Healthy Weight Loss Tips

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Cant Lose Weight

I know it is frustrating, but did you know there are so many reasons a woman can t lose weight it is like the whole world, and our bodies, is working against us. I am not kidding, with so many things not in our favor it is amazing that any woman can lose the weight she wants to.

It’s just not fair, I mean, men can seemingly eat what they want and if they should put on a few extra pounds all they have to do is think about it and the extra weight is gone, right? Ok, maybe not all of them but I know a guy who just recently lost 35 pounds in about 7 weeks. It took me 6 months to lose that amount of weight then as soon as I stopped working hard at it, I put it all back on and then some.

On average women carry 6 – 11 percent more body fat then men do. This is necessary for the regulation of certain hormones and regular menstruation not to mention having all the curves in all the right places. But if you have too much body fat and can t lose weight don’t you think you deserve some answers?

One of the reasons is that sometimes we think that if we do not eat we can lose weight. This is so far from the truth that when you read this you will probably kick yourself. Skipping meals is the number one reason why women GAIN weight. That’s right, I said gain weight.

Why? Because our bodies enter into what I like to call starvation mode and instead of burning off the excess it holds on to it because it doesn’t know when it will be getting more fuel. Your metabolism actually slows way down almost to the point of not working at all. So the fix is to eat five or six small meals a day to keep your metabolism stoked. Make those meals as low carb as you can get, too.

Another reason is lack of exercise. Did you know that all you need to do is walk for thirty minutes a day to lose those extra pounds? Who can’t do that? Ask a friend to do this with you or record some favorite music on your mp3 player and just get moving. This along with your new eating plan should be enough to start losing some significant weight.

If you have not yet reached the age for menopause or even perimenopause you might want to do all you can to lose the weight before the time comes. Once you reach this age losing weight will become even more difficult. Menopause comes at different times for every woman so talk to you mother and find out the age she went through it. This is as good a starting point as anything.

Other reasons a woman can t lose weight include stress, lack of significant restful sleep, and ineffective blood sugar metabolism. Which does not mean that you have diabetes, so don’t worry, it could just mean you eat too many carbs and you are keeping your insulin production at a high rate. When this happens your body automatically converts the carbs you eat to sugar and when that sugar doesn’t get burned up, your body converts it and stores it as fat, usually around your middle section.

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Water Help For Weight Loss

I just had a conversation with my son a little while ago. We were talking about how drinking plenty of water can help with weight loss. Since he wants to lose a few pounds and I know he has been drinking more water lately, I asked him if the water help for weight loss has actually worked or not.

Apparently, the jury is still out. He said he hasn’t noticed but he did want to know what drinking water had to do with weight loss. He actually thought that water help for weight loss was impossible, he thought that drinking as much water as he was drinking would actually make him gain weight since he felt so full all the time.

That, I told him, is just one of the benefits of drinking plenty of water everyday. You will actually feel full longer and that may make you eat less which, of course, can lead to weight loss.

I told him it can be helpful to have a big glass of water right before you sit down to eat a meal. That water will fill you up so you won’t want to eat as much.

Another benefit of drinking enough water is that you can flush toxins out of your system which will help with your overall health.

There are chemicals in pretty much everything we eat and drink (and a lot of the things we put on our skin or in our hair are also loaded with chemicals too).

Over time these chemicals can add up and have a negative impact on your body and your overall health. Getting these toxins out of your body is a good thing and drinking plenty of water is one of the best and easiest ways to do it.

Another great benefit to drinking plenty of water is that you keep your body functioning properly. Most people don’t realize it but they may already be dehydrated.

It is sad that much of the world doesn’t have a large supply of clean drinking water, we in the U.S. do but many of us are still dehydrated, that just makes no sense.

How do you know if you are dehydrated? There are two very easy ways to figure it out: if you feel thirsty you are dehydrated and if your urine is a deep yellow color you are dehydrated.

If you are getting enough water daily your urine will the a light yellow color, think lemonade. If not you need to drink more water throughout your day.

It is recommended that you drink half of your body weight in ounces of water every day. Failing that, you should drink at least eight 8 oz. glasses of water daily. You may need more if you are doing strenuous activities.

There are so many ways that water help for weight loss. Not only can drinking enough water help you lose weight, it will also help your body continue to function in a healthy way. And ultimately, that is what you need to have weight loss and a healthy life in general.

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Abdominoplasty Surgery For Your Weight Loss

You are tired of all the fad diets that do not work and the yo-yoing weight loss and weight gain. Lose some weight and gain it back, time and time again. You want to look and feel healthier so now you are seriously considering having abdominoplasty surgery to correct the problem.

First you have to ask yourself, did you really give weight loss the old college try? If you made the commitment to lose weight and change the way you think about and treat food then why did you not lose the weight and keep it off? Well, the best answer is that you did not make the commitment to lose the weight and change the way you think about and treat food.

I’m not saying you didn’t do some things right, but in the end, if the weight did not stay off then you mostly did the wrong things. I’m also not saying that abdominoplasty surgery is not the way to go here either. It may be the kick in the pants you need to keep yourself looking good after the surgery.

I think everybody wants to be thin and healthy. It is just that the way we eat these days is so wrong. Most of us don’t even know why. Think about the way things have changed over the years, though. When I was young, fast food was a rarity and we only ever had it as a treat once or twice a year. Maybe a little more often than that but not much.

Then, the world just seemed to get busier and people stopped cooking meals for their families because they did not have time. Women went back to work and “convenience foods” became the norm. Processed foods loaded with carbs and sodium make meals easier and also make our waistlines thicker.

Fatigue is rampant and so no one wants to get out there and even just go for a walk because they are too tired. So what happens when you do not burn off more calories than you take in? Weight gain. Then all of a sudden you are 50, 75, or even 100 pounds over weight and even though you want to lose it you just can’t seem to lose more than a few pounds at a time then it gets put right back on plus a few more. It is a cycle that only you can break and it takes dedication and self discipline.

You must make the change from processed food to fresh food. Some good advice for you to take to heart, when you shop, shop around the outer edges of the store. Everything on the shelves in the middle of the store is mostly canned and processed food. The outer edges has fresh vegetables even fresh breads from the bakery and even though some of the packaged meats are processed, like hot dogs, if you shop the outer edges of the store you generally get the healthier, fresh stuff.

Still, if you feel the need for abdominoplasty surgery to look and feel healthier and you can afford it, go for it.

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Why Weight Loss Through Xenical Is Good For You

Have you noticed lately that a lot of people who want to shed some pounds also are interested in weight loss Xenical? The phenomenon is hard to miss. All you have to do is go somewhere public, such as the grocery store or the mall and undoubtedly, you will hear people wanting to buy this supplement or at least talking about it.

How about you? Do you want to lose weight, too? If you are a bit on the overweight side and have been encountering problems, such as social stigma or health complications, then maybe you should. Now is a better time than ever to consider losing weight.

There are a lot of roads on which you can travel to lose weight. If you are the “au natural” type of person, you can always make use of a good exercise plan and eat healthy food. If you are the type who wants to cut things short, you can always have a surgery of sorts, such as liposuction or a gastric bypass.

However, if you are the type of person who does not have the time and/or money to spend on exercing, dieting or making a beeline for the surgeons clinic, you can always have weight loss via Xenical.

So how does weight loss through Xenical work? The answer is simple. You see, one of the main reasons why people gain weight is because they eat food rich in fats and calories. Due to the increased supply of fat, which also happens to be more than what the body needs, they end up storing fat that they do not need nutritionally.

With Xenical, around a third of the fat that you take in are blocked from being digested and absorbed via your digestive system. Thus, organs such as your stomach, intestines, etc. work on your side to prevent the retention of unsightly fat.

To further help you lose weight, Xenical will then carry the undigested fats out of the body. In short, by losing weight through Xenical, not only will you prevent any add-ons to your fat storage, you will also be excreting fat, too. To give you a clearer image, losing weight using Xenical means an increase in bowel movements.

Many women say that they easily lose weight using Xenical. With the way the supplement works, why shouldnt it be? Aside from losing weight easily, Xenical also will require little effort from you to shed off those unwanted pounds. Theres no need for you to exercise–or to even work up a sweat. However, to get the maximum effectiveness of weight loss Xenical you should combine it with healthy eating and an exercise program.

Aside from this, losing weight through Xenical also will save you from spending too much money. Yes, you will be spending money in order to buy the supplement, but thats it. You wont have any of those skyrocketing doctors’ bills as you do with surgery. With weight loss through Xenical, you sure will have the easy way out.

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