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The Advantages of LapBand Surgery

Are you obese? If so, you may be concerned with your health. Obesity can lead to other health complications, including the early onset of death. For that reason, you may be ready to make the change. If so, you may turn to the internet to research your options. In just a few minutes, you will find the LapBand surgery.

The LapBand surgery is a popular procedure that has been performed in the United States since 2001. Although many Americans opt for this procedure and see success, you may be looking for more proof. What is it that makes the LapBand system better than other gastric bypass surgeries?

1 The LapBand System is Adjustable

Unlike many other forms of bariatric surgery, the LapBand is adjustable. This is very important for tailoring to patient needs. In fact, adjustments are common.

So, what does this mean for you? It means that you and your doctor will work together to decide on the appropriate measurements. This will give you the best chance of weight loss success. With that said, adjustments can be made at anytime. Are you not losing enough weight? Have you lost too much? If so, your band can easily be adjusted to fit your needs.

If that wasnt enough, the LapBand system can be adjusted without surgery. Adjustment is performed with the use of saline and a thin needle. In most cases, adjustments are included in the overall cost of LapBand surgery.

2 The LapBand System is Safe

According to the official website for the LapBand procedure, it is the safest obesity surgery currently available in the United States. It has the lowest mortality rate, as well as the lowest complication rate. This, alone, may give you comfort and peace of mind.

As for why the LapBand is the safest surgery option for those suffering from obesity, it involves the procedure. With the LapBand, there is so stomach pouch cutting and stapling. This reduces the risk of complications, including infection and scarring. Instead, an adjustable gastric band, known as the LapBand, is used to reduce stomach size.

While the LapBand procedure is considered safe and effective, further reduce the risk of complications by opting for a Board Certified Surgeon and by following all doctor recommendations.

3 The LapBand System is Reversible

As previously stated, the LapBand system is adjustable. Not only that, but it is removable. Those suffering from obesity, often find it hard to maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine. With time, knowledge, and a LapBand procedure, weight loss is not only achievable, but it can turn into positive lifestyle change. In a few as five years or more, you may no longer need the band to help your maintain a healthy weight. In that event, it can be removed and your stomach will return to normal.

The LapBand system is a successful and proven way to lose weight. With that said, not everyone is the perfect match. Following surgery, if serious complications arise, the band may be removed. In this instance, the stomach and body return to normal.

4 The LapBand System is Convenient

Of course, no surgical procedure is truly convenient, but you will be pleased with the LapBand surgery. Since an adjustable gastric banding, known as the LapBand, is positioned around the stomach pouch, recovery time is short. You would spend more time in the hospital with a traditional gastric bypass surgery.

Since the recovery time is short, minor disruptions will interfere with your lifestyle. You will need to take a few days off from work. If your job duties include heavy lifting, first speak with your LapBand surgeon. Generally speaking, you will find yourself back at work and performing your day-to-day tasks in no time at all.

So, there you have it. Above four great reasons why the LapBand surgery is the best weight loss surgery available in the United States were highlighted. So, what are you waiting for? Speak to your primary care physician or contact a LapBand surgeon to see if you are eligible for this safe and potentially lifesaving procedure.


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LapBand Surgery: What If Your Doctor Says No

The LapBand is a surgical procedure that has increased in popularity in the United States. It is one of the fastest growing weight loss procedures in the country. Despite its success and popularity, not all individuals are ideal candidates.

While you may find some variances, most surgeons base their decision on common eligibility criteria. This criteria states that those between the ages of 18 and 60 and those 100 pounds overweight are perfect candidates for the LapBand system. Health will also be taken into consideration. Weight exceptions may be made for those with obesity related complications, such as asthma or diabetes.

If you are interested in undergoing the LapBand surgery, your first step is to schedule a consultation appointment with your doctor. This consultation appointment may involve meeting with your family doctor or a referral may lead you to LapBand surgeon. Either way, your consultation appointment will determine whether the LapBand procedure is right for you. But, what if it isnt?

If you arent deemed an ideal candidate for LapBand surgery, you may honestly feel as if you hit a road block. You may feel as if you have exhausted all of your options. Yes, this may be true, but know that you do have many other choices.

Look for another LapBand surgeon. Despite the fact that each LapBand surgeon has eligibility requirements, some are more flexible than others. For example, if you are 85 pounds overweight, but suffer from diabetes, it is possible to find a surgeon who will perform the procedure. This is because most cases of diabetes disappear with weight loss. Some surgeons believe this is worth the risk.

Start eating healthy. Those who suffer from obesity typically have a problem with their diets. This problem tends to involve the consumption of foods that are high in fats and calories. Restricting your diet can result in weight loss. Unfortunately, diet restrictions are not easy. If you opt for this weight loss alternative, it will take a lot of time, trial and error, and patience.

Schedule an appointment with a nutrician. These individuals are knowledgeable on the subjects of food, health, and weight loss. If you have spent years consuming foods that are high in sugar, fat, and calories, you may not know which foods are right for you or how to start the transition to healthy eating. A professional can help you develop the best eating plan to fit your needs.

Start exercising. Diet, when combined with exercise, is the most natural way to lose weight. If you are obese, as opposed to overweight, exercise may be something you want to avoid. You may have unpleasant visions of hours on the treadmill or stares at the gym. The good news is that these visions do not have to become reality. Exercise can be something as simple as parking in the back of the parking lot so that you can walk more. After you start to see a small weight loss and gain confidence, incorporate more extensive workouts into your day.

Examine other weight loss surgeries. The LapBand procedure is just one of the weight loss surgeries performed in the United States. So, you do have other alternatives. Unfortunately, Roux-en Y gastric bypass (RGB) and Biliopancreatic Diversion (extensive gastric bypass) procedures have more risks and complications. This is due to stomach stapling, as opposed to the use of an adjustable LapBand. In most instances, if you are deemed ineligible for the LapBand, you are likely to receive the same response. Of course, it wont hurt to inquire.

Discuss alternatives with your doctor. Once you hear that you are not an ideal candidate for the LapBand system, you may want to run out of the office in frustration. Instead, stay and ask your doctor about alternatives. He or she will likely suggest exercise and diet restrictions, but still ask. Following the recommendations of a professional healthcare provider is the best and safest way to lose weight.


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Posted by: admin | Category: Healthy Choice,Healthy Eating,Healthy Foods,Weight Loss | Comments (1)

LapBand Surgery: Common Risks and Complications

Those who suffer from severe or morbid obesity often opt for the LapBand surgery. With surgery, an adjustable gastric band, known as the LapBand, is used to reduce stomach size. This can assist with weight loss. Although deemed a successful and relatively safe way to lose weight, there are risk and complications.

When researching the LapBand system, you will see safety as an advantage. Yes, this is true. With that said, it is important to remember that the LapBand procedure is a surgery. Although no stomach stapling is involved, like with traditional gastric bypass surgeries, there are still risks. All surgical procedures, no matter how large or small, carry some dangers.

Unfortunately, those who suffer from obesity are more likely to experience surgery related complications. This seems like a lose lose situation. You are obese. After all, that is why you are seeking weight loss surgery. It is important to follow all doctor recommendations and choose a quality and certified surgeon. When you do so, your risks of LapBand complications are drastically reduced.

In terms of complications, most occur in the days or weeks following surgery. One complication or side effect of the LapBand system is regurgitation. This is caused by the blockage of food. Luckily, it is easy to avoid. Take small bites, wait before eating a second bite, eat slowly, chew food, and stop eating when full. These steps can reduce the risk of regurgitation; however, it may be due to surgical complications. If regurgitation occurs, no matter what steps you take, speak to your doctor. Your LapBand may be too tight.

Another complication of LapBand surgery is band slippage. Slippage is rare, but it can occur. In most cases, you will notice pain and discomfort. You may even find it difficult to sallow liquids, let alone eat food. As previously stated, slippage of the LapBand is rare, but contact your doctor immediately if you feel it may be an issue. If not treated, complete obstruction can occur.

Acid reflux is another common side effect of the LapBand system. Acid reflux leads to the production and buildup of acid in the stomach. The most common sign is heartburn. Although many individuals experience bouts of heartburn, including those who havent had surgery, acid reflux should not be ignored. It is a sign that your band may need adjusting.

Although not necessarily considered a dangerous complication, no weight loss is a complication of surgery. It has to do with band positioning. It is common for adjustments to be made following surgery. If you are not experiencing the weight loss anticipated by your surgeon, speak to him or her. An adjustment to the LapBand is needed. Luckily, this should not involve surgery. A thin needed and saline is used for LapBand adjustments.

As previously stated, LapBand adjustments are common. For that reason, they are not technically considered a risk or complication. Each patients weight loss needs vary and changes overtime. For that reason, expect to have your band adjusted. Do not fret when it is suggested.

As a recap, all surgical procedures have some form of risk and complication. With that said, you may take comfort in knowing that many studies have shown the LapBand is a relatively safe weight loss surgery. The risk of morality, minor and major complications is lower than with alternatives.


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LapBand Surgery and Its Alternatives

The LapBand surgery is a weight loss procedure that has increased in popularity in the United States. Those suffering from severe to morbid obesity, turn to the LapBand to lose weight and improve their health. Unfortunately, the LapBand isnt the best option for most. If you need professional help losing weight, it is important to examine all of your options. This includes the LapBand surgery, as well as alternatives.

The LapBand System

As previously stated, the LapBand system has increased in popularity in the United States. This is due to its high success rate, low recovery period, and low risk of complications. With the LapBand system, an adjustable gastric band is just to decrease the size of the stomach. This, in a way, forces patients to eat less, which results in weight loss.

Although the LapBand surgery is known for its low complication rate, complications do occur. Surgeons have a strict set of criteria they use to determine surgery eligibility. Those who are between the ages of 18 and 60 and who are in relatively good health are ideal candidates for the LapBand system. Due to the risks, surgeons prefer to operate on those who are severely obese. This translates into an average Body Mass Index (BMI) rating of 40 or higher. Most importantly is a clear understanding of the surgery and what is expected of the patient.

In terms of expectations, diet restrictions are a must. Due to a smaller stomach pouch, diet restrictions are necessary not only to lose weight, but to reduce post-surgery complications. Eating too much food can result in band slippage, acid reflux, and regurgitation. In the weeks following surgery, patients work through various stages, which include clear liquids, full liquids, pureed foods, soft foods, and solid foods.

Gastric Bypass Surgery

In many instances, gastric bypass surgery is similar to the LapBand procedure. The post surgery diet is similar. Instead of using an adjustable gastric band, stomach cutting and stapling is involved. In the United States, there are two main types of gastric bypass surgery; Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass and Biliopancreatic Diversion.

Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass is the most commonly performed gastric bypass procedure in the United States. The stomach is stapled to create a smaller stomach pouch. Next, the small intestine is rerouted to the pouch. This process allows food to bypass the jejunum and duodenum. Although successful, in terms of weight loss, the rerouting of the small intestine has been known to cause a decrease in nutrient and calorie absorption.

Biliopancreatic Diversion is also known as extensive gastric bypass. This is the most complicated form of weight loss surgery. Unlike the LapBand system and the Roux-en-Y because the stomach is not just reduced in size, but the lower portion is removed. This procedure is not only permanent, but risky. For that reason, it is less common in the Untied States, but still available to select patients.

Diet and Exercise

Those suffering from extreme obesity opt for weight loss procedures. While a healthy lifestyle that includes diet and exercise is needed to see success with all weight loss surgeries, patients always have the option to rely just on it.

Due to risks and complications, not all patients are deemed ideal candidates for weight loss surgery. Those patients are encouraged to lose weight through diet and exercise. Although it will be a long and stressful process, it is a natural and safe way to lose weight. Professional help can come from a personal trainer and nutrition expert.


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