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Measuring your pH for the pH miracle diet

Did you know that your blood has a pH level? pH is the measurement of how acid or alkaline something is. The pH level scale runs from 1 to 14 with 1 serving as very acidic 7 being neutral and 14 being very alkaline. In fact your bloodstream goes to great lengths to maintain a pH level of 7. 35 to 7. 45, slightly alkaline. Why is this important? Among many reasons why your frame strives for this report starts with your energy planate. The pH miracle diet will help balance your body and increase your energy.

Have you ever provide low quality fuel into your car after running it on premium fuel? There is a difference in acceleration, handling, and overall trial and this is directly linked to the quality of fuel you put in the tank. Your body is a finely tuned machine. Like other types of machinery, the parts need to be kept lingering by fuel. The best fuel for your body is a receipt mix, more alkaline than acid. What difference does this make?

It all starts in the bloodstream. Think of the bloodstream as a superhighway with stops all owing to the body. Red blood cells are the commuting traffic riding along the bloodstream in a accelerate to inspire to work. These red blood cells each have a negative charge on them, and this keeps them from getting into fender benders and collisions in the bloodstream. When the negative offensive is stripped away from the red blood cells, they cluster together and can cause gridlock and bottlenecks in the bloodstream. In short-lived, the traffic in the bloodstream isnt flowing as smoothly and it causes everything to slow renounced. If youve ever been stuck in freeway traffic you know how frustrating this is.

This stress on the body causes a domino outcome, which eventually saps the energy away and makes you tired and sluggish. Acid is the culprit in the bloodstream traffic jam. When acid is introduced into the bloodstream it eats away at the negative charge that surrounds each red blood cell and causes all sorts of problems. How can you avoid this? The answer is quite simple and it starts with what you entrench in your innards. Red blood cells are created by the food that you eat. When the stomach works on digesting food, it leaves behind natural acidic waste. Your body eliminates this away through your urine and sweat, but there comes a point when the waste build up is too great to annihilate.

What does your body operate with all of the acidic waste it cant get rid off? The answer is quite shocking, it stores it in your body! The cells in your body are mostly alkaline and this acid waste starts to attack and destroy these cells. A lot of energy is expelled keeping the waste from doing detrimental damage to your body, but this fight can only go on for so long. Eventually the build up is so great that the cells deteriorate and cause energy depletion and leaves the build open to disease.

How can you ice this slow death? A higher energy rolled helps to fend exterminate opportunistic diseases and ensures strong cellular regeneration. Making changes to your diet is a huge step in reversing this breakdown of your body while boosting your energy level. The choices you make in what you eat will greatly determine how very of acidic waste gets stored in your body. The more alkaline your moveable feast choices are the less of this waste leave be accumulated in your body, tipping the balance in the aid of good health.

The old adage you are what you eat is absolutely true. By controlling the amounts of alkaline food you ingest you are giving your body a fighting chance. Find books and lists that outline which foods are alkaline and which ones are acidic. By limiting your intake of acidic foods and increasing your intake of alkaline food with the pH miracle diet you can breakthrough your stamina, endurance, and the overall measure of your body machine.

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Lowering Cholesterol

The human body produces oils and other substances that circulate in the bloodstream. An example is insulin, which is secreted from the pancreas in response to the increase in the amount of sugar coming from the food that the person eats. The cells then absorb this, which gives the individual calories that are used as energy.

Another substance that the body produces naturally is cholesterol. This is also ingested in the food people eat. There are two types of cholesterol namely LDL and HDL.

LDL is better known as bad cholesterol. The reason why it is bad is because too much of this in the system may put the person at risk of suffering from either a heart attack or a stroke.

HDL in simple terms is good cholesterol because its job is to regulate the flow the bad one so this can be filtered out of the persons system. There must be a balanced between the two so the individual is healthy.

Whenever people get a blood test, the patient will see a breakdown of the LDL and HDL in the system. Though not that significant as the first two, doctors pay attention to two other figures namely the total cholesterol and the triglyceride level.

In order to be given a clean bill of health, the patient must stay within a certain range. Those who have less than 200mg/dl in total cholesterol are safe. The same goes for someone who has less than 150mg/dl in the triglycerides.

So what happens if the person goes beyond the limit? In simple terms, the individual is at risk of developing high blood pressure or a heart disease. The good news is that the person can still prevent such a thing from happening.

There are four simple ways to do it and this must be done gradually before something bad really happens to the individual.

The first is to change the diet. This means eating less of those that are high in saturated fats such as red meat and dairy products. This should be changed for fish, fruits, nuts, oatmeal and vegetables.

Studies have shown that those who eat oatmeal regularly are able to reduce the LDL and trigylecerides level in just 2 weeks. Imagine what could happen if this is done even after just a month?

The second is exercise. The body has stored fat after how many years of not engaging in any physical activity. Changing the eating habits can only go so far and sweating it out will increase the metabolic rate thus helping reduce the patients cholesterol levels.

The third, which doesnt happen often, is for the individual to take supplements to aid in the reduction of cholesterol. Examples of these are bible acid resins, ezetimibe, fibric acid, niacin and statins.

These are available in different brands and studies have proven this can lower the cholesterol from 15% to 30% when this is taken in regularly.

Should exercise and dieting not work, the patient must remember that the intake of these drugs has certain side effects. The doctor should explain this before even prescribing this so the individual can choose from the wide range of drugs that can be used to lower ones cholesterol.

Prevention is the best way to combat any disease. A regular checkup at the doctors office will surely save money instead of being confined in the hospital.

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Is It Healthy To Follow A Low Carb Diabetic Diet

Is It Healthy To Follow A Low Carb Diabetic Diet

Following a low carb diabetic diet is sometimes recommended to those that suffer from this illness. But is it healthy? Well it really depends on how the exclusive interprets low carb. The British Dietetic Association and the Food Standards Agency have expressed concern that people following low carb diets may be putting themselves at further risk.

People have tended to ignore the research as these low carb diets can result in very fast weight loss especially in the short term. Protein foods are very filling thus helping you to eat less. But eating too much protein can result in the over manufacturer of ketones, your bodys response to starvation. It is these ketones that are linked to bad breath, nausea and dizziness often associated with these diets.

It is more sensible to follow a long term method of losing weight by eating all of the food groups in moderation. It is not easy to enact to a diet that eliminates whole food groups as it can change into very monotonous eating the same food day in and day out.

Carbohydrates are an essential component of our diet. We need to eat some every day in structure to maintain health. Not all carbohydrates are created equal though and most people think of white bread, rice and potatoes when they suppose of carbs. While it would make sense to reduce your consumption of these foods, you should not cut out carbohydrates fairly.

Type 2 diabetes, also known now late onset diabetes, is caused either when the insulin the body produces fails to control blood sugar properly or when the pancreas fails to produce enough insulin. Having too much sugar in your blood causes excessive thirst, fainting and can lead to stroke and an increased risk of feelings ailment.

Eating carbohydrates that release a cartel of glucose ( logical sugar ) very quickly into your bloodstream makes diabetes more difficult to control. When eating carbohydrates, you should choose whole grain high fiber varieties. Not only will these help to fill you up and provide the nutrients you need, but you may also gain added protection from individual forms of cancer.

If you want to eat potatoes then eat jacket potatoes or those boiled in their skins. Avoid chips and roasted and try not to add butter or other fats as a dressing.

In order to lose weight, you need to combine more exercise with eating less. Exercise is beneficial in the treatment of diabetes. Just make sure you take your doctors advice before starting a new program. Aim to lose 1 to 2 pounds a week. The more gradual your weight loss the less likely you are to put it all back on again. Dont put scrap particular food off limits as that will only cause you to miss it more. Obviously you cannot eat cakes and biscuits every day, but having the odd diabetic chocolate wont bruised.

Follow a low carb diabetic diet to kick start your weight loss but consider switching to a long term weight guidance program as soon as you can.

24 Hour Fitness

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3 Day Chemical Breakdown Diet Right Foods Equal Shed Pounds

3 Day Chemical Breakdown Diet Right Foods Equal Shed Pounds

The idea behind a 3 day chemical breakdown diet is to use the proper combination of food to lose weight as quickly as possible. Which sounds like a lovely idea, but know stuff are a lot of questions as to whether the combination of foods has anything to do with it.

There are scientists on both sides of the fence about the 3 day chemical breakdown diet. Some believe that the proper combination of foods creates a mix of enzymes that optimizes fat loss. Other believe that being food is adverse down to its most basic cartel before entering the bloodstream, the exact combination of foods used in the 3 day chemical breakdown diet is irrelevant.

Generally speaking, claims of because immeasurably because six to ten pounds lost on the 3 day chemical breakdown diet are not uncommon. Theres no question that the diet will absolutely cause you to lose weight quickly, its just the reasons why that are in question.

There are three reasons that the 3 day chemical breakdown diet will help you lose weight, even if the idea that a typical mix of chemicals in food will help you lose weight. One, its very high in fiber compared to most diets, which will help clean out your gut. Two, even with the ice cream and peanut butter, the 3 day chemical breakdown diet is low in carbohydrates, which will cause you to lose water weight. And third, its low in calories, which will help you lose fat.

The usual menu for the 3 day chemical breakdown diet looks like this:

Day One


of a whole grapefruit or 4 ounces of grapefruit juice, unsweetened
1 slice of toast with a teaspoon of peanut butter


1 / 2 cup of water packed tuna
1 slice of toast


A locus pound of any meat
1 cup of string beans
1 cup of carrots, cooked or raw
1 small apple
1 cup of vanilla cool cream

Day Two


1 hard – boiled egg
1 part of toast with a teaspoon of peanut butter
1 / 2 Banana with a teaspoon of peanut butter


1 cup of cottage cheese
5 plain crackers


2 hot dogs
1 cup of cauliflower
1 / 2 cup of carrots, cooked or raw
1 / 2 banana
1 cup of vanilla ice cream

Day Three


1 hard – boiled egg
1 slice of toast
I piece of cheddar cheese


1 slice of cheddar cheese
5 plain crackers
1 small apple


1 cup of water packed tuna
1 cup of beets
1 cup green beans
1 cup cantaloupe
1 cup of vanilla ice cream

As you can see, the diet is high in vegetables and low in starches, which makes it a fairly healthy diet. The only real problem with the 3 day chemical breakdown diet is that its very low in calories, usually less 1, 000 per day, which makes it unsafe to persist in on long term. But for quick weight loss over the short term, the 3 day chemical breakdown diet is one of the best available.

24 Hour Fitness

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