keeps your body functioning properly and effectively. It takes approximately 4 hours just to absorb the nutrients. This is repeated with every meal you eat. In a day, that amounts to 12 hours that your body is busy absorbing each meal’s nutrients.

In short, during the digestion process, our bodies burn calories. This is especially true of foods containing carbohydrates and protein which take longer than other foods to digest. Simply by eating, digesting and absorbing nutrients from the food, you speed your metabolism.

Does this mean you should eat more to constantly stimulate calorie burning?

Here’s another answer that might surprise you. Yes. But hold on before you park yourself in front of the refrigerator, bib in place, knife and fork at the ready.

If you skip breakfast and other meals, you will reduce how quickly your body burns calories. In this case, eating more food will help speed metabolism. In fact, by eating smaller meals more often throughout the day, you can keep your metabolism working so that your body is constantly in the state of calorie burning.

As mentioned, there are some foods that require more of your body’s energy to burn. The degree to which they affect your body’s metabolism depends on the particular food choice. Caffeine, coffee, tea, chocolate and a chemical found in chillies are some foods that speed metabolism, but only minimally.

Carbohydrates and protein trigger the highest rate of metabolism. In fact, a protein meal can burn as much as 25% of that meal’s calories through digestion and absorption.

While a high protein meal might sound appealing, consider that it would not provide your body with its required round of nutrients. Adding vitamin and mineral supplements is not the answer either, because they do not provide the same quality of nutrients that are found naturally in foods.

Your best choice is to eat well-balanced meals regularly that contain protein, non-starchy vegetables, fats and carbohydrates. This can minimize fat production while keeping your blood sugar at a level that helps to burn fat and build muscle.

Focus on these 10 specific foods that help speed metabolism and burn fat.

Whole grain bread
Fresh Cheese
Green Beans
Summer Squash
Asparagus and other non-starchy vegetables
And, of course, protein rich meats

To temporarily boost your metabolism by as much as 30%, drink cold water.

Remember, there are other factors beyond your control that can affect your body’s speed of metabolism, including your age, sex and any medical conditions.

While these foods can speed metabolism, the best way to lose weight is with a healthy combination of regular meals and physical exercise, especially those that build muscle because muscle burns calories too.

Exercise regularly, stick with a diet of protein, non-starchy vegetables, fats and carbohydrates, and be sure to add some of those foods that speed metabolism, and you’ll soon see the results you want.

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Posted by: admin | Category: Healthy Breakfast,Healthy Choice,Healthy Diet,Healthy Eating,Healthy Foods | Comments (1)

Meal Plans Atkins Diet What You Need To Know

Many people think about the Atkins diet and imagine all the horror stories you can think of, about tasteless bars and unexciting meals twice a day. Contrary to popular belief, someone on an Atkins diet eats five times a day, and each dish can be made in a healthy way that is still very appealing to people with all types of preferences.

The meals go in the following order:






When you eat as suggested above you are more likely to get the nutrition you need for your day and to make more energy throughout your entire day rather then having spurts of energy until you are hungry again. This also helps you to limit yourself because when you eat smaller amounts more often a person tends to not feel the need to eat as much in one sitting and rather to simply make sure they get the nutrition that they need while still getting to be full and able to function.

Many people feel as though they need coffee or other items to wake them up in the morning before they go to work or start their daily activities. With this diet you should no longer feel as much of a need for sugar or caffeine and will have more energy on a regular basis as long as you stick to the diet as it is mapped out and keep on schedule for eating.

The Atkins diet was originally created by Dr. Robert Atkins to try and battle against obesity and help people to stay healthy so that they will be able to live longer and healthier. People do not have to be obese or even heavy to go on this diet, you can simply want to get to a healthier brighter you who is able to have more energy and be able to get in shape. When a person feels the need for caffeine is can many times be because they feel a need for energy that they do not have because they do not have a healthy diet that gives them the nutrition that they need.

In many ways the Atkins diet is easily compared to many other normal diets where you are mainly trying to eat in a more nutritious fashion to become healthier. Many people think of the Atkins diet as being very different then other diets when in many ways the only difference is that they try to encourage you not to eat as much cholesterol while still trying to keep you as healthy as possible. The Atkins diet is primarily tying to help a person be at their key weight and be able to be as active as they want but more importantly to keep them healthy. With the delicious recipes that are available for everyone to try, you are sure to be able to get to your best weight while still eating things you enjoy.

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Posted by: admin | Category: Healthy Breakfast,Healthy Diet,Healthy Eating | Comments (1)
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