Healthy Weight Loss Tips

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Is the LapBand System Right for You?

Do you want to lose weight? Have you found that diet and exercise simply just arent enough? If so, you may turn to surgical procedures. These surgeries fall into the category of bariatric surgeries. You do have many options, but the LapBand system is one of the most popular.

As you know, not all individuals are the same. That is why the LapBand, as much as it comes highly rated and recommended, is not for everyone. Your doctor will help you determine if the LapBand surgery is your best course of action. However, before you schedule a consultation appointment, you may wonder if the LapBand surgery is right for you. To determine if so, closely examining requirements.

Before highlighting a few LapBand surgery requirements, it is important to make note of variances. Thousands of surgeons in the United States perform the LapBand surgery. Although each of these surgeons operate under strict guidelines, many have their own restrictions. A few exceptions to the common eligibility requirements, which are outlined below, may be found on a case-by-case basis.

Weight. On average, it is recommended that patients are 100 pounds overweight. This translates into a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 40 or more. According to the Body Mass Index (BMI), this also translates into severe or morbid obesity.

Minor weight related complications. As previously stated, obesity can lead to other health complications. Two examples are diabetes and asthma. When weight loss is achieved, patients suffering from these conditions often see their symptoms disappear. In these instances, a slight adjustment may be made to the above mentioned weight criteria. For example, those who are only 85 pounds overweight, but suffer from diabetes are still ideal candidates for the LapBand system.

Age. Most surgeons operate on criteria that recommends a patient be between the ages of 18 and 60. Those who are young and healthy are able to recovery and experience less compilations from the LapBand surgery. The minimum age of 18 is often selected due to choice. Unless a young child is in danger due to severe obesity, most professionals wait until the child turns 18 and is able to legally make their own health decisions.

Failure of other weight loss alternatives. Many surgeons in the United States perform the LapBand surgery, although most only use it as a last resort. For that reason, it is suggested you try other methods of weight loss. Your doctor may develop a healthy eating and exercise plan for you. If you are unable to see success, LapBand may be next best course of action.

Long running obesity problem. It is not uncommon for a persons weight for balloon from time to time. Depression and lifestyle changes can attribute to a weight gain. You are a better candidate for LapBand surgery if you have been obese for five or more years, as opposed to one year.

Family history of obesity. A family history of obesity does not necessarily guarantee that descendants will be overweight, but it increases the risk. If you have a family history of obesity and have been plagued with it for years, the LapBand surgery may be your best option.

No health complications. Health related complications impact ones eligibility for the LapBand surgery on a number of different levels. For starters, some health complications make individuals ideal candidates for surgery. This is common in the case of diabetes. With weight loss, diabetes disappear, making surgery well worth the risk. On the other hand, those suffering from cancer and women who are pregnant or expected to become pregnant are advised against undergoing the LapBand procedure.

Understanding. Ideal candidates for the LapBand system are between the ages of 18 and 60 and have a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 40 or more. With that said, these qualifications do not automatically make one eligible for the procedure. A clear understanding and commitment is required. The LapBand surgery itself is not what results in weight loss. Surgery combined with dietary changes results in weight loss. If you are unable to restrict your diet, the surgery is not right for you.


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LapBand Surgery: Questions to Ask Your Doctor

If you are interested in undergoing the LapBand surgery, you will need to find a LapBand surgeon. To get started, speak with your primary healthcare professional for a referral or turn to your local phone book or the internet. With that said, you need to do more than just find a LapBand surgeon; you need to choose the best one. For that reason, ask many questions.

So, what questions should you ask your LapBand surgeon?

Am I an ideal candidate? This is the most important question to ask. If you did not receive a direct referral from your primary care physician, do not have your heart set on weight loss surgery. The ideal candidate for surgery is 100 pounds or more overweight, between the ages of 18 and 60, and has the commitment to restrict their diet.

How much does the LapBand surgery cost? On average, the LapBand procedure costs between $15,000 and $20,000. That is quite the average price range. This means that you can find varying rates. Of course, you want to choose a quality surgeon who is Board Certified and who is known to produce results, but why pay more than you have to. In addition to asking about the cost, price compare with other local surgeons.

Do you have a payment plan? Some insurance providers do cover the cost of weight loss surgery, but there are typically many rules and restrictions. If you are uninsured or if coverage is not extended, ask about a payment plan. In this case, it is recommended that you have a good credit rating. If not, at least have enough for a substantial down payment.

Will you perform the LapBand procedure? If you are receiving a consultation at a hospital or large surgical center, you could be speaking to anyone. This is not what you want. You want to have a consultation appointment with the surgeon who will perform your LapBand surgery.

Are you Board Certified? In the United States, a Board Certified Surgeon is recommended. When opting for a certified surgeon, you are given a certain level of peace, comfort, and guarantee. You know the person has undergone strict testing and is qualified to perform the procedure.

How many surgeries have you performed? Not only do you want a Board Certified Surgeon, but you also want one who has experience performing the LapBand procedure. Surgical experience is recommended, but the LapBand is different than other surgeries. So, make sure your surgeon has experience with the LapBand system. Not only is installation experience recommended, but adjustment too.

What is your success ratio? When it comes to success ratio, it is important to ask about complications and weight loss. Your goal of undergoing the LapBand procedure is to lose weight, ensure those before you have done so. Next, examine your risks. How many patient complications or deaths has your surgeon experienced under their care?

Can I see before and after pictures? Before and after pictures will not only give you insight into your weight loss potential, but it may give you comfort and peace of mind. A LapBand surgeon who has before and after pictures of their patients is one who is invested in their long-term success. These are hands you want to place your life in.

Can you speak to past patients? Hearing that a LapBand surgeon has a good rate of no complications and successful weight loss is nice, but best when coming directly from the source. Ask to speak with or meet previous patients. When doing so, ask questions. Did they like the surgeon? Were they pleased with their treatment before, during, and after surgery? Would they extend a recommendation?

The above mentioned questions are just a few of the many you will want to ask during a LapBand consultation appointment, but they are a good start. In the days leading up to your appointment, record any additional questions you think of.


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Discover The Right Weight Loss Support

Something that can make the difference for you when youre trying to shed pounds is finding good weight loss support. This isnt always easy. Often the people closest to us are the least supportive; sometimes they can be downright discouraging. If losing weight is something youve tried to do many times in the past but never managed to succeed, or if you lost weight only to gain it back as so many of us have, then maybe theyve heard you say you were going to do it before. While its not fair that they wouldnt be supportive now, often thats the reason the people closest to us dont get excited about our new efforts.

If you feel the people closest to you might have that discouraging attitude, then consider not even mentioning your efforts to them. You wont get any weight loss support from them if they dont know, but if theyre not likely to be supportive anyway its better to keep it a secret than have to deal with someone discouraging.

Sometimes the people we love sabotage our efforts without meaning to. The husband will start bringing home candy bars when the wife announces her new diet, for instance. When people fear change or worry that a new, slimmer you might make you want them to lose weight or change something about themselves, this saboteur-like behavior can start just when you need weight loss support from them the most. Dont take this personallymost people dont even realize theyre doing it.

If you have friends or family who also need to lose weight but arent currently concerned about it (at least, they dont mention it to you) be careful how much you talk about your own efforts. At best, theyll be happy for you at first but then wonder why you keep bringing it up, at worst theyll feel like your success just points out their own failure in that area. Its one thing to need weight loss support from those we love, but we also have to take into account that everyones human and people will react differently to your efforts and your success.

If all this seems discouraging, take heart! There are two great ways to find weight loss support that pretty much guarantee you wont be unintentionally alienating any family or friends, and you also wont be giving them the opportunity to take the wind out of your sails by unintentionally (or intentionally) being hurtful and discouraging. Look in your local paper for weight loss groups that meet once a week for the purpose of supporting each other. Several that cost a certain amount per week like Weight Watchers exist, as well as meetings that only require a donation like OA or TOPS.

Another great way to meet people on the same journey is through online support groups. This also has the benefit of anonymity, and convenience. An Internet search will lead you to dozens of places where you can find great weight loss support online.

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Two Healthy Eating Facts You Shouldnt Ignore

There are certain healthy eating facts that dont change no matter what kind of a diet you follow, or what kind of lifestyle you have. Whether youre sedentary or active, too much saturated fat isnt good for you. Whether you eat 1600 calories a day or 2500, depending on your activity level, trans fats are unhealthy, for example. And whether youre trying to lose weight quickly or jump start a long-term weight loss program, fasting isnt a good choice for your body.

One of the healthy eating facts that we didnt have to worry about years ago is that trans fats are unhealthy. Some trans fats occur naturally in food, but those arent the same as the man-made trans fats that make up margarine and shortening, and are found in almost every commercially produced baked good you can find. Trans fats are also often included in boxed mixes that you prepare at home, and things like instant cocoa, because of its long shelf-life.

Hydrogenated fats like margarine and shortening became available in 1911. Before then trans fats werent something the average consumer had to worry about. Now, though, hydrogenated oils or trans fats are present in almost every type of food you can think of. The hydrogenation process keeps fats from going rancid for a longer period of time. But the link between hydrogenated oils and heart health is clearits worse for you than saturated fat.

This is one of the healthy eating facts that has prompted the government to step in. Theyve insisted that fast-food restaurants reduce the amount of trans fats in their food. Food manufacturers also have to include the amount of trans fats on their food labels, too. Carefully read food labels so that youre at least aware of what youre eating. Anything that says hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated is a trans fat, and something you want to avoid as much as possible. Eliminate these trans fats from your diet completely if you can.

Another one of the healthy eating facts that not too many people think about is how bad regular soft drinks are for your health. A can of regular soft drink contains about 9 teaspoons of sugar. And how often do you drink more than one soda in a day? Some people drink several sodas per day, preferring soda to beverages like water or tea.

Everyones going to eat sugar in some form, but moderation is called for. And when one soda provides you with 9 teaspoons of sugar, thats pretty much the sugar limit for the daythat we dont need refined sugar at all is one of the most ignored healthy eating facts. But most people have sugar in other forms, too, raising their daily total of sugar intake much higher.

Considering the rising rates of obesity, diabetes and other diet-related illnesses, cutting back on trans fat and soda in our diets is important. These healthy eating facts can make a huge difference in our weight and overall health if we dont ignore them

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