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The Medical Tourism Hotspots

There are now around 50 countries recognized as medical tourism destinations. If you’re eyeing on vacationing in the Middle East and Asia Pacific, you have to learn more about the country and culture. It is very important that you also research more about the technologies available and the recent updates that each nation and institution has that applies to your specific condition. Here are some guidelines on the hot places and what to look for.

The Middle East

Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Israel are among the hottest countries to visit when going for medical tourism in the Middle East. Israel is quickly becoming a medical tourist hot spot, with over 15,000 visitors entering the country in 2006. In-vitro fertilization is one of the most popular procedures that foreigners go for in Israel. They also wish to view the Dead Sea, plus other historical and biblical landmarks.

Jordan is quickly growing as a medical tourism hotspot. In 2007 alone, over 200,000 visitors went and brought in more than $1 billion in revenue. Most of the foreigners come from Iraq, Sudan and Palestine. Compared to prices of health care in the United States, expect to save as much 75% on treatment. The World Bank rated Jordan 5th worldwide as a medical tourism hotspot.

The UAE or United Arab Emirates has also upgraded a lot of their equipment, facilities and practices to become competitive in the global market. More hospitals are aiming to get accreditation from the biggest agencies to attract more foreigners.

Asia and the Pacific

China is a favorite among medical tourists because of its unique approach to treatment. Chinese hospitals and institutions are widely known for fusing modern medical practices and technology with traditional Chinese medicine and therapeutic techniques. Stem cell treatment is one of the most common procedures that visitors go to China for. China is also very rich in culture, so you get the most out of your vacation by choosing this country.

Hong Kong is another popular medical tourist hub. All 12 private hospitals are accredited by Trent and ensure that patients only get the highest quality and standard of care available. Dual international accreditation is also acquired by the hospitals, with the second being from JCI. Hong Kong hospitals boast of having the latest technologies and equipment to ensure patient safety and well-being.

More Asian Destinations

Taiwan aims to become a big medical tourism center in the years to come. The government has been very active in providing funds and campaigns to help boost and advertise the different programs offered by hospitals and medical institutions. Some of the reasons that visitors go to Taiwan include the low cost of procedures and the many shopping places available. Some of the popular procedures that foreigners usually go for include bone marrow transplant, liver transplant, plastic surgery and joint replacement surgery.

Westerners prefer going to Asia because of its rich culture and cheap costs. You get the advantage of getting great packages and the best in accommodations and transportation. People in Asia are also known to be very warm and hospitable, making the places very ideal for both medical treatment and vacationing.

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Spiritual Inviting The Energy To Create Wealth

We live in an abundant world. The purpose of the abundance is so that we live happy, contented lives. Everyone has the right to it. That is how life is meant to be. It has often been suggested that every day, fourteen trillion dollars exchange hands and yet many of us suffer the lack, bowed down by life in fact. Basically, it all boils down to how we perceive money.

Money is a neutral energy. It has a value attributed by society that is a vehicle for us to exchange for materials needed to live. Spirituality that neglects money matters is ignorant spirituality. Mention spirituality that neglects money matters to people bent already from working all day without getting enough to pay for the basic necessities in life and chances are good for being scorned for hypocrisy.

On the other hand, people who have enough money have greater options to pursue better things to enrich the soul. It is the acquisition of it, whatever the cost like trampling other people down in the process and disregarding everything else is what makes it not spiritually edifying. Money and the meaning it brings are directly proportional to how well you are able to tap into the spiritual energy for creating wealth. This does not mean though that people who are very wealthy are spiritual, far from it. In the same manner, it also does not mean that people who have less money are always less happy. There are general principles, though, that improves the chances of tapping into the spiritual energy that prepares us to acquire wealth.

To Have or Not To Have
This is self-image. Whatever we want happens. All of us have the potential to have or not to have, to be or not to be. We could be a vegetarian, a football fan, a family man, a priest, a star or a eunuch. The choices are endless. No matter, it still boils down to how we perceive things and how we react to them. If we believe in our hearts that we could be a millionaire without the self-doubt, we can. Faith and belief that is certain and with conviction, without inner conflicts ultimately prepares all of us to achieve things that other people could only call luck. Believing in who you are and what you are capable of doing starts the ball of opportunity rolling to your direction. All that is left is your ability to recognize it and act on it.

Everything starts with thoughts. Where you are now, how you have become, your house, your job, your wife, your choices are results of thought processes that you entertained years ago. The freedom to choose is not really freedom if the thought process has limited your choices to only those that you think are impossible. If you think you are the victim, you will act like one. If you think you are the innovator, you will one day find the opportunity to be one. Thinking is power. It directs life to how we should become. It also limits it when we choose to. The first freedom is to choose to free the thoughts from limitations. Then other processes set in. Rene Descartes would not have said it any better “I think therefore I am”.

Words are very powerful. Speech follows whatever we think. When we say something, we declare to ourselves what we want to become and we believe it. Believing is one of the greatest of motivators and so speak something, declare it, be convinced by it. When doubt is not entertained in the mind, actions will follow.

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How to Properly Choose a LapBand Surgeon

If your primary care physician believes you are eligible for LapBand surgery, you may be provided with a referral. Even still, you have the option of selecting your own surgeon. If that is the case or if you are bypassing your primary care doctor and looking for a surgeon, you will want to turn to your local phone book and the internet. These resources can help you find a LapBand surgeon. But, you need to do more than just find a surgeon, you need to choose one.

So, how do you properly choose a LapBand surgeon?

Examine costs. In the Untied States, the LapBand system can costs between $15,000 and $20,000. Since there is an average $5,000 gap, you will want to find a surgeon that has affordable rates. This is particularly true if you are considered a cash patient, as opposed to a patient with insurance coverage. If you need financial assistance, examine doctors that offer flexible payment plans.

Go beyond costs. As previously stated, cost is important. Of course, you want to select a LapBand surgeon that you can afford, but it is important to keep quality in mind. The LapBand surgery is considered a relatively safe procedure, but there are still risks. Those risks are minimized when opting for a trained and qualified surgeon.

Location. In the United States, thousands of bariatric surgeons are qualified to perform the LapBand surgery. This means that you should have a qualified surgeon within a reasonable distance to your home. On average, most patients need to travel less than 2 hours. Do not automatically believe the misconception that you can save money by opting for surgeon in a foreign country, such as Mexico. When including travel expenses, the costs are similar.

Board Certified Surgeon. In the United States, you should opt for a Board Certified Surgeon. These surgeons undergo rigorous testing and must follow strict standards. Not only does this reduce your risk of complications, but it should provide you with comfort and peace of mind.

Long-term care. The LapBand system is not a surgery that is considered a go and run surgery. Band adjustments are common. For that reason, opt for a surgeon that is invested in your long-term care. A great way to determine this aspect is to ask to see before and after pictures of previous patients. If none are available, the doctor may not care what happens to their patients after surgery. This is not a surgeon you want to choose.

Answering questions. Losing weight with the LapBand system involves more than just band insertion. For that reason, you are likely to have many questions. Whether you are curious about the diet restrictions before and after surgery or the surgery itself, get answers to your questions. Your LapBand surgeon should always answer your questions and be confident in their response.

Meets with you. Before undergoing LapBand surgery, you will have an initial consultation appointment. This appointment will determine your eligibility. Next, you will have other consultation appointments and follow-ups. This is to ensure you are adhering to the strict pre-surgery diet. At least one of these appointments should be with your surgeon. Dont let the first time you meet he or she be five minutes before your surgery.

When researching LapBand surgeons in your area to compare, remember that LapBand is considered a specialty. It is common for doctors to perform other bariatric procedures. By searching for a bariatric surgeon, as opposed to a LapBand surgeon, you may find better results.


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How to Find a LapBand Surgeon

The LapBand surgery is a successful and minimally invasive procedure that is rapidly increasing in popularity in the United States. With the LapBand procedure, hospitalization is often less than 24 hours, the band is adjustable, and the procedure is 100% reversible.

If you are severely or morbidly obese with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 40 or higher, if you are between the ages of 18 and 60, and if you have the desire to improve your health, you are the perfect candidate for the LapBand. So, what is next? Find the perfect surgeon.

So, how can find qualified LapBand surgeons?

Medical referrals. If you suffer from obesity, you may have regular checkups with your primary care physician. Mention the LapBand system. Chances are your doctor will agree with your decision to learn more. The next step is to refer you to a qualified LapBand surgeon. Medical referrals are ideal. Your primary care physician has your best interest in mind, meaning they will not refer you to just anyone.

Recommendations from friends and family. As previously stated, the LapBand system is increasing in popularity in the United States. This means that you may know someone who has undergone the procedure. If so, ask for advice. Not only can you learn a lot about the procedure, such as preparation and recovery, but you can also get a personal referral. What surgeon performed their surgery? Were they pleased with the results?

Phone book. Your local phone book is an easy way to find a local LapBand surgeon. By opting for a local surgeon, you can save money on travel time expenses. Turn to the yellow pages of your phone book. Under the heading of surgeons, or physicians, you should find the contact information needed. Unless you find listings specifically outlining the LapBand, contact all surgeons in the area.

Online business directories. If you reside in a small city or town, your local phone book may not produce results. In that instance, turn to the internet, namely online business directories. Online business directories allow you to search for a business based on location, such as a LapBand surgeon in Los Angeles, California. To maximize your search results, eliminate the phrase LapBand and search for a surgeon.

Recommendations online. What is nice about using an online business directory is that most enable ratings and reviews. Use this to your advantage. After all, you are paying up to $20,000 for the LapBand system, so get quality results. Look for surgeons with high ratings. Online messages boards discussing the subject may also contain referrals and personal recommendations.

Standard internet search. In keeping with using the internet, perform a standard internet search. You can do so on Google or Yahoo. Your internet search phrase should include your location and the phrase LapBand. Your results should lead to the online websites of weight loss surgeons in or around the surrounding area. You may also be directed to bariatric surgeon directories, but you will still be provided with the appropriate contact information.

By taking the above mentioned steps, you should be able to find a surgeon who can perform the LapBand procedure. With that said, you need to do more than just find a surgeon. Schedule a consultation appointment. Use this as the opportunity to find a quality surgeon that meets and exceeds your expectations.


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