Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Healthy Diet Tips And Much More

Weight Loss – Are You Serious

In today’s stressed-out society, it can be difficult to even think about investing the time to eat properly and exercise. You may be struggling with obesity, but also struggling with finding the time to care for yourself properly. As your blood pressure and cholesterol increase, your doctor may recommend weight loss. However, time constraints can lead you to wonder how you’ll ever find the time to improve your health.

If you’re short on time, but need to lose weight, use these time saving weight loss tips to help you on your way. The pounds will begin to drop off, and your self-esteem will increase.

Drink Water:
Drinking water can be a great way to improve your health. Hydration helps the body to process and shed extra fat and toxins. Flushing the fat out of your body on a regular basis will lead to weight loss. Drink 6-8 glasses of water a day for optimal health. If you struggle with the lack of flavor, try adding a lemon or lime wedge, or one of the new sugar free drink mixes.

Build Exercise Into Your Day:
Take small steps to increase your activity throughout your day. Park your car further from your office. Walk between buildings instead of calling your coworkers. Take a walk on your lunch break. Use the stairs instead of the elevator. Meet your friends for a morning jog. Every little bit helps towards your weight loss goals.

Swap Out High Fat Foods for Lower Fat Options:
This can be a relatively painless way to decrease your calorie count. Swap out your rich ranch dressing for a fat free or low calorie salad dressing. Skip the cheese. Switch to 2% or fat free dairy products.

Avoid Liquid Calories:
Sodas, juices, specialty coffee drinks, and alcoholic beverages can all pack a high calorie punch. Liquid calories dont fill you up the same way food does, so it can be easy to overdo it if you arent careful. Skip the high calorie liquids, and stick with water.

** As a little sidenote on this particular tip, reducing your intake of these liquids, will also help you save money. Now how cool is that.

Try incorporating a few of these tips into your day to see how easy it can be to make healthy choices. Weight loss is a gradual process, and every small step you take towards your goal helps. Even with time constraints, you can make small daily changes to help move you towards your goal weight. You’ll be wearing a smaller size before you know it!

This article is for informational purposes only. It is not medical advice, nor should it be interpreted or substituted as medical advice. Prior to making changes to your physical exercise routine and your diet, you should always consult your personal physician. Better safe than sorry.

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Weight Loss – 6 Tips For Staying Positive

Staying positive throughout the weight loss process can be difficult. A few setbacks and you may be ready to give up. Staying motivated throughout your weight loss journey requires focus on the goal and positive thinking but what do you do when youre feeling less than positive about your efforts?

Use these tips to help you stay positive:

1. List Your Reasons:
List your reasons for choosing to lose weight. Whether it’s for health reasons, or simply to be able to fit into your favorite dress again list it.

Then make several copies of the list, and place them where you’ll be able to see them regularly. Keeping your goals in front of you will help you remember why you’re doing all this in the first place.

2. Never Say Diet:
Don’t use the word diet if you can possibly avoid it. This conjures up images of deprivation, and you end up feeling sorry for yourself. Instead, tell yourself (and others) that youre not on a diet, but that you are trying to make healthier choices.

3. Dont Use the 3 letter “F” Word:
Avoid using the word fat when describing yourself. This includes your thoughts. Thinking about how fat you are and how bad you think you look will only bring you down and stress you out. Stress often equals eating another bag of cookies.

4. Use Positive Adjectives:
Instead, use another adjective that you prefer. Heavy, voluptuous, overweight – these all have nicer connotations than fat and will help you to see yourself in a more positive light.

5. Focus on the Positive:
Think about all the things you like about your body, as well. If you have great hair, for example, focus on that as you attempt to lose weight. This takes the focus off of the body parts you dislike, and helps to get rid of the stress.

6. Find a Role Model:
Instead of focusing on celebrities that are thin, find a celebrity that is larger and attractive, or one that is struggling with weight loss. This allows you to choose a realistic role model.

Positive body image can be difficult to find when you’re struggling to lose weight. Focusing on your positive mental and physical traits will help you to be comfortable in the body you have.

This allows you to work towards better health, instead of simply working to be skinnier. Overall, this is a much healthier approach to weight loss, and will help you stay positive throughout the process.

This article is for informational purposes only. It is not medical advice, nor should it be interpreted or substituted as medical advice. Prior to making changes to your physical exercise routine and your diet, you should always consult your personal physician. Better safe than sorry.

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Ultimate Weight Training Exercises – For Tonning Muscle

You’ve been dieting. You’ve been doing your cardio workouts. You’ve been good, but for some reason, you’re still not happy with the way you look. You’re at or near your target weight, but you still dont look like that picture of that guy on the wall at the gym.

Now you need to start your ultimate weight training exercises. The exercises that use weights, which target specific muscle groups, toning and building the muscle you have.

Be aware, however, this is not targeting specific fat spots on your body. Spot reduction doesn’t work. Dieting and aerobic exercise should have already reduced the amount of fat in your body. The goal here is to tone the muscles that are there. Here are some trouble areas you can target and the way to do it; safely and easily.

* Arms: Stand up straight with your feet about shoulder width apart. Grab something that weighs bout five pounds (a bag of flour in a shopping bag works well). Start with your arms above your head, weight (or bag of flour) behind your head and slowly lift up until your arms are straight up and down. This works your triceps and helps to get rid of that ‘granny flab’ between your elbow and shoulder.

* Butt and legs: Again, start with your feet slightly more than shoulder width apart. Keep your back straight and bend your knees until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Hold this position for a few seconds if you can and rise back up slowly.

This exercise works and tightens your butt and hamstring muscles (the muscles running down the back of your legs to your knees). If you continue the squat all the way down to the ground, you can target your quadriceps (the front of your thighs).

* Love handles: Now you’ve heard of crunches, sit ups, and a hundred other exercises for abdominal muscles. You’ve probably also heard that they are useless. They are; at least for losing weight.

The most effective exercise you can do for toning your abs is total body resistance training. Included in this is walking or running up hills, or some kinds of machines at a health club or gym.

The key to toning muscles is not heavy weights, but rather lower weight with a higher number of repetitions. It will do you more good to lift five or ten pounds 25 times than if you lifted 250 pounds once.

There are even programs out there that show you how to lift weights quickly to raise your heart rate and get some fat reduction as well as muscle toning. It is not easy, no matter what anyone tells you. Losing weight and shaping your body is possible, but you really need to be committed to a goal. Don’t give up! You CAN make it!

This article is for informational purposes only. It is not medical advice and should not be used or interpreted as such. You should always consult a medical professional before making drastic changes to your diet and physical exercise.

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Ultimate Fat Burning Exercises

If you are interested in losing weight and burning fat, a diet program alone may not suit your needs. The best way to burn fat is to exercise; aerobic exercise, specifically. Aerobic exercise draws on the body’s fat stores for energy – the more cardio you do, the more fat you’ll burn.

Try these aerobic exercises for great fat burning results:

1. Running – Running is an excellent fat burner. Getting started with a running program is relatively easy – get a good pair of shoes and you’re ready to begin. Ease into a running program gradually; to avoid damage to joints.

2. Walking – If you’re not quite up to a running program, a 30 minute daily walk can also do wonders for fat loss. Take the time to add a walk each day in the morning or after dinner to burn fat steadily.

3. Dancing – Dancing can be a great way to burn fat and enjoy yourself at the same time. Choose a fun, upbeat dance style to burn the most fat possible.

4. Swimming – If you have issue with joint pain or other medical problems that make exercise uncomfortable, swimming is a great option. Since it’s a non-weight bearing exercise; it’s easy on your muscles and joints.

5. Cycling – Bicycling is a good way to get exercise and enjoy the scenery at the same time. If you enjoy the outdoors, bicycling on a trail or mountain road could be a great way to burn excess fat.

6. Exercise Classes – If you’re a social person, check out your local gym or fitness club to see what exercise classes are offered. Burn fat and enjoy meeting new friends at the same time – a great combination!

7. Aerobic Weight Training – This special type of exercise class offers heart pumping cardio and light weight training combined. If your gym offers it, take advantage of this double fat burning workout burn fat and add muscle at the same time!

A healthy diet combined with 30 minutes of one of these fat burning exercises is a great way to encourage weight loss. Your heart will also thank you, as aerobic exercise has definite cardiovascular benefits. Exercise and healthy eating will strip pounds off your frame and add years to your life.

Take the time to try some of these fat burning exercises today, and find one that fits into your lifestyle and you enjoy. If exercise is enjoyable, you’re far more likely to stick with a program. Experiment with your own exercise program today.

This article is for informational purposes only. It is not medical advice and should not be used or interpreted as such. You should always consult a medical professional before making drastic changes to your diet and physical exercise.

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