Healthy Weight Loss Tips

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Can You Really Lose Weight With The Wu Yi Diet

Can You Really Lose Weight With The Wu Yi Diet

I have to be honest, I had never heard of Wu Yi tea, much less a Wu Yi diet. Perhaps you have already heard of it, but if you haven’t then all you need to know to get up to speed is that Wu Yi is a blend of black and green tea. This blend is quite tasty and gives you the positive effects of the green tea with the familiarity of black tea (there are also some people who favorably compare the taste to coffee). When you drink Wu Yi, you don’t have to worry about the added sugar and fat found in other beverages like frappuccino, double mocha or hot chocolate; all of which add extra calories.

Wu Yi tea has actually been quite popular for a number of years, with many people swearing by the way a Wu Yi diet has taken off their extra pounds. Of course, there are also those who say that tea is over-rated and that anybody who tries to sell it as a weight loss elixir must be scamming people. Now, everybody is entitled to their opinion, and I’m not here to convince the naysayers. However, it is unfortunate that all of this conflicting information has only served to confuse the very people who could benefit the most from a Wu Yi diet.

The best way to clear up any confusion is to start with some basic information. Wu Yi tea is loaded with polyphenols which are compounds that aid in losing weight. It works by speeding up metabolism and that means more calories are burned. This is one of the main reasons why Wu Yi is so effective for weight loss. Additionally, the diet doesn’t require you to pop pills or starve yourself.

As with any other diet, there are pros and cons. Here are some you should be aware of:


– It’s easy. Simply eat sensibly and drink a few cups of Wu Yi tea each day.
– You get all of the health benefits of both green and black tea.
– Low cost. There is no need to get a prescription for medication, no need for costly surgical procedures, and you don’t have to buy expensive nutritional supplements.
– Health benefits. Green tea has an astounding array of health benefits, including lowering the risk of cancer, cleansing the liver, and aiding digestion (to name only a few).
– Good alternative for coffee drinkers that want to reduce how much caffeine they take in, but still want a bit of a boost.
– Free of fat, carbohydrates and calories.


– It still contains some caffeine, so those who are overly sensitive to it may not be able to try the Wu Yi diet.
– Even though some evidence suggests it may help reduce blood pressure, anybody with hypertension or heart concerns should talk to their doctor to make sure they can drink Wu Yi tea. In fact, it’s always a good idea for anybody to check with their doctor before starting a new diet, even if it’s as safe and effective as the Wu Yi diet.

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Body Contouring For Weight Loss

Well, you did it. You lost the weight but now you find you have all this excess skin hanging all over the place. So what do you do? You talk to a reputable plastic surgeon about body contouring. Your doctor will tell you that if you are at your target weight and still have sagging skin that you probably can go no further without help from them. And they are right, no matter what you do from here on out will do nothing to help reduce the sagging skin.

Body contouring surgery is major surgery so do not enter into the decision lightly. Do your due diligence and research what you need to have done so you have the knowledge and can, with the help of your doctor, make an informed decision regarding how you wish your body to look.

There are several different techniques used to accomplish the specific looks you want. One of these techniques is ‘fat transfer’. What this technique consists of is removing fat from certain areas like your hips, thighs, and belly and injecting it into your buttocks. So basically you get the best of both worlds, nice slim hips, thighs or belly and lots of junk in your trunk to boot.

You could research using implants to improve how you look. Places can be implanted that you may not even think of. Did you know that you can get chin and cheek implants? Yup. Implants are not just for breasts anymore. Chin, cheeks, butt, calves, breasts for women or pecs for men. Yes I said men. Plastic surgery is not just for women either, guys, we know you want to look good, too.

So go ahead and call to make that appointment with a qualified, reputable plastic surgeon and with their help, figure out what you want to make yourself look and feel like you have never looked and felt before.

If cellulite is your biggest problem and you just can’t seem to find a solution to the problem, then maybe talking to a plastic surgeon is the next step you should take. When talking to your surgeon, they may recommend a procedure called Thermage. Done on an outpatient basis and completed in about an hour, Thermage heats the collagen in the skin and when the collagen contracts the skin tightens and reduces the appearance of cellulite.

You could opt for the old standby, liposuction. Liposuction quickly and easily removes unwanted fat from beneath the skin and the skin is then stretched over the area to make things look tight and toned. This is a more involved technique and does require a significant recovery period but when all is said and done you will look younger and more fit than you did before.

The younger and more fit you look then the younger and more fit you feel. The biggest part of being healthy is to look and feel healthy. Body contouring is one great way to look and feel your best.

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Best Way To Lose Weight – What It Isnt

Well, it’s not sexy, or easy, but if you really want to know what the best way to lose weight is, I’ll tell you. Maybe first I should tell you what it is not.

1. It’s not about taking a pill or two and calling it a day.

2. It’s not about buying that cool piece of exercise equipment that you saw on late night t.v.

3. It’s not about getting involved in a fad diet.

4. It’s not about doing a cleanse or fasting for a week.

The truth is, that on their own none of these things are bad. Many of them might actually help you in your weight loss efforts. The danger comes in when people think that one of these things is all they need to do.

For example, starting your weight loss efforts off by doing a cleanse is not a bad idea. It can flush a lot of excess water weight and toxins from your body. It can help you see an almost immediate weight loss which will, hopefully, spur you on and help you stay motivated.

But, it’s vitally important that you realize that this is just step one, not the do all end all of your diet plans.

You will ultimately need to find balance in your life if you want to see permanent weight loss. To do that you will need to incorporate not only a healthy, balanced eating plan but also a well thought out exercise plan.

That is where a lot of people lose their way. They get sold on the idea of a quick fix, a fast solution, and when it comes to weight loss there is no such thing. There are a few things that may jump start your weight loss, like the cleanse I talked about above, but real, permanent weight loss means you are ridding your body of excess fat, and not just water, and the cleanse I talked about above won’t do that.

So, you may be wondering, what is a healthy reasonable diet plan? Well, it’s about balance. It’s about having plenty of fruits and vegetables, lean protein, small amounts of fats and carbs, and proper portion size.

It’s about eating enough, and often enough, so that your body stays fired up and burning hot all day long. It’s also about getting enough water so your body is hydrated and you keep it clear of toxin buildup.

It’s about finding the foods that will supply the nutrients your body needs as well as provide you with the taste and flavor you need. Otherwise you won’t want to stick with this eating plan for very long. Remember, this is all about achieving permanent weight loss through permanent lifestyle changes.

And, one more thing, it’s about keeping your body moving with physical activity. Find some sort of workout that you enjoy and do it. Make sure you lift weights as part of your workout because that one simple thing can do more than any other aspect of your exercise program to burn more fat and calories 24/7.

Hope this has helped, the best way to lose weight is to find a eating plan and a workout plan that are balanced and healthy and just stick with them. That’s it, not sexy I know, but effective.

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Addicted To Food – Yep You

Being addicted to alcohol, drugs or gambling is tough, but at least you don’t need those things to stay alive. But can you imagine being addicted to food? The very thing you are trying to stop being addicted to is the very thing you need to survive. Having such an addiction would have to be incredibly frustrating, not to mention hard to get over.

But is it really possible to have such an addiction? According to researchers it is. One they have tested this is by scanning the brains of people that were addicted to food. They then had them think about food. So, what did they find? They found that these thoughts activated the same parts of the brain as an alcoholic or drug addict when they thought about drinking and drugs.

Another finding was that people who were addicted to food share something else with other addicts. That was having fewer dopamine receptors (dopamine is familiarly known as the “feel good hormone”). Because they have fewer receptors, it is believed that addicts need to seek that good feeling from outside sources just to feel as good as “normal” people.

When people overeat, the brain makes food addicts experience a deeper pleasure from their eating by making them less aware of the other parts of their body. To make matters even worse, they can experience many of the same withdrawal symptoms as drug addicts. Symptoms like moodiness, irritability, depression and anger, to name a few.

But…again, we need food to stay alive, so can food addiction be controlled? It can, but it will take commitment. Here are a few things you can do if you’re addicted to food:

Think when you eat. Pay attention to the food as you eat it. This will keep you from eating mindlessly, and that will help you control the problem. Also, switching your focus from filling your stomach until you can’t eat anymore to focusing on the enjoyment of the food; savoring it. You will naturally slow down and be more aware of what you’re eating.

Write it down. Just keeping track of everything you eat will help to ease your addiction. You don’t have to share this journal with anybody, unless you choose to. That means you can feel safe writing everything down. You may be shocked at just what you’re eating and how much, but sometimes we need a jolt to get on the road to recovery.

Get help. You can get help from a counselor, your personal doctor, or a support group…or all three if you need to. Each one can help you in their own way. The main thing to remember is that you don’t have to struggle with being addicted to food alone.

Avoid your triggers. If there are certain foods that make you lose control, then avoiding them will help prevent the problem. In other words, it will be much easier to handle temptation if you are not tempted to begin with.

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