Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Healthy Diet Tips And Much More

Stomach Fat Burning-Diets Are Everywhere

Stomach fat burning diets are everywhere. The first thing you need to ask yourself is, are they safe? Some diet plans can do a lot more harm than good. Fad diets such as the grapefruit diet for example, may work only up to a point.

When you have lost the weight and the diet is over, you just go back to the same way you ate before and what happens? The weight comes back and if you are not careful you may just add on a few extra pounds.

If you only have a few pounds to lose then by all means try one of the many fast stomach fat burning diets available so you can get into that dress for the wedding. But, if you have a lot of weight to lose you will need to make some lifestyle changes to reach your goal weight.

Take a minute to write down where you want to end up. What are your goals. Keep track of what you eat in a journal so you can see what you are putting in your body so if it needs to be changed you can change it. Writing in a journal everyday is a very effective tool to use to help you lose the weight you need to lose.

Learn every aspect about food. Become and expert. Figure out how many calories, fats, carbs and sodium are in the food you eat so you will be able to put meals together that are nutritionally balanced and satisfying. Knowing what the right numbers are helps a lot.

You can figure out how many calories you need in a day by calculating your basal metabolic rate, or BMR, or you can simply make up a meal plan that has enough food to equal 1500 calories or so. Keep it all on paper so you can see it daily. Just having a plan is not enough if it is written down you can hold yourself accountable for every single meal.

Learning to eat differently may take some practice and careful planning. When I tell you that you need to eat small meals throughout your day you are going to say you do not have the time to do that because you are at work. well then, I will say that yes you can with some precise planning.

Start packing your lunch and snacks to work with you. Stop wasting money and gaining weight by eating out when you are at work. Save your wallet and your waistline by buying an insulated lunch box and healthy food to put in it.

Now you need to figure what your lunch and snacks will consist of. Well, how about a cup of yogurt and some celery sticks? With a full glass of water that is a great snack for the middle of the morning. For your lunch, why not have a sandwich made of lean turkey breast with some light mayo and lettuce and a cup of grapes? There are a lot of things you can do to make sure you eat small meals throughout your day.

Do your best to drink enough water during the day, too. Stay away from pop and caffeinated beverages like coffee. Caffeine has a drying effect on the body and can contribute to dehydration. Drink lots of water.

If you do start one of the fast stomach fat burning diets and there are a lot of restrictions to the diet you may need to take a supplement to get all the vitamins and minerals you need.

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Posted by: admin | Category: Healthy Eating,Weight Loss | Comments (1)

3 Day Tuna Diet

You would have to be living in a cave to not be aware that there are a lot of diets out there. All of them make claims about how much weight you can lose, and each one is a bit different. One of the more popular diets to come out recently is the 3 Day Tuna Diet. There are many good reasons for choosing this eating plan over others.

If you have looked into other diets, then chances are that you have noticed that many of them list tuna as a food you can eat. To be fair, tuna can be high in sodium and fat, but if you get it packed in spring water, then you can keep the calories under control. Other than that, tuna is inexpensive, convenient and an excellent source of complete protein.

Even though tuna stands as a good food on its own, the 3 Day Tuna Diet is about losing weight quickly. As the name says, it only lasts for three days, so it’s not meant to be followed as a long-term weight loss solution. It’s best used as a way to drop some weight before an event of some kind, or as a way to jump start a longer term weight loss plan.

While everybody is different, and results will vary, some people have reported a weight loss as high as six pounds while on the diet. A word of caution is in order. It is generally recommended that you lose no more than one or two pounds per week, so six pounds in three days would typically be thought of as risky. For this reason, you should talk to your personal doctor before going on the 3 Day Tuna Diet.

There are actually two variations of the diet: strict and less strict. The strict version fully lives up to its name. When doing the strictest version of the diet, you eat nothing but tuna and drink nothing but water for three days. Again, this should never be done for more than three days, and then only after getting the okay from your doctor. The silver lining is that you can eat as much of it as you wish, so you shouldn’t have to worry about getting hungry. It won’t be easy, so don’t kid yourself, but it will be effective if you can stick with it.

The less strict version of the 3 Day Tuna Diet adds a few more foods to the menu, and is therefore better balanced nutritionally; though tuna still figures heavily in what you’ll be eating. Breakfast includes 1/2 cup tuna and 1/2 large grapefruit. Lunch is 1/2 cup tuna and salad made of greens only, and drizzled with extra virgin olive oil for dressing. Supper is 1 cup tuna and 1 cup each of two different vegetables.
That’s the 3 Day Tuna Diet in a nutshell. It isn’t a long-term diet solution, but it can be used on occasion when you need to lose weight quickly.

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Abdominoplasty Surgery For Your Weight Loss

You are tired of all the fad diets that do not work and the yo-yoing weight loss and weight gain. Lose some weight and gain it back, time and time again. You want to look and feel healthier so now you are seriously considering having abdominoplasty surgery to correct the problem.

First you have to ask yourself, did you really give weight loss the old college try? If you made the commitment to lose weight and change the way you think about and treat food then why did you not lose the weight and keep it off? Well, the best answer is that you did not make the commitment to lose the weight and change the way you think about and treat food.

I’m not saying you didn’t do some things right, but in the end, if the weight did not stay off then you mostly did the wrong things. I’m also not saying that abdominoplasty surgery is not the way to go here either. It may be the kick in the pants you need to keep yourself looking good after the surgery.

I think everybody wants to be thin and healthy. It is just that the way we eat these days is so wrong. Most of us don’t even know why. Think about the way things have changed over the years, though. When I was young, fast food was a rarity and we only ever had it as a treat once or twice a year. Maybe a little more often than that but not much.

Then, the world just seemed to get busier and people stopped cooking meals for their families because they did not have time. Women went back to work and “convenience foods” became the norm. Processed foods loaded with carbs and sodium make meals easier and also make our waistlines thicker.

Fatigue is rampant and so no one wants to get out there and even just go for a walk because they are too tired. So what happens when you do not burn off more calories than you take in? Weight gain. Then all of a sudden you are 50, 75, or even 100 pounds over weight and even though you want to lose it you just can’t seem to lose more than a few pounds at a time then it gets put right back on plus a few more. It is a cycle that only you can break and it takes dedication and self discipline.

You must make the change from processed food to fresh food. Some good advice for you to take to heart, when you shop, shop around the outer edges of the store. Everything on the shelves in the middle of the store is mostly canned and processed food. The outer edges has fresh vegetables even fresh breads from the bakery and even though some of the packaged meats are processed, like hot dogs, if you shop the outer edges of the store you generally get the healthier, fresh stuff.

Still, if you feel the need for abdominoplasty surgery to look and feel healthier and you can afford it, go for it.

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Magical Weight Loss Foods

When all is said and done there is still only one way to lose weight. You have to burn off more calories than you take in. Exercise is an important part of that equation, but we are going to take a look at some foods that can help you achieve your weight loss goals.

As a general rule weight loss foods are those that make you feel fuller without adding all kinds of empty calories. Adding these foods to your diet on a regular basis will help you to lose weight faster. Here are some of the top contenders.

Beans are at the top of list for several reasons. They come in many varieties, meaning they’re versatile and you don’t have to get bored eating them every day. They are low in fat, but very satisfying. They are packed with protein. And they contain plenty of fiber, which not only adds to how full you feel, but also reduces your risk for several diseases. The only thing you have to watch out for are re fried beans that have extra fat added, and canned beans that are too high in sodium. But you’ll be doing yourself a tasty favor by eating any variety of dried beans.

Whole grains. There’s one change you can make in your diet that’s very easy: stop eating refined grains. The “refining” process gets rid of most of the good stuff, making them so void of nutrition that they actually have to re-add nutrients to make the process complete. All of that so our bread and rice can be pure white. To be blunt, it’s ridiculous. Start eating whole grains to get the full nutrition nature put there in the first place.

Olive oil (or any other oil high in monounsaturated fat). Surprised? Yes, it still has many calories as any other kind of fat (9 calories per gram) but fat adds to the feeling of fullness. It also adds a nice flavor to many different foods. Besides olive oil is one of the healthiest fats that you can. So, while it may seem to be a lot of calories up front, the amount of calories you eat later will actually go down because it’s so satisfying.

Oatmeal is another one of the best weight loss foods out there. A few years ago it got some good press for being able to reduce cholesterol. It’s true, it is. But did you know that it has about the same amount of soluble and insoluble fiber? Again, it makes you feel fuller and is good for your overall health. Plus, it’s low in calories. Most people think of oatmeal as a breakfast food, but it has a flavor that works well with many different foods. Therefore, it can be incorporated into any number of dishes throughout the day.

There are many more weight loss foods, no question about it. But the four mentioned above will give you a great start on losing weight. Keep trying to reduce the bad foods, and increase the good ones and your waistline and health will be the better for it.

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