Healthy Weight Loss Tips

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Common mistakes on the pH miracle diet

The pH miracle diet is an exciting new way for people to take control of their health. By lowering your dependence on acid producing foods and raising your intake of alkali foods you can attain optimum health. The pH scale is from 1 to 14 , 1 being very acidic and 14 being very alkaline. The blood in the human bloodstream tends to run slightly alkaline at 7.35. All foods, beverages and in fact everything we put into our bodies will breakdown into acid or alkali. The body will store and eliminate excess amounts of these things respectively. An excess amount of acid stored in the body will cause the blood to cluster in the bloodstream, causing fatigue and trauma to the body on the cellular level. When there is so much shutdown going on in the body, the immune system will be lowered allowing disease and illness to enter. By keeping the balance of the pH level in the body at 7.35 you can ensure good health. Eating more alkaline foods and avoiding overly acidic foods a proper balance can be maintained. Researching which foods are alkalizing and which ones are acidifying will give you the power to make informed choices. Knowing where you are on the pH scale will determine what changes you need to implement into your daily routine. The monitoring of this balance can be achieved through the regular use of pH saliva test strips. With so much riding on proper technique and form, the level of personal accountability can be rather high for the first time dieter, especially if they are used to other diets that dont require as much responsibility as the pH diet. This can be a daunting task for many starting out on the pH miracle diet. Here are two common mistakes and their solutions.

Trying to add too much alkaline into the system is a common pitfall many overly enthusiastic dieters fall into. The purpose of the pH miracle diet is to create a permanent way of living for you stressing the idea of balance. Many dieters want to solve the problem with a quick fix submerging them into an all alkali intake. This is going overboard with supplements and beverages promising to raise their alkaline levels to unhealthy levels. As stated earlier about too much acid in your bloodstream being unhealthy for you, so too can an overabundance of alkali. Many people focus on the claim that cancer cannot survive in an alkaline environment, which is true, but nothing in the human body can survive very long in a purely alkali environment. Yes, it is true, too man alkalis can kill you. The key to life is everything in moderation and the pH diet is no exception. Acids and alkalis are meant to work in concert together. Acids serve your body and play a function in the breaking down of digested material. The stomach is an acid holding tank that converts food into energy. Alkaline waits in the intestinal tract for this newly energized material still hot with acidity and neutralizes it as the material is metabolized, absorbed and sent into the bloodstream. By keeping this harmonious partnership in synch you assure that your bodys pH levels stay within the optimum range.

Many people who start out dont take enough time to look for complete listings of the pH levels of the foods they eat. There are many lists available online and in various books that offer food lists that break the groups down into acids and alkalis. Making sure to choose a comprehensive list will guarantee whole nutrition. A list that includes supplements, herbs, spices, and condiments is the most desirable. You want the most complete list possible including those foods which are neutral. Paying attention to how many foods are being ingested from the acid and alkali sides is a great way to ensure proper balance in the diet.

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Healthy Ways To Lose Weight

Looking for healthy ways to lose weight? Well, if so, you have to look no further than your own cupboards, refrigerator or sidewalk. All you need is a combination of diet (eating the right things, not starving yourself) and exercise.

I know that today we are all being sold on the idea that we can get whatever we want quickly and easily. And that is not always the truth. It depends on what you really want to accomplish; how much weight you need to lose and how much time (and effort) you are willing to invest in the process.

The first thing you should do is talk to your doctor and find out what they recommend. Only they will know your unique health issues, if any, and should be able to advise you on your options.

It may not be sexy and it may sound hard and intimidating, but there are healthy ways to lose weight and it has nothing to do with popping pills or buying the latest workout DVD or gizmo.

You can go go at it with as much vigor as you want. As quickly or as slowly as you want. It takes time to lose weight and get in better shape, but you can make major changes to your daily routine or you can start with some small changes, one at a time, and go from there.

One thing that I have recently found out is that some people don’t eat enough. Yep, that’s right, you heard me, they don’t eat enough. They don’t eat often enough and they eat too much processed foods and not enough foods that are good for them.

When I started eating six small, healthy meals a day I lost weight. Six pounds in one week to be exact. I was just providing my body with what it needed to give me the best results.

By eating too little or eating too much food with minimal nutritional value, I was making it harder to lose weight. When I kept my body fed throughout the day I was encouraging my metabolism to burn hot all day… that is why I lost weight.

I actually ate my way to weight loss! Cool, huh. Not only was it easy, it was also fast. And it was healthy. I was just giving my body what it needed. How can you go wrong with something like that?

Look, I know it may sound hard and it may not sound very sexy, but the truth is that getting in shape and losing weight can go a long way to helping you improve the quality of your life. You can live longer and live better if you are in good health.

The best healthy ways to lose weight are to ask your doctor for ideas and what limitations you may have, eat a well balanced diet with few processed foods and a lot of fresh, natural foods, drink plenty of water get plenty of sleep and get more exercise.

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Best Way To Lose Weight

The best way to lose weight can vary from one person to another to some degree, but there are some common denominators that will work for everyone.

The basic idea is to take in fewer calories than you burn. It sounds pretty easy, doesn’t it? And the truth is that it is not that difficult to do but you do need to know how to do it.

Of course, if you have any health issues you should always talk to your doctor before you start any diet or exercise plan. It’s a good idea, and will usually improve your health, to lose weight and get in shape, but that doesn’t mean it is without risk if your health is already compromised.

The best way to lose weight is to identify where you can start making some simple changes in your daily life. Instead of trying to make huge changes all at once, why not target one small change at a time instead?

By doing this it will be easier to make these changes permanent. So, what is the one biggest problem you have with your diet? Do you drink too much soda or put too much cream and sugar in your coffee?

If that’s the problem, why not just cut back on how much you drink everyday? Something so simple can make a difference. Will it make all the difference and help you lose all the weight you want to lose? Maybe not, but weight loss should never be thought of as a short term, or temporary fix.

Instead you should think of all these changes as just one piece of the weight loss puzzle. By making one small change at a time you can get where you want to be but it will take some time.

You can use this same, one small step at a time, approach with your exercise too. Instead of trying to go hardcore at the gym you can just add a little exercise to your daily routine.

Most everyone will have an easier time of sticking with some small, simple changes than doing a major overhaul in their life. If you stick with it, you will get the changes you want and you will be able to maintain the weight loss for the rest of your life.

Also, make sure you drink plenty of water and get plenty of sleep. By keeping your body hydrated you are allowing your metabolism to work at it’s best. You can also flush a lot of toxins out of your system if you continually drink a lot of water.

For most people, it is recommended you drink half of your body weight in ounces of water every day.

Ultimately only you can decide what the best way to lose weight will be for you. Everyone is different and everyone has their own traits that will make one path easier than another. But these tips may give you some place to start with your fitness efforts.

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Obesity Can Cause Heart Disease And Stroke

Obesity is on the rise and the number of people with too much body fat is higher than ever. A human body consists of fat, water, carbohydrates, protein, vitamins and minerals. When the amount of fat is too high then you are at higher risk of serious medical problems like heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes.

When you have excess fat in your body it raises your cholesterol and triglyceride levels. It can also raise your blood pressure and increase your risk of diabetes. The risk of heart disease is significantly higher when you are obese. In fact a person that is obese may have double the risk of having a major heart attack or a stroke.

When a person consumes more calories than they burn then those calories turn into stored fat. This causes a person to become overweight and may lead to obesity. When there is too many calories consumed that contain a lot of cholesterol and saturated fats the cholesterol levels in the blood increase. This increase of cholesterol will increase the risk of heart disease.

How do you know if you are obese?

Body fat is measure by both body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference. If your waistline is more than 35 inches for women and more than 40 inches for men then you are at a high risk of becoming obese.

The BMI is the body weight in comparison to the persons height. This is calculated by taking the body weight (in pounds) and dividing it by the height (in inches) squared then multiply this by 703.

Here are the levels of body mass index calculations:

18.5 or less is considered as being underweight

18.5 to 24.9 is considered a healthy weight range

25.0 to 29.9 is considered as being overweight

30.0 or higher is considered as being obese

40.0 or higher is considered as extreme obesity.

How to reduce or prevent obesity:

1. Add some exercise into your daily routine, even if you start out with something simple such as walking for 30 minutes a day. If you can’t exercise every day then try to exercise at least three to four times a week.

2. Reduce the amount of time you spend doing activities sitting down, such as watching TV or time on the computer.

3. Make fitter choices, such as taking the stairs instead of the lift.

4. Eat a healthy, nutritious diet that is low in fat. Include lots of fruit and vegetables in your diet.

5. Reduce the amount of food consumed each day by making your proportions smaller.

It is easiest to prevent obesity but if you are already obese it isn’t too late to get back to a healthy weight range. To live longer and have a healthier and more active life, try the above tips to get yourself to a healthy weight and stay at a healthy weight. Having a healthy weight range is the best choice for avoiding those serious conditions, such as heart disease and stroke, which you are at higher risk at by being overweight.

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