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The Different Treatments You Get in Medical Tourism

Medical tourism is fast becoming a preferred choice among individuals living in big countries like Canada, United Kingdom and the United States because of lower cost and added convenience and luxury. There are now various treatments available and people can expect to get the highest quality care available anywhere in the world. Some countries, however, are known to be experts in some types of treatment. Here are the different procedures.

About ACLS

ACLS stands for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Surgery or Repair. The procedure aims to reconnect a torn ACL ligament. There are 4 total ligaments that stabilize the knee, and ACL is one of these. Among the four, the ACL is the most commonly damaged. Some individuals choose to have ACLS abroad if they suddenly feel unstableness in their knee while playing sports, after a rehabilitation program or if the problem has long been existent.

The procedure generally takes around 1 to 2 hours. ACLS does not require patients to stay in the hospital. As a medical tourist, you can choose to get back to your hotel right after the procedure and continue to recuperate there. After a few days, you may take tours that do not require a lot of walking or heavy lifting. Patients can go back to their home country 1 to 2 days after the procedure.

About Hip Replacement

Total hip replacement or THR is one of the most common surgeries that patients look for abroad. The procedure involves rebuilding a damaged or deteriorated hip joint for it to return to optimal and functional condition. During the process, an artificial prosthesis can substitute for the damaged joint. A hip replacement is sought after by medical tourists who experience stiffness in their hips, thereby limiting leg movement, have problems with bending and are taking medications that lead to side effects or are not that effective. Patients can expect the surgery to last 1 to 3 hours.

When traveling abroad, you will be advised to take about 1 to 2 weeks off, since you will be staying inside the hospital for 4 to 10 days. Doctors will recommend patients to recuperate for 4 to 7 days before going back to their home country.

About Spinal Infusion

Some medical tourists go to destinations like Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia to undergo spinal infusion. The procedure involves linking two vertebrae to get rid of the friction and extra motion in between. The lumbar spinal fusion can treat various conditions, such as scoliosis, slipped disk, degenerated disk, herniated disk and other injuries. The procedure is done when other types of treatment are not working.

Patients may also undergo the surgery abroad, aside from having other types of spinal surgery. Other techniques may be incorporated based on the condition of the patient and the extent of the damage. Patients can expect the surgery to last 3 to 4 hours. When traveling abroad, you should book for a minimum of 1 week, since you will be hospitalized for 3 to 4 days after the operation. Patients can return to their home country after 5 to 7 days.

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More Countries to Visit for Your Medical Tour

There are about 50 countries you can choose from to get medical treatment. Some of these countries offer the best hospitals and treatments, while others also have very colorful culture and experiences to add. Whatever your choice may be, it is important that you learn more about the country to blend well with the locals and have the vacation of your life. Here are some more nations that decided to become globally competitive in medical tourism.


Thailand is the number one choice of most medical tourists because of its wide range of medical expertise and the several available tourist hotspots all over the country. Medical tourism has significantly grown in Thailand in the past few years. A single hospital in 2005 admitted 150,000 foreign patients. Some of the procedures sought after by patients include cardiac surgery, orthopedic surgery, cosmetic surgery, organ transplant and dental work. Some other procedures include physical therapy, mental treatment and spa.

The cost of health care in Thailand is also very cheap. Expect to pay only 10% to 25% of what you are charged in the United States. Several hospitals also have interpreters so that patients can communicate better with doctors. Most hospitals have English-speaking staff too. Today, several hospitals in the nation are accredited by the International Organization for Standardization and JCI. Traveling to Thailand will expose you to a variety of world class resorts, restaurants and other popular sights and events.

European Choices

Even though Asian and South American countries are the most popular choices, Europe has also grown in medical tourism. There are so many European nations now offering medical tourism packages, such as Germany, Hungary, Malta, Spain, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Portugal, Poland and Lithuana. The Czech Republic primarily focuses on spas and health care that competes with the best in the world.

Germany is another top destination because of its state of the art equipment, very high standards and modern facilities. All citizens have health coverage. Waitlists are also considerably shorter in Germany and cost of treatment is 50% cheaper compared to America. Middle Eastern patients now prefer going to Germany instead of the United States because of the very strict regulations since the September 11, 2001 attack.

New Zealand and Mexico

New Zealand is new to the list of medical tourist hotspots. Several of the hospitals in New Zealand are accredited internationally. The cost of surgery is especially cheaper by around 80% compared to the United States. You also get to enjoy tranquil scenes and a very safe environment when vacationing this side of the world.

Mexico is a popular spot for Americans who live very near the border. The specialty treatments of the country are plastic surgery and dental work. The cost of care in Mexico is only 20% the cost you pay for in America. Medical tourists going to Mexico report that treatment and accommodations are very satisfactory. A lot of foreigners also go to Mexico each year to undergo lap band surgery and bariatric surgery to reduce weight.

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Medical Tourism 101

A lot of people still do not fully understand or know what medical tourism is really all about. Before you go on a trip abroad or decide to go for the cheaper health care rates in other countries, you have to be well-informed about your procedure first and the coverage of your treatment and care. This will significantly minimize the risks and the chances of falling prey to dishonest individuals. You should also know more about the right agencies.

What is Medical Tourism?

Medical tourism describes the process of traveling to other countries to avail of medical, cosmetic or dental care. There are several reasons why people choose to move to other countries to get treated, such as the high cost of getting treatment in first world countries, the long waiting lists before you get treatment, the ease and convenience of modern travel, the added benefit of getting a vacation as you recover, the higher standards of care and modern technology availability in developing nations.

Should I Talk to My Doctor?

Yes. It is vital that you consult your local primary physician first and discuss the details and reasons of why you need to seek medical attention elsewhere. Your primary physician can make a diagnosis and have it validated by the one doing the procedure abroad. It might also be possible for your doctor to give you a list of choices regarding the best countries and medical places to go to. Your local doctor may also be sceptical about the idea, but you can help by providing the right documentation and other evidence that you are only seeking help from internationally accredited hospitals and well-experienced doctors.

Why is health care very expensive in first world countries?

Mainly, the fees in the United States and other big countries are influenced greatly by insurance contracts, administrative fees and labor overhead. The WHO or World Health Organization indicates that labor overhead in the United States is significantly greater compared to third world countries. About 70% of the cost is labor related. Patients who travel abroad can expect to pay only 10% to 40% of the cost they are charged in the States.

What kind of treatments can I receive?

Medical tourism now includes virtually any type of treatment, provided that the institution or hospital has adequate facilities, equipment and staff to supervise and conduct the treatment. Some of the most common procedures done to medical tourists include cosmetic surgery, dental work, eye surgery, heart surgery and organ transplant. Other procedures done include weight reduction surgery, physical therapy, alternative medicine, herbal medicine, psychotherapy, orthopaedics and cancer treatment.

What are the best countries to visit?

There are now around 50 countries all over the globe offering quality medical treatment and world class accommodations. The most popular include Thailand, Hong Kong, Israel, Singapore, New Zealand and Germany. These countries are among the best because they boast of state-of-the-art equipment and facilities, accreditation with the biggest agencies and English-speaking and well-trained staff. There are also several sights, sounds and attractions that lure medical tourists to add to their vacation.

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Spiritual Warfare: Shield And Save Your Faith

When your faith is being attacked by negative forces, what do you do to shield and save it from becoming crushed? Do you know how to approach these factors, such as poverty, tragedy, sickness, and accidents, so that your faith will respond better in the sense that it wouldn’t easily stumble to the ground? A spiritual warfare is very important to counter the bad sides of these forces.

By arming yourself with this warfare, you will be able to respond more responsibly against these negative forces in the way that your faith is not getting pulled down. In the bible, it is always said that there will be many forms of satanic forces that will take advantage of the weaknesses of the people. These forces will come by smallest to biggest form.

Sometimes it would be in the most unnoticeable form that you wouldn’t know you are being attacked unless you have a strong spiritual warfare within you. The devices that these negative forces will use are usually those that cause many of us troubles and without being aware of this fact, we always tend to easily blame God for the problems that come our way.

To attack these devices, a strong faith is always a must. The people were created after the image of God and it is for this reason why the enemy doesn’t like us. And the attacks that this enemy is forcing upon the humankind are so strong that many of us don’t really see them behind those. It is normal for the people to be unconscious of what was really happening at the back of the scenes of their lives.

But then, this is just another attempt of the enemy to hide to the people the fact that they were being misled into the wrong path. Being a part of life though, one has no choice but be ready to shield against the darts thrown upon them. Whether knowledgeable or not, these darts will continue to make people weak until they give in and get fooled by the desires of the enemy.

But God has always been prepared. That is why He has all kinds of words that form the spiritual warfare within us the people. Now, it is up to the people how to use that warfare deep within them so that the enemy would not end up triumphant. The words of God, the faith, and the whole armor that God gave the people will save us from those attacks.

People can never stop the fiery darts from coming, but with the help of those weapons they can be stopped from cursing a lasting effect. Any plans of the enemy will not succeed if by faith, people know how to repel them.

If you have doubt about your own faith, you can just think of the Lord Jesus and how He was able to stand so strong to see what was really happening behind Satan’s power of suggestion. He was always quick to respond against the attacks and repel their effects. He was always armed with spiritual warfare that we, as humans, could use too to avoid getting defeated by the enemy.

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