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Tips for a Healthy Life

Tips for a Healthy Life
Kevin D

Tips for a Healhy Life

Balancing your activities with the proper amount of rest and follwoign some simple diet and exrecise programs will lead you to a healther life. Experts in the field of aging now believe that regular exercise along with the proper amount of rest may actually add years to the life span. Results from a number of tests indicate that speed and muscular strength of many of the elderly can be extended.

Most authorities agree that this new data is going to shatter many of the myths about aging and physical performance. The conclusion now is that the performance and ability of the elderly has long been underestimated, diet, proper sleep and exercise along with rest and relaxation are all important factors in preserving our bodies.

Laughter is one of the best things for your mental and physical state as well as overall well being. People are naturally attracted to someone who has a good sense of humor. You can develop a good outlook and a good sense of humor by associating with and surrounding yourself with pleasant happy people.

Recognize that stress is a killer andhas caused millions of health related problems. A life filled with stress can really wreak havoc on your body causing a number of illnesses such as hear attacks, strokes, asthma, gastric problems, menstrual disorders, ulcerative colitis, angina, irritable colon, increased blood pressure, ulcers, headaches, etc.

There are different types of stress such as mental, emotional and physical. Emotional stress seems to take the greatest toll on everyone. All stress is not bad; in fact, life would not be very interesting if it were not met with challenges. However, too much stress, too often with no effective and appropriate outlet, does not allow the body and soul to recuperate. You might review a typical week to see if you can identify things that might be making you anxious or causing you stress. Once identified, stressors can be attacked and eliminated.

Are you a worrier? Chronic worriers don’t have more serious problems than others – they just think they do. Many worriers try to cope by trying not to think about their problems, but this just makes things worse. Doctors say that chronic worriers feel less anxious if they actually spend a half-hour a day thinking specifically about their problems.

Get plenty of exercise. People who are physically fit look good and feel good. A good exercise regimen will lengthen your life. Improve your appearance, build self confidence and help delay the aging process.

Remember that you need to do something physical every day. If you don’t use your joints, quite simply they’ll tighten up with age to create the stooped, bent and worn out appearance we so often associate with old age. Studies have shown that people with arthritis experience less pain if they continue to keep their joints flexible. As one gets older, the bones tend to get brittle which is why it is common for senior citizens to break bones and especially their hips when they fall.

Eating right, getting proper sleep and learning to relax are all very valuable in maintaining a healthy body and mind. And keep in mind that eating healthy foods and avoiding those high in fats, sodium and cholesterol will help to decrease your risk of heart disease, high blood pressure and associated problems.

Prevent accidents and even events life Knee Surgery by eating right, loseing weight. You health is your business and should be taken seriously.

About the Author

For other interesting facts check out
Knee Surgery Recovery

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Hifzur Rehman

Yes, it is possible for the people of all ages to keep themselves healthy, physically fit and young looking throughout their whole lives. Just take the following three steps and enjoy a healthy, happy and a long life.

1.Eat Balanced Food

Its OK to eat for taste or for fun and eat whatever you like most but only occasionally. Remember, if you develop bad eating habits then you would have to pay its price in the shape of bad health and illness. Hope you are wise enough not to play with your health.

Eat a wide variety of foods containing a good balance of carbohydrates, vitamins, food fiber and minerals, which are essential elements of a healthy diet. Eat simple and natural foods that are easily digestable and promote good health. Fruits, vegetables, green leaves, grains, whole grain breads, fish, poultry, low fat dairy products, honey, nuts etc. are good and nourishing food. Limit you intake of full-fat milk, full-fat yogurt, cheese, chocolate, ice cream, milk shakes, cakes, eggs, all kind of fried foods, red meat, sugar and salt.

2.Exercise Regularly

A simple way of living a healthy life is to exercise regularly. Regular exercise keeps your body in good shape, physically as well as mentally. It increases your stamina, builds and tones your muscles and energize your whole body. It also reduces the chances of having heart attacks, colon cancer, diabetes and high blood pressure.

Engage yourself in some kind of regular exercise of your own choice; brisk walking, jogging, hiking, swimming, dancing, cycling, skiing, climbing, aerobics or yoga. These are good exercises. Choose one or more exercises which you like most. Do it regularly. Give top priority to your health. Put it in your agenda. Make it a part of your goal.

3.Get Rid of Negativity

If you are a person with negative approach to everything then nothing will work for you. Even eating the balanced diet and taking part in regular physical activity will not show any sign of recovery in your body if it is charged with negativity. Get rid of negative feelings about yourself and others. Think positive, feel positive, be friendly with positive people, read a lot of self improvement and motivational material and charge your body with positive currents. Depression, stress, tension and anxiety are the products of negative thinking about life and thus increases your chances of having a heart attack and other diseases like colon cancer, high blood pressure, indigestion problems, gastric troubles, body pains, headaches etc. Find the reasons of depression and try to address them through positive thinking and a sensible approach to day to day problems. Learn from your mistakes and try your best not to repeat them. Get rid of negativity and enjoy a healthy life!

Hifzur Rehman is the owner and editor of a wonderful website which offers a lot of useful and interesting information on various aspects of human life.

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Healthy supplements make diet pills obsolete!

Healthy supplements make diet pills obsolete!
Armand Dupuis

Diet Pills

Taking diet pills is definitely not an effective weight loss strategy, because as soon as you stop taking them, all the weight you lost will return with a vengeance, because…

Most diet pills are nothing more than drugs which act as appetite suppressants, and the side effects can be devastating or even deadly so it’s not a good way to lose fat.

Most of them will usually act as effective appetite suppressants, which means that you won’t be hungry and will stop eating. Of course you are going to lose some weight, but…

When you are not eating, you are on a starvation diet, and your body responds by slowing down your metabolism, because it is being deprived of essential nutrients which it needs to survive.

Eventually, you have to stop taking the pills or you’ll die. When you do stop, your hunger will return with a vengeance, because your body is trying to replace the nutrients it’s been lacking, and just look at the…

Side Effects of Diet Pills

Many of these diet pills are addictive and some of the side effects are high blood pressure, liver irritation, headaches, dizziness, sexual difficulties, increased heart rate, diarrhea, and even death, plus…

Guaranteed, you’ll regain all the weight you lost and then some, because now your metabolism is much slower than before, so in other words…

Diet pills make you gain weight in the long run, and also, just look at the harm to your body from both the starvation and the side effects.

That’s too high a price to pay for temporary weight loss. Instead…

Replace Diet Pills with Supplements
For healthy weight loss!

Healthy supplements are much better than diet pills for healthy weight loss. Also, supplements make a safe appetite suppressant without slowing down your metabolism, and… Make Diet Pills Obsolete!

People take diet pills in order to stop eating, but eating is required for survival. The reality is that you need to stop eating the junk foods, however…

That’s a lot easier said than done, as you are craving food because your body is asking you for nutrients which is not in the food you’re eating. The reality is that…

You can never satisfy your cravings, without giving your body “what it is craving”.

Healthy Supplements Satisfies Your Cravings

When you take the right kind of supplements, your body becomes more nutritionally satisfied, which greatly decreases your cravings, so you’ll lose some fat, without slowing down your metabolism, and you won’t regain all the weight you’ve lost.

But here’s the problem…

Not all Supplements are Created Equal

In order for your supplements to be an effective appetite suppressant, you need to take only “Quality Supplements” that your body can actually absorb, because…

When you take most vitamin and mineral supplements for example, it’s common knowledge that your body will only absorb about 4 to 5% of the nutrients in them.

It doesn’t seem to matter if you buy your supplements from a drugstore, a health food store, or if they are prescribed by a doctor.

What’s the point in spending money for supplements, if your body can’t absorb them, or if the nutrients you body is lacking is not in them to begin with?

Most people take lots of supplements, but they are still craving food all the time, and that means…

The supplements which you are taking are not making you nutritionally satisfied; otherwise you wouldn’t have all those cravings and keep gaining fat.

Breakthrough Super Supplements

In the Slim and America Weight-Loss Project, we only recommend supplements which are absorbed by the body, otherwise what’s the use?

Over the years we’ve come across a variety of different supplements which will affect different body functions, and just recently, we’ve come across a line of super supplements which act as effective appetite suppressants, because…

They are being fully absorbed by the body, and therefore making the body more nutritionally satisfied, otherwise, the cravings would remain.

Not only are our students who are taking these supplements eating a lot less, but they are also reporting a lot more energy, and a lot more stamina to get through the day.

The net result is…

Faster weight loss

Faster and safer weight-loss results are now possible without slowing down your metabolism, so that more effective fat burning takes place 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Weight loss that stays off!

Everybody is different, so the trick is for you to find the supplements which will give you the best results. Today there are many supplement manufacturers who have top quality products, however…

There are many others, who make misleading claims for products that are not only totally useless, but some can also be very dangerous to your health, so how can you know for sure what’s best for you?

The answer is simple: if the products solve your problem, “Great”, if not, they’re a waste of money and you should get your money back.

If you take a good comprehensive general supplement and are eating at least reasonably healthy, you’ll become more nutritionally satisfied and it should take a lot of your food cravings away, otherwise you are not absorbing them and they are a waste of your hard earned money.

Becoming more nutritionally satisfied is the only way to get rid of food cravings in order to lose weight permanently.

Diet pills on the other hand, work exactly the opposite and slows down your metabolism 24 hours a day, seven days a week, so…

Only a natural weight loss system together with healthy and effective diet supplements is the answer to staying permanently slim, fit, and healthy.

Isn’t your health your greatest asset?

Not only is losing weight in a healthy way, “real easy” once you know how, but more importantly…

The weight stays off!!!

What’s the point in losing and regaining the same 20 or 30 lbs. over and over again? That’s what happens when you slow down your metabolism by taking diet pills, instead of losing the fat the right way to begin with,.

Why Not Lose It 4 Life

Only by following a safe and easy system like the Slim America weight-loss program, will you be able to burn the fat much faster, and lose the weight for the rest of your life, so diet pills are just not an option.

About the Author

Armand Dupuis is a Personal Trainer, Lecturer, Teacher, & Permanent Weight Loss Specialist, who has been a Serious Researcher into Human Consciousness for 5 Decades.

Mr. Dupuis has presently specialized his Teachings, into a powerful permanent and “free” Weight Loss System, and Information is available on his Web Site.

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Healthy Chocolate for Your Valentine

Healthy Chocolate for Your Valentine
Debra Lynn Dadd


Let’s face it. We’re all going to eat chocolate for
Valentine’s Day. But there’s no need to feel guilty!
Chocolate is actually good for youit’s all the things added
to it that are the problem. Here’s how you can choose
delicious healthy chocolates for your Valentine.


The gift of chocolate to a beloved as a token of love is
more than just tradition. Naturally-occurring compounds in
chocolate produce that mild euphoria of being in love and
contribute to enjoyable interpersonal relations by elevating
mood and enhancing sensory perception.

Beyond good feelings, chocolate benefits the body in many
ways. In moderation, chocolate can contribute to heart
health, help you live longer, suppress a chronic cough, and
add needed magnesium to your diet. Chocolate even contains a
high level of chromium, which can help control blood sugar.

Chocolate does NOT cause acne, most headaches, or
hyperactivity, and does not raise cholesterol.


While chocolate itself is fine to eat, there are some
substances present in chocolate products that you should
watch out for.

Most chocolate products contain tremendous amounts of
refined white sugar, which is harmful to health in many

Chocolate may also contain pesticides. The EPA allows
various levels of pesticide residue to be present in cocoa
powder, and the FDA Total Diet Study found them in many
chocolate products.

Many chocolates also contain the toxic metals cadminum and
lead. “Significant levels” of these metals were found in 68%
of the common chocolate products tested. There is no safe
level for lead, and it is particularly harmful to children.


Here are some guidelines for choosing the healthiest

1. Choose chocolates with the least amount of refined white
sugar or other sweetener. Dark “bittersweet” chocolates with
a high percentage of cocoa solids (usually the label will
state the exact percentage) have less sugar than semisweet
or milk chocolate and also have the greatest health
benefits. Keep in mind that flavor additions, such as dried
fruits and candied ginger may also add sugar to the

2. Choose chocolates sweetened with evaporated cane juice or
barley malt. If the evaporated cane juice used is the
unprocessed whole juice of the cane, it acts in the body
like a whole food and doesn’t give a sugar rush. Barley malt
is also a slow-release sweetener, noted on the label as

3. Choose organic chocolates. Certified organic chocolate
ensures there are no harmful pesticide residues.

4. Make your own chocolates. It’s easy to make many
chocolate delights yourself, with the exact ingredients you
want. Start with unsweetened cocoa powder or baking
chocolate and be creative!


Fine chocolate is one of those earthly pleasures to be
savored. When eaten as a special treat, with full
appreciation, a little chocolate can go a long way.

Choose quality over quantity. If you are going to eat
chocolate, eat really good chocolate. Then, for maximum
enjoyment, give the taste of the chocolate your full
attention, eat it at a time when you are not famished or
overly full, and allow the chocolate to melt in your mouth
to make the experience last.

Read more about healthy chocolate at

About the Author

Hailed as “The Queen of Green” by the New York Times,
Debra Lynn Dadd has been a consumer advocate for products
and lifestyle choices that are better for health and the
environment since 1982. Visit her website for 100s of links to
1000s of nontoxic, natural and earthwise products, and to
sign up for her free email newsletters.

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