Healthy Weight Loss Tips

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Healthy Eating Myths Shattered

Healthy Eating Myths Shattered
Dr. Jamie Fettig

Salt does Not Cause High Blood Pressure. Some things you need to know first to fully understand blood pressure, as well as helping you to understand about many other things in your body: The difference between average and normal.

Average is a mathematical statistic. Dont let that big M word scare you. All average means is that you add up all the totals you have and divide by the number of totals you added. This gives you an average of the group of numbers.

Normal is what is right for an individual, or what is common or appropriate for each particular person.

What the medical profession does is make the average normal. They measure a bunch of peoples blood pressure, divide the added totals by the number of people they measured, and come up with an average blood pressure. And then they say this is the normal blood pressure for everyone.

I will let you in on a little secret. If you had the blood pressure I have at this exact moment, you would probably pass out. If you had the same blood pressure standing as you did sitting, you would probably pass out. Your blood pressure changes all the time, all day long. Your normal blood pressure needs to be different than everyone elses. You need the right blood pressure for you at the right time. If you had the average blood pressure all the time, you probably would be dead by now.

So what do you do with this? Take all the numbers the doctors give you with “a grain of salt.” Just because their charts show that you should be in this range does not mean you actually should. You are different than everyone else. Your normal might be outside of the range of average that they go by and still be perfectly healthy for you.

So your high blood pressure might very well be normal for you. And if it is actually too high for your normal, salt really has nothing to do with it.

Again the medical profession came up with a theory and never really tested it before they released it as truth on the world. Someone said that salt attracts water, and blood has water in it. So if you get rid of some of the salt in the blood, then there will be less water in the blood as well. And if there is less volume of blood, the pressure will have to be less. That was their theory and they began telling people to eat less salt thinking it would lower peoples blood pressure. No real tests, no real studies, and yet believed to be true by many.

Here is the real proof it is garbage. Try and find one person whose blood pressure decreased because they quit eating salt. You will be very hard pressed to find one person. Because eating less salt does not lower your blood pressure. Just like a Diuretic, medications that cause you to release more water than your body wants to from your blood through your kidneys, is often prescribed to attempt to help lower blood pressure. And again, I dare you to try and find people who this has helped.

You see, the body is so much smarter than we are. Many more internal factors go into what your blood pressure is than how much water you have in your blood. Your Blood pressure is a function of your blood vessels, the stuff in your blood, the muscles in and around your blood vessels, your heart, and so much more. If you force water out of the body, your body will compensate in other ways to keep your pressure at your unique normal. Your body knows best where your blood pressure should be. And until you change one or some of the internal factors (and medications do not count) your body will do everything in its power to keep things where they are at.

Want something that is free and easy that decreases the blood pressure significantly for many people who actually do it? Drink Water. It often is as simple as that and here is a perfect example of why. Imagine some really thick ketchup and trying to suck it through a straw. Versus if you put a bunch of water in the ketchup and mix it up and suck the ketchup through the straw. Does it take more or less pressure to suck the watered down ketchup through a straw? It takes less pressure. Similar with your blood. If your blood is thick and sludgy because you are dehydrated, your body will increase your pressure to force the blood through the little itty-bitty vessels and capillaries.

Actually, your blood pressure is more than this. And drinking water does so much more than make your blood thinner so it flows through the vessels easier. Whatever the reasons, drinking water often lowers peoples blood pressure.

About the Author

Go to to get the full e-course. Dr. Jamie wants to help give you Permanent Results with his “non-diet.” He is also giving you dozens of valuable free gifts to “ethically bribe” you into helping him make his new book, “The Ultimate Non-Diet” a #1 best seller. For details on the book go to:

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The Guide To Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass

If you have been searching for an alternative form of weight loss you may want to consider laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery. This is probably one of the most popular trends in terms of medical procedures for people that are suffering from morbid obesity. The problem with this new trend is that a lot of people that are suffering from morbid obesity have become interested in getting this procedure done. There are many things to consider before getting this surgery. It is commonly only recommended for people that are experiencing medical issues due to their weight. Although there are some doctors that will perform this procedure for cosmetic reasons, for the most part doctors and medical health professionals try to encourage people to try all of their other options before resorting to the surgery.

If you are considering having the laparoscopic gastric bypass procedure done, there are many things that you must take into consideration before doing so. First of all you may want to think of the cost. This procedure can often be quite costly depending on where you live. Your national healthcare plan may deem this surgery as cosmetic, if this is the case you will most likely have to pay. On the other hand, if the procedure is considered medical than you may have the chance to get it covered by your plan, or at least a portion of it.

There are many tests that your doctor or medical health professional must run on you before having this procedure. Some of the things that you may expect to experience includes studies to assess the condition of your pulmonary, cardiovascular, and endocrine systems. A lot of doctors will also give you a psychological evaluation to try and determine how well you will be able to adapt to the changes. This is one of the key tests that doctors use to determine if a patient is prepared for laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery. Although the surgery can be reversed, it is important to consider all of the benefits and risks before hand in order to make an educated decision on whether or not this procedure is right for you.

For those of you that are unfamiliar with exactly how this procedure works, allow me to explain. It is actually quite a simple surgery that usually only lasts around 45 minutes on average. Of course this will vary depending on the doctor and the specifics of the laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery. Length of the surgery may vary depending on where you live. The surgery works by splitting your stomach into two pouches, the upper which is the smaller of the two and the lower which is the largest. After this is done the doctor simply reconnect you small intestine to both pouches to allow them to function normally. This procedure has been proven to decrease hunger while at the same time increases the feeling of being full. This is understandably an ideal situation for people that are interested in losing weight.

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Need To Lose Weight Fast

Have a big event coming up soon? Want to be able too lose a few pounds before it arrives? Well, if so, there are some things you can do if you need to lose weight fast.

Please don’t think that you are going to drop 20 lbs. in a week, you’re not. Even if that were possible, and I’m not sure it is, it would be unhealthy for you.

Your better bet is to start early. I mean, come on, let’s face facts, we know if we have a wedding or a class reunion coming up. We have plenty of time to lose weight if we really want to, don’t wait until the last minute.

If you just want to lose 5 – 10 pounds in a few weeks, that is much more realistic.

Now, I’m going to warn you, some of these tips are borderline unhealthy. For many people, if they aren’t done to extreme or for too long, they are fine but you have to talk to your doctor first.

Getting your doctors ok is the best way to ensure success and that you don’t end up in the hospital. Talk to your doctor and run any type of weight loss plan by her before you start, not after.

So, if you need to lose weight fast, here are some tips I recommend:

1. Find a healthy cleanse or fast. Sometimes you may accomplish both at the same time. There are many recipes online that will allow you make a cleansing drink. You can then go on a diet for a few days which will consist mainly of a liquid diet with only a little bit of solid foods.

Always make sure you talk to your doctor first and always make sure you stay on such a program for no more than 2 or 3 days.

This can help you clean out your body and purge excess toxins out of your system. Most of the weight loss you see will only be water weight and you will gain much of it back when you go off the cleanse, but it may be enough to help you fit into that new suit or dress for your special event.

2. Drink more water. At first you may actually get a little bloated but after a day or so you should see you are losing water weight. That is because you are going to the bathroom more frequently.

You will also flush excess toxins from your system. Another benefit is that you are keeping your body well hydrated which will improve the appearance of your skin and hair.

3. Do not starve yourself. Instead eat 5 or 6 small, nutritious meals daily. When you do that you are keeping your metabolism working more efficiently and burning hot all day long.

That is the best way to lose weight more quickly. I lost 6 pounds in one week using this method and the best part was that I lost excess body fat and not just water weight.

Just include the right balance of lean protein, carbs and fat. Find out how much of each you should have by talking to your doctor first.

If you need to lose weight fast make sure you talk to your doctor, stay healthy and use these ideas as a starting point.

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Lose Weight On Hips

Looking for a sure fire way to lose weight on hips? Well, if so you’ve come to the right place. There are many components to weight loss; what you eat, what you do and the specific exercises you use to target certain areas of your body. I will go over all of them in this article to help you sort it all out.

Before I get started though I do want to point out that you should make an appointment and see your doctor. She (or he) can give you the best advice specifically for you and any conditions you may have. Make sure you get your doctors approval before you start working out.

OK, now on to the information on how to lose weight on hips:

1. The first component to weight loss is your diet. I know that many people don’t want to have to think of it, but it is the truth. And when I say “diet” I don’t mean “a” diet where you eat only celery and drink water.

I’m referring to your diet, the types of foods you eat. This is very important and if you aren’t eating right you should plan on a permanent change in your dietary habits.

Now, no one is telling you that you have to be perfect. No one eats right all the time and you don’t have to either. But, if you want your weight loss to last forever you do need to make some lifestyle changes.

Start by eating at least 5 small meals every day. These meals should consist of healthy lean protein, some fresh vegetables and maybe some fruit. The point is you need to provide your body with what it needs to function at it’s best and keep your metabolism burning hot all day long.

2. It’s also important to keep your body moving. If you like going to the gym and lifting weights or spending time on the treadmill than go for it. But if you don’t like that open your mind, there are millions of things you can do to get more cardiovascular and resistance exercises into your daily life.

Cardiovascular exercises are those that get your heart rate up. Anything from jogging to dancing to kickboxing to swimming will work fine.

Resistance training is when you life weights. This activity can help you build lean muscle mass which will boost your metabolism 24/7 and will “cinch” you in which makes you look slimmer no matter what your weight.

3. Targeting specific exercises for the areas you aren’t happy with is the last component. You should exercise every part of your body but giving a little extra attention to those trouble spots is ok and a good idea.

For your hips you should so leg lifts. Just lay on your side and lift the other leg up, hold briefly then bring back down. You should feel this right in your upper thigh and hip area. Repeat for both sides.

If you want to lose weight on hips just include each one of the components I mentioned. Also, make sure your doctor says it is ok for you to workout. They may even have some good suggestions to help you along.

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