Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Healthy Diet Tips And Much More

Find Your Best Way To Loose Weight

How do you find the best way to loose weight for you and your body? While calories are the ultimate test of whether youll lose weighteat fewer, burn morethe same method of cutting calories doesnt work for everyone. Chances are that if you ate the exact same diet as someone else and did the same amount of exercise, youd both lose weight. Though, you wouldnt lose weight at the exact same rate, for various reasons. But unless youre going to have your meals served to you in exact portions each day and be prompted to do your exercises, the plan has to be a natural fit for you to stick with it.

The best way to loose weight for 5000 other people might not be the best for you. Even if its the healthiest plan on the planet, it might not be right for you. Because even the most wonderful diet plan ever created wont work if you dont stick with it. And if its not right for you, no matter what the reason, then you shouldnt try to keep following the plan.

Some diet and even exercise plans are obviously not the best way to loose weight and you know it right in the beginning. If you dont like olives, for instance, a diet that hinges on eating olives isnt right for you, no matter how popular it is with other people or how many pounds theyve lost. A diet that severely restricts meat and poultry might be very healthy and easy to lose weight on, but it does you little good if you dont follow it and sneak in some meat anyway.

Finding the best way to loose weight isnt always easy. Sometimes you have to try several different plans and methods of eating before you hit on one that feels natural. Youll want to aim for a way of eating that you think you can reasonably stick with forever. So fad diets and crash diets are out automatically. You cant eat soup for the rest of your life with nothing else. And you just wont want to fast 2 days a week every week for forever! Choose a plan that you feel you can live with for the long run.

Sometimes the best way to loose weight as far as your diet goes isnt that difficult to find. But finding the best exercise to help speed your weight loss and improve your health is a little harder to find. Running is one of the best cardiovascular exercises around, and many people whove lost a lot of weight and kept it off swear by its fat-burning abilities. But if you hate to run, you have bad knees, or some other reason why its not the perfect exercise for you, then clearly its not the best way to workout.

Listen to your body and watch the scale carefully as you experiment with diets and exercise plans. When youre losing weight steadily and feeling good, youve found your best way to loose weight.

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Healthy eating for a healthy body

Healthy eating for a healthy body
Zaak OConan

Healthy eating means many things to many people, and everyone has different goals for the perfect diet. The key to following a healthy diet is to find a diet you can stick with for the rest of your life. A diet should not be simply a temporary change in the way you life, eat and exercise. Rather, it should be a permanent change that you can live with day in and day out, year in and year out.

For some people, a healthy diet can be as simple as increasing the amount of fruits and vegetables in the daily diet. For others, a radical change, involving strict control of fat and cholesterol, may be required.

Of course what is needed will depend on the goal of each individual. The serious runner in search of greater conditioning will of course have different goals than the couch potato who is concerned about the possibility of heart disease.

Even though every person will different goals when it comes to healthy eating, the basic tenets of healthy eating are the same. The most important thing is to eat a good variety of foods, while eating less of the bad stuff and more of the good.

That may sound like an oversimplification, but it really is that easy. Putting that simple concept into proactive, however, is the hard part. Everyone wants to eat healthier, but there are so many temptations in today’s world that healthy eating can be very difficult. The key is to make healthy choices as appealing as unhealthy ones.

One way to make healthy foods appealing is buying a wide variety of exotic fruits at the local supermarket. There are probably varieties of fruits and vegetables at your local grocery store that you never even heard of before. Why not make your next trip to the grocery store an adventure by sampling these exotic offerings?

Experimenting with new recipes is another great way to bring excitement and adventure to healthy eating. A quick perusal of your favorite low fat or healthy eating cookbook will likely present you with many fun and exciting recipes to try. Often a new cookbook, or a couple of new recipes are all it takes to spur a healthier lifestyle.

It is also important to know that eating healthier does not necessarily mean making a radical change. There are very simple things you can do, such as cutting the skin off your chicken breast, or trimming the fat from your favorite steak, that can result in significant fat reductions and health improvements. Dieters should not overlook the importance of these small changes when seeking a healthier diet.

Other examples of small changes resulting in healthier eating include:

– Replacing whole milk with skim or 2%, both in recipes and for drinking
– Snacking on sorbet or low fat frozen yogurt instead of premium ice cream
– Spraying pans with nonfat cooking spray instead of using butter or margarine
– Replacing high fat cuts of meat with leaner ones
– Eating more low fat fish and less red meat
– Using egg substitutes, the kind made from egg whites, in recipes, meals and baking

There are probably hundreds of other such tips, and they can add up to significant health improvements, whether your goal is to get fit, lose weight or improve your level of health. No matter who you are or what your current level of fitness, eating a healthier diet and losing weight may be easier than you think.

In the end, eating a healthy diet, improving your level of fitness, and managing your consumption of fat and cholesterol boils down to common sense. Depriving yourself of your favorite foods can be counterproductive to a long term dietary change. Deprivation leads inevitably to cravings, and that can start a vicious cycle of dieting and splurging.

It is best to think of healthy eating as a marathon rather than a sprint. The goal of any healthy eating program should be to make easy, lifelong changes in the way you shop, cook and dine. Only by making changes that you can follow for a lifetime will you truly be able to enjoy a healthy diet.
About the Author

Zaak O’Conan discovers and presents useful information on how to enhance and/or repair your life, body and relationships. You’ll find his other articles on eating better and other ways how to improve your life at

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Eat Healthy for Life

Eat Healthy for Life
J Bowler

Lets not talk about diets. Diets are punishment like being
sent to bed without dinner. Diets take some of the fun out of
living. Many diets or supplements are harmful to your health
or even dangerous, if you have certain risk factors.

Forget any past diet failures and push aside any guilt or shame
you harbor about your weight. Its time to look forward; not
back. You have the whole future in front of you to get better
every day. It’s time to eat healthy.

This is not a short term fix. Isnt your health more important
than your weight? Lets be sensible and talk about eating healthy
for life.

Dont get me wrong diets do help many people lose weight for
a time. Almost any restrictive diet can give one a jump start
on weight loss; and many people are so encouraged by the rapid
weight loss that they are motivated to stay on the diet.

Studies have shown that the only diets that work are the ones
you stick to. That why the majority of people who successfully
lose weight on a restrictive diet run into trouble when they
move to the maintenance phase. So again I say, you need a plan
to eat healthy for life.

As with most things in life, theres no ONE solution that
suits everyone. When choosing to eat healthy, a plan for the
rest of your life, you want to find one that YOU can live

If your choice of plan starts with an initial (less than
nutritious) restrictive phase, consider what supplements you ought
to take during that phase. Also be sure that the maintenance part
of the program meets generally accepted nutritional guidelines or
that you can make it do so with minor adjustments or
supplementation. You definitely need to think long term when
choosing to eat healthy.

What Weve Known All Along

With all the diet programs, books, ads and fads these days, its
easy to lose sight of some really basic facts of some very
convincing long term health studies that can guide us to healthier

1.Calories In vs. Calories Expended

The human body is a marvelous machine. It can be pushed to great
lengths, like pre-exam all-nighters, or to perform amazing feats,
like running marathons or scaling mountains. But it is a machine.
It needs to be cared for and properly maintained.

The more it is abused or pushed to the max, the greater the chance
that parts will break down prematurely or beyond natures ability to
repair them. Like any machine, it needs fuel to operate. Give it
improper or insufficient fuel and it wont run as well, if at all.
Give it too much fuel and that will gum up the works. Now heres
where the analogy breaks down.

With a man made machine, excess fuel simply overflows and makes a
big mess. Unfortunately, the human machine has the amazing capacity
to create unlimited new storage tanks for excess fuel even to the
point of death. Further, once that excess fuel is stored, it is
difficult to dislodge but not impossible. Thats the
Calories In part of the equation.

The fuel you take in is burned by every single movement you make:
breathing smiling, kissing, walking, dancing, chewing and even
digesting your food. The more you move, the more fuel (calories) you

The part of your body that has the ability to move other parts is
muscle. Ergo the more muscles you have and the more you use them, the
more calories you burn. In fact, every ounce of muscle you add
increases your basal metabolism the rate at which your body burns

One pound of fat contains 3500 calories. If you cut 250 calories from
your daily diet and burn another 250 calories with exercise, you
can lose one pound in a week!

The most efficient way to eat healthy operates on both sides of the
equation. Monitor your fuel intake of course; but just as importantly,
get moving to burn that fuel. And better yet, build new muscle to boost
your metabolism the rate at which YOUR body burns fuel. This
way youll burn more calories every hour of every day for the rest of
your life.

2.Secrets of the Worlds Healthiest Populations

Global epidemiological studies have identified some unusually healthy
populations and linked their health to diets that differ in significant
ways from the typical Western diet.

Japan, which has some of the world’s lowest rates of obesity, heart
disease, cancer and diabetes has a diet which is very rich in
carbohydrates. The Japanese enjoy rice, vegetables, beans, and fruits
at most meals.

They have a diet that is very low in saturated fat and red meats, but
high in fish which contain protective omega-3 fatty acids.

Other recent and very interesting studies lead to more healthful eating
tips. The Mediterranean food pyramid is based on research showing low
rates of heart and other chronic disease in certain countries bordering
the Mediterranean Sea compared to the West.

Research has isolated key dietary habits that are believed to account for
the difference. (Monounsaturated) olive oil is the preferred fat and
fat consumption (at 40% of total calories) exceeds the American Heart
Associations recommended max of 30%.

Whole grains and pastas form the base of the pyramid, so this is not a
low carb eating style.

The choice of proteins in order of preference is cheese and yogurt, fish,
poultry, eggs and (last and least) red meat. Further, proteins are grouped
at the top of the pyramid so they account for only about 15% of daily
caloric intake.

Its also important to note that the Mediterranean lifestyle incorporates
more natural physical activity as distinct from the Western variety of
mandatory exercise. You know, the I just gotta get to the gym today
or I have to miss my weekly tennis game Saturday. Now what can I do?!

If youre interested in following any low carb plan, limit the time you
follow the restrictive phase and take the information above into account
when you plan your maintenance program.

3.Health Risks of Long Term Restrictive Diets

In choosing to eat healthy for life, be sure to consider well-founded
dietary advice such as recommended by the American Cancer Society for
optimal cancer prevention:

Eat five or more (optimally nine) servings of fruits and vegetables
daily; include fruits and vegetables at every meal and for snacks.
Aside from the fact that many fruits and vegetables are good diet food
because they have low calorie density (high water and fiber content),
these foods are loaded with phytochemicals which work to prevent illness,
cancer, and other diseases.

Choose whole grains in preference to processed grains and sugars. Choose
bran, whole wheat bread, brown rice, oats, and whole grain cereals as
well as beans and legumes.

Limit consumption of red meats, especially processed meats and those high
in fat.

Current estimates are that nearly 33-50% of cancers can be prevented
through a eat healthy diet. The recommendations above come from hundreds
of research studies which show a link between cancer prevention and a high
intake of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes. Hundreds of studies
also support the link between a high fat diet, high intake of red meats and
increased incidence of cancer

4.Magic Pills

Dont be taken in by some of the full page ads you see with before and after
pictures that promise weight loss just by taking some magic pill. In some of
them you can even tell that the same head has been pasted onto the fatter
body or the faces look dissimilar enough that you think, Thats NOT the
same person.

If youve read this far you know about the calories in, calories out
equation. Sorry, but its simple math and simple physics. A pill alone will
never do it.

However, that doesnt mean that there are no little magic pills that can
help you lose weight in the context of a healthy eating and
exercise plan
. There is a lot of exciting research showing that certain
supplements can boost and sustain your metabolic rate as you age, increase
muscle tone and even help the body develop more muscle, such as Green
Tea Extraxt or DHEA.

Weight loss often results when people switch their focus from dieting in order
to get thin to choosing foods for health. This is especially true if they
also pay heed to the other side of the calories in, calories out
equation and get moving.

Common sense strategies, yes, but these are the only ones proven to work
long-term. Now, are you ready to Eat Healthy for Life?

This article is for informational purposes only. It does not purport to offer
medical advice.

About the Author

Jean Bowler is a life long fitness freak. She was a ballet dancer and teacher, a private fitness trainer and more. Visit her site, for advice on diet and nutrition, skin care and more.

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Quickest Way To Lose Weight

I guess I’m one of those people who isn’t that good at only thinking about the short term. I tend to think more long term and that includes when I’m considering what is the quickest way to lose weight. Whatever type of weight loss plan I decide on must not be bad for my overall, long term health or I won’t do it.

That is what I recommend for you too. Today we know a lot more about the effects of some of these diets and supplements over the long haul. In my opinion, it’s not worth dying over 10 extra pounds.

When it comes to the quickest way to lose weight I prefer to balance the speed of the weight loss with my overall health. I will force myself to be more patient and take a little longer so that the results I get are better for my body.

To that end, you should talk to your doctor before you start any type of weight loss plan. Whether you are focusing primarily on your eating plan, your exercise plan, or the best option, a combination of both, getting the approval of your doctor before you start is just the smart thing to do.

I’ve never been much of a fan of taking a supplement. Why? Simple, it’s short term. For the most part, you aren’t going to be taking supplements for the rest of your life and if all your weight loss hinges on that pill, what will happen when you stop taking it?

Instead, if I use a supplement at all, I use it with the idea that it is for short term use only and it is only a way to help me get off to a quick start with my weight loss.

I know from personal experience that it’s much easier to stick with a weight loss plan as soon as you start to see some results. Using a supplement for a short term, until you start seeing some results, can be a great way to keep yourself motivated.

Another thing I try to do is make sure I am drinking enough water. Again, talk to your doctor to find out how much you should be drinking (believe it or not, you can do harm if you drink too much water too).

I’ve been told that most people should drink half of their body weight in ounces of water every day. So, if you weigh 150 lbs. you should drink 75 ounces of water daily (75 is half of 150).

The absolute best thing I did to lose weight, and I lost it in one week too, was to eat more. Sounds weird, doesn’t it? But I found that when I ate 6 small, but nutritious, meals daily I lost weight with out really trying.

I lost 6 pounds in that first week. I just ate small meals consisting of lean protein, fresh vegetables and a little bit of carbs. At that time I wasn’t even exercising that much.

The reason this worked so well is easy: I was providing my body with the fuel it needed to run at it’s very best. When you give your body what it needs, you will almost always see it runs efficiently and that means it will burn more fat.

I find that the quickest way to lose weight is when you work with your body instead of against it.

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