Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Healthy Diet Tips And Much More

“What to Know About Weight Loss Products”

There are a lot of weight loss products that offer that fast weight loss results, however, are these really guaranteed? Could these products live up to their assurance of a fit body?

In US, there is an estimated 50 million people who try to lose weigh, unfortunately, only 5 per cent are successful. One thing’s for sure, beware of fraudulent claims and extreme high cost because there is no magic to losing weight.

Samples of weight loss products in the market nowadays:

Diet Patch this was already removed since 1990s by FDA since they were proven ineffective.
Magnetic Diet Pills allegedly flushes out fat, but not.
Guar Gum causes internal obstruction.
Electrical Muscle Stimulators no proven effect.
Eyeglasses that Suppress Appetite These claims that the projected image on the retina decreases appetite. No proven fact.
Weight loss earrings through acupuncture, suppresses appetite.

There are also examples of weight loss products:

Diet drinks that are mixed with beverages or food are used as meal substitutes. A downside of this is that once a person stopped taking the drinks, they would eventually regain the lost weight after a short period of time due to feeling of emptiness in the stomach. Another is diet supplements and medicines that also dont work long-term. Over-the-counter pills that compose of phenylpropanolamine hydrochloride may raise blood pressure and palpitation. Ephedra on the other hand can cause serious side effects such as heart problems, seizure, stroke, and even death. E.g.:

Herbalife Nutritional Program good as two meals, dieters may rely on shakes and follow artificial dieting methods and just dont want food to work into their lives.
Mega-Thin 100 Formula Its formula contains an anti-fat weapon, however, diet is not emphasized thats why its concluded that it has an appetite suppressant.
Nestls Sweet Success recommended to take three times a day and it does not promote healthy eating habits. Weight loss is difficult to maintain once intake is stopped.
Ultra Slim Fast this plan requires regular exercise but does not teach good eating habits.
Diet pills with Ephedra and PPA many of these have enclosed diet plans. Slimming can come from the diet plan and not the pill intake and there are risks of adverse side effects.
Chitosan products contains fibers which were taken from shellfish that may cause diarrhea, bloatedness, and gas. This will only work if a low fat diet is practiced.
Chromium Supplements claim that products will lower blood sugar, body fat and cholesterol but causes anemia and even memory loss. Studies show only minimal or no beneficial effect at all.
Green Tea Extract Products known as strong anti-oxidants that help lower cholesterol and triglycerides, and promote weight loss, however, the caffeine content could cause insomnia and restlessness.
Algae Tablets – Spirulina contains significant nutrients that can be an acceptable food when used as part of a varied diet but are very expensive.
St. John’s Wort Supplement – Claims that it will suppress appetite and promote weight loss but it could lead to gastrointestinal discomfort, tiredness, sleeplessness, and arouse allergic reactions.
Glucomannan Products claim that two capsules before each meal decrease food absorption. Known as food thickeners but not yet proven safe or effective. Weight loss will only happen if good diet plan is followed.

Even if you plan on using over-the-counter weight supplements or even participate in a weight loss activity, the verdict is that you still have to eat fewer calories than you burn to lose weight. When choosing a weight loss product or program, collect as much information as possible.


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Lose Weight the Healthy Way

Lose Weight the Healthy Way
Marlene Mathis

It’s definitely no fun to lose weight — put it back on, lose weight, put it back on, and so on. Just as you learn the rules of a new diet, you find yourself trying to get around them. What if all you had to do to lose weight was to eat less?

You may think it can’t be done. However, experts say it can. Of course it sounds simpler than it is, but it’s no more difficult to commit to healthy eating habits than it is to follow the diets most of us have tried.

In the end, it will actually be easier because you will feel less restricted as you begin to learn how to eat right instead of how to follow the rules of the newest popular diet. Here are a few tips to help you started:

  • Eat smaller portions, including items with protein, fat, and fiber in each meal. This combination is the one that researchers have found effective in helping to keep hunger pangs away.

  • Drink two full glasses of water with each meal. It will help you feel full and keep your body hydrated.

  • Eat breakfast. This critical meal jump-starts your metabolism for the day. But avoid empty calories like those found in doughnuts, many cereals, and sugar-laden pastries. They will only leave you feeling tired and hungry by mid- morning. For best results, eat items with plenty of protein and fiber.

  • Don’t count calories or weigh food. Simply use the palm of your hand as a portion control guide. Most of us are fully aware of what a ‘too large’ portion looks like. We also know how it makes us feel. You should never feel bloated or stuffed-eat only until you are not hungry. You really aren’t giving up anything if you save the rest for later. If it helps, think of it as taking a break when you set food aside for another time.

  • Give up something. It might be your nightly glass of wine, chocolate bars, or regular soft drinks. Then, commit to doing without the item for one full year. You’ll find that you’ll feel better without the sugar, caffeine, or alcohol. You certainly won’t miss the calories as your waistline begins to shrink.

  • Identify your comfort food. What is it that you reach for in times of stress? Pizza, fried chicken, or a burger with fries all seem to top the list of foods people reach for when feeling down, anxious, and tired. Instead of reaching for food to comfort you, engage in a favorite activity. Go golfing, take a walk through your neighborhood, or hop on your bicycle for a quick spin.

  • Be aware that food is often used as substitute for other types of satisfaction. Take a look at your job, your family life, and your spiritual connections. Work to improve areas that are causing you discomfort and you will see the desire for unhealthy food fade away. Maybe it’s time to start looking for a new job, go back to college, or find a church.

Taking control of your weight is more about taking control of your life than anything else. Don’t allow yourself to make decisions based on food. Why be chained to someone else’s diet rules when you know yourself better than anyone else. Put that knowledge to work, and watch your weight disappear.

If you want to make weight disappear faster, and to help keep those pounds off, be sure to exercise regularly. Walking 30 minutes daily is something most people can achieve and keep it up right into the senior years.

Marlene Mathis is webmaster at Ana Health, the comprehensive health information resource. Subscribe to her ezine Health Vista at

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Healthy Eating Habits Tips For Getting Fit

Trying to get fit isn’t always easy. If it was, then there wouldn’t be nearly as many products on the market to help people get healthy. But let’s face it, getting fit can be a lot harder than it should be.

There may be any number of reasons for this. Maybe it’s because junk food is so easy to find. Maybe it’s a busy schedule that doesn’t give us enough time to eat right. Maybe it’s the stress of the modern world that causes the problem. Regardless of the the causes of your unhealthy eating habits, you can turn that around at any time by adopting healthy eating habits.

You don’t have to wait. You don’t have to spend a fortune on the latest fad diet. You can start right away by being mindful of the food you eat. Remember, everything you consume is going to have some effect on your body. The only question is if that effect is good or bad. Studies have shown that subjects who paid attention to what they ate, started to eat better. They weren’t even aware that they were making healthier choices. It was almost as if paying attention to the food they ate flipped a switch that caused them to start eating better. And you can do the same thing.

One of the benefits of trying to change your eating habits is that you can do it at the pace that’s best for you. Remember that you are in this for the long haul, so if you want to make a few small changes at a time, then that’s perfectly acceptable. You know what’s best for you. No matter how you go about it, it’s much better to make changes that are going to stick and see more steady results. Sure, you could make a lot of changes and be able to see some drastic results in short amount of time may seem fantastic, but if you find it too difficult and then go back to your old ways, then it’s not really worth it.

A good rule of thumb is to eat foods that are as close to their natural source as possible. For example, it’s better to eat corn on the cob, than it is to eat it ground up, deep fried, salted and flavored. That sounds logical, yet how many people choose to eat corn chips instead of fresh corn on a daily basis. And that’s only one example. If you could make this one little change, you would be adopting one of the best healthy eating habits.

Another good healthy eating habit is to make better choices at the grocery store. To do this, simply compare two similar foods that you like to eat, then choose the one that’s healthier. However, don’t do this only once, but rather every time you go shopping. Think of it as a contest and try to beat your previous record. Over time your diet will improve, and you will feel a whole lot better to boot!

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Posted by: admin | Category: Healthy Choice,Healthy Eating,Healthy Foods,Weight Loss | Comments (1)
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