Healthy Weight Loss Tips

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How to Make Healthy Food Choices!

How to Make Healthy Food Choices!
Hans Hasselfors

It’s Thursday afternoon, you have thirty minutes to get from
work, go by the house and pickup Heath, Jamie’s already at
basketball practice, oh, and what about dinner? Does this
scenario seem familiar? If you’re a working Mom, I can promise
that it is a familiar scene.

So how do you make healthy food choices, when you only have
fifteen minutes to prepare your meals? Well, the first thing you
should realize is that quite often, healthy choices do not
necessarily equate to two hour meals. You can make healthy food
choices that are as quick to prepare or pickup as the unhealthy

For example, sub sandwiches are a healthier alternative than
pizza or burger and fries, but do not really take any longer to
pickup. Salads can be prepared in just a few short minutes, and
provide for the necessary vegetable daily requirement. Don’ care
for the usual salad? Make a Waldorf or fruit salad, either way
you’ve changed it up a bit, and still provided a health choice.
As for the dressing, oil based or vinegar based dressings are
much better for you than the cream based, and are really more
tasteful. Okay, suppose salads aren’t what your kids like. What
about other prepared foods that are also healthy foods? Healthy
Choice is a brand of frozen entrees or meals that take only a
few minutes in the microwave to prepare, and are still healthy
alternatives. Baked rather than fried is always a better choice,
and many supermarkets today offer baked products fresh from
their bakery, ready to go.

Still aren’t satisfied? You want a place to go and actually sit
down and eat. There are still many healthy alternatives for a
family when going to eat at a restaurant. Restaurants that offer
buffet style meals are great choices. Thanks to many of the
health conscious consumers out there, buffets have added baked,
broiled, and fresh food choices to the display. Fresh fruits and
vegetables are usually always available on food bars, along with
broiled or steamed vegetables. Meats are just about as varied,
with many of the choices being offered in a fried and baked
option. And if you’re up for dessert, watermelons and grapes are
just as satisfying as the Boston cream pie.

You can always throw up objections when it comes to healthy
eating, the real trick is in realizing it’s your body that will
suffer. Or your children that will suffer from the unhealthy
choices you make. Why not start with healthy options, set the
right example, and you will have children that make health
conscious intelligent decisions about their eating.

Okay, now back to our Thursday afternoon juggling act. You’ve
dropped Heath at baseball practice, picked Jamie up from
basketball, and you have exactly fifteen minutes to make a
decision about dinner. As you sit at the red-light contemplating
your options, there is a Subway, a Pizza Hut, and a grocery
store with a deli in the same shopping center. How can this
still be a difficult choice to make?

DISCLAIMER: This information is not presented by a medical
practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes
only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for
professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always
seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care
provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical
condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay
in seeking it because of something you have read. Since natural
and/or dietary supplements are not FDA approved they must be
accompanied by a two-part disclaimer on the product label: that
the statement has not been evaluated by FDA and that the product
is not intended to “diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any

About the author:

About the Author: This article was published by Hans Hasselfors
from http://www.SubmitYourN
. Visit our article directory for more articles
about health food.

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Posted by: admin | Category: Healthy Choice,Healthy Diet,Healthy Eating,Healthy Foods | Comments (0)

Atkins and Unprocessed Foods

When you first start on the Atkins program, you may be tempted to take advantage of many of the low carbohydrate products on the market today. There are a wide variety of packaged items that are specifically manufactured to be low-carb. These include low-carb snacks, low-carb baking products and low-carb substitutes (like pasta or bread). While it may be enticing to fill your shopping cart with all of these goodies, its best for your diet and for your health to use them sparingly.

One of the key things to remember about the Atkins diet is its focus on raw, unprocessed foods. The center of diet, as shown by the Atkins diet food pyramid, is fresh vegetables and fresh meats. Added into the mix are natural cheeses, a selection of fruits and, eventually, whole unprocessed grains. There arent any packaged meats, canned vegetables or instant anything.

There is a reason that the Atkins food pyramid shows these foods in their raw states. There are great health benefits in minimally processed foods. Raw, whole foods retain more vitamins and nutrients than foods that have been through chemical and industrial processing. Manufactured foods are more likely to be tainted with chemical additives that can cause a whole host of problems.

Raw, fresh food ingredients provide the best basis for a healthy diet. Many dieters rely on foods that are technically allowed on the plan, but not good for health. One example is bacon. Many people on the Atkins diet consume lots of bacon. In fact, many use it as a daily part of their protein foods. However, bacon contains high amounts of sodium nitrite, an ingredient that is known to cause cancer. The more bacon they eat, the more they expose themselves to this chemical and many others.

The Atkins pyramid, and the Atkins diet books, recommends unprocessed, unrefined and non-manufactured foods for a reason. If people follow these recommendations, they will lose weight and experience health transformations. By eating fresh and natural foods youll be providing your body with the nutrients that you need to have optimum health.

Back to those packaged and processed low-carb foods. Technically, they are part of the low-carb program. They can be used in moderation as substitutes for your favorite carbohydrate heavy foods. In a pinch, low-carb bread and baked goods can help you get over cravings and add variety to your Atkins diet plan. However, one look at the labels of these products shows how chemically processed these items can be.

It is recommended that you use these products sparingly. In some individuals, low-carb packaged items cause carbohydrate cravings. This can make staying on the diet even more difficult. If you find that low-carb processed foods make you want to binge on carb-heavy foods, then its best that you stay away from these products. These products may also have hidden carb counts that will increase your daily carbohydrate level without you realizing it.

If you are experiencing a stall in your weight loss on the Atkins plan, re-evaluate your commitment to unprocessed and unrefined foods. If youve been eating too many low-carb processed foods, you may be consuming hidden carbs and eating more than necessary. Try eliminating these products and refocusing your diet on unprocessed and unrefined foods, like those seen on the Atkins diet pyramid. When you go grocery shopping, spend time along the outer rim of the store where the fresh, unprocessed foods are. This will help you avoid the temptation of packaged foods that can lead your diet astray.

You may need to rely on packaged meats, vegetables and fruits from time to time. We lead busy lives and convenience foods are part of life. Its understandable that you may need to use some canned soup, bacon or canned vegetables in your daily life. However, make an effort to concentrate your dietary efforts on a wide variety of fresh, unprocessed foods. Your health and weight loss efforts will be greatly rewarded.

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Posted by: admin | Category: Healthy Diet,Healthy Eating,Healthy Foods | Comments (5)

I Need To Lose Weight

How many times have you looked in the mirror and said to yourself, “I need to lose weight?” Is this a trick question? Seriously, how many minutes are there in a day? That’s probably how many times you have said these words to yourself just yesterday as a matter of fact.

Those little words, “I need to lose weight” can bring on a stress level and intimidation that is hard to get around and hard to understand. We all know for a fact that if we want to lose weight that there is no magic pill that we can take when we go to bed and we will be thin and beautiful when we wake up.

Too bad there isn’t but we all know that to lose the weight we need to lose will take some hard work on our parts and we are not sure we can sustain that level of commitment for the long haul. Maintaining motivation is difficult and most human beings are inherently lazy. I’m not dissin’ anybody, I am the same way, and I will be the first to admit it.

What we do not realize is that with just a few little adjustments we can change our lives and our weight with very little effort. If you follow a few simple suggestions and guidelines then you will be on your way to having a new body to show off to all of your friends and family.

The first thing is to eat sensibly. Go to your kitchen right now and throw out all the junk food. This may be the hardest thing you have done in a long time but it needs to be done. Ok, I will let you save one item for your first weeks reward. Pick one and put it away.

Next, when you go shopping make a list beforehand and stick to it. Start by buying fresh foods, fruits, and vegetables. Or go to a local farmer’s market on Saturday morning to get some really fresh stuff from local growers. You might have to spend a little more but the quality is well worth it.

If you really do not know where to start find a cookbook and choose several recipes that you think may be good and good for you. Make your fresh food list from the recipes. Buy only what you need for the recipes, if you want to be successful then make sure you have all the ingredients you need for the dish you want to make. I find that nothing is more frustrating than starting to make something and then finding out that I don’t have all the ingredients.

Most importantly here, drink plenty of water. Try this, put a cup (or more to taste) of fresh or frozen berries into a gallon jug and fill it with water. Let the berries infuse their juices for a couple of hours and then strain the berries off through a fine mesh strainer lined with cheesecloth to catch the pulp and seeds. This will help with the mundaneness of water and add some vitamins and minerals, too. If you feel the need to sweeten it then do so with an artificial sweetener to keep the calorie count down. Following these suggestions will change your statement from, “I need to lose weight” to “I need to go buy some new, smaller clothes”.

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