Healthy Weight Loss Tips

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Relaxation – The key to healthy life

Relaxation – The key to healthy life
Nitin Jain

Physical exercise complemented by a healthy diet may still leave you bereft of a truly fit body if you dont relax enough. Relaxation releases ‘feel good’ hormones in our body. They help us reduce free radical effect, which means it slows down the ageing process, reducing the PMS syndrome, speeds up recovery of post-operative healing, increases our lung power… the list is endless.

Result shows that just 15 minutes of daily relaxation can aid in the complete avoidance of blood pressure tablets. No amount of exercising and dieting alone can ensure that. Diet and exercise reduce stress levels, but they cannot wholly account for our emotional thought patterns. And thse negative emotions that are mainly accountable for many psychosomatic diseases.

Evidently, pumping iron till your arms ache and dieting diligently will be futile minus relaxation. Relaxation is a must in our daily life. It alone can strengthen our immune system. Right from gardening to playing chess to practising simple mental exercises, anything can be relaxing. The choice and onus both lie with the person.

Research studies have documented positive changes in the blood flow, neurochemistry as well as neurophysiology of the brain when one is relaxed. The blood flow to the brain is increased to those regions of the brain that are associated with feelings of being calm. So, to ensure the complete health quotient, one needs relaxation as much as one needs physical exercise and a proper diet.


1. Do what you love daily, like listening to your favorite music.

2. Devote time to a hobby.

3. Look at some old photographs of an occasion that was full of fun.

4. Be with nature any time of the day.

5. Establish contact with old friends.

6. In the afternoon, take a 20-minute nap.

7. Sit on a chair with your feet touching the floor and your back upright. Focus on anything or any sound for three minutes.

8. Once back from office, as you step into your home, just sit for 10-15 minutes doing nothing. You may switch on the television or listen to some music if you so prefer.

9. Breathe deeply while listening to your favorite music.

10. Press under the big toe and the arch of your foot.


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Recover Your Healthy Self

Recover Your Healthy Self
Jay Morganson (

Effective Stress Management:
A Must For Those With Busy Lives

What would you do with increased stamina, decreased anxiety, and solid peace of mind? You would probably get more done in less time–at the very least, each day would be more enjoyable. In the long term, you would certainly experience better physical health and a longer life span.

The only thing standing between you and a higher level of general well-being is the unpreventable occurrence of stress. Daily stress can rob us of our potential, weakening every aspect of our lives. Consider the following:

Stress breaks down the efficiency of the immune system leaving our bodies vulnerable to illness and disease.

Stress causes heart problems and high blood pressure.

Stress contributes to addictive behavior, causing alcoholism, eating disorders, nicotine addiction, and workaholic tendencies.

Stress causes social withdrawal, perpetuating symptoms and leading to destructive isolation.

To avoid stress and related symptoms you must be proactive, nurturing your body and mind through a balanced diet, exercise, and reserved time for relaxation.

A Balanced Diet – We know that a balanced diet can improve your health, but can it really do anything for your stress level? Experts say it can. Research has found that good nutrition has a tremendous impact on our ability to ward off the damage stress can do to our systems. Sure, you’ll still feel tense, but with your body nutritionally armed for battle, you’ll handle things better. There are many things you can do to maximize your body’s fighting power.

One of the most significant things you can do is to reduce the amounts sugar and white flour in your diet. Sugar and white flour cause a host of problems you could do without. By reducing these items in your diet, you will be able to maintain better weight control, reduce the risk of heart disease, and increase your energy level. Why? Because items made with these products metabolize too fast in your blood system. The result is unhealthy spikes in your blood sugar, rapid depletion of energy, and damaging stress symptoms.

Exercise – In addition to eating right, exercise can be a tremendous help in fighting stress. As you get moving, your circulation delivers oxygen and nutritional elements throughout your body. The result is muscle relaxation, the release of mood elevating chemicals, and a strengthened immune system. Studies show that those who exercise regularly are less likely to suffer from stress related illness.

Relaxation. When your body relaxes, it reverses stress symptoms. You experience a sense of control as you eliminate the feelings of helplessness that often accompany stress. Find that one thing that really helps you to kick back and forget about things for a while. Here are some suggestions:

– Catering to our senses, such as sight, smell, and sound can reduce anxiety. So put on some favorite music, keep fresh cut flowers in view, and sink into a warm bubble bath.

– Reduce the clutter in your life. Passing a stack of papers as you leave for work, tripping over boxes, or stuffing a breakfast plate into a sink of dirty dishes, creates underlying tension that acts as a fuse when something gets you fired up.

– Deal head-on with anything that has been bothering you. Ignoring problems won’t make them go away–resolving them will.

– Get a good night’s sleep. Your body needs this time to heal and “reboot” in preparation for the next day’s challenges. Deny this basic need and you drain all of your systems of their strength.

Good nutrition, exercise, and learning to enjoy life will help you ward off dangerous stress symptoms. It’s important that you take steps now to ensure a healthy future. That is why I dedicate several sections of my ebook series, Recover Your Healthy Self, to teaching you how to reduce the levels of stress in your life, instantly improving your quality of life. You’ll learn: How to cope rather than stress, 13 affirmations to move beyond stress and its impacts, how to become a relaxation guru, and much more.
About the Author

Jay Morganson from

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Healthy Weight Loss

Healthy Weight Loss
David McCormick

I am Mr. Weightless, and though I may be a superhero, and I may be immune to heart disease and cancer, still Mr. Weightless can catch a cold. Being fit means that it is very rare that I get sick, but a virus is a virus, and I caught a cold. Although I felt miserable, there came some good of it, because I came to a realization that will simplify how you can think about good health and weight loss: Take the advice for the sick, even while you’re well.

Why Is This Advice for the Ill?

All of the things we tell sick people so that they recover more quickly are exactly the things that we should be doing every day. Following that advice will not only ward off disease, but also lead to greater energy and vitality, and best of all, weight loss. How we came to ignore these positive factors in our daily lives, I don’t know.

In our society, we have a tendency to put off what is most healthy because we think it is inconvenient. When we get sick and can’t perform our “more important” jobs, then we make the decision to do what is best for the body. If we took these simple pieces of advice in our regular routines, we would be sick fewer days. So for those who think their work is more important than their health… if you take care of your health first, you’ll be able to work longer and take fewer sick days, so you’ll accomplish more work!

Prevent Disease and Lose Weight with the Best Diet for Men

Fluid Intake

“Drink plenty of fluids” is the thing everybody says whenever someone says they have a cold. Drinking water and natural fruit juices is so easy, yet most people don’t do it. There are a myriad of benefits to drinking water all day, which you can find in my article on Water. Drink a lot of water all day. The improvements to your digestion, energy balance, joint health, skin health and the function of virtually every organ will astonish you. You will start losing weight right away when you drink at least your quota of 8 glasses of water per day. And there is no danger of drinking too much water, so you don’t need to keep track or count glasses, just keep drinking it.

Natural fruit juices are also great for you. They contain sugars to give you energy, but won’t dehydrate you like caffeine will. They also contain all of the other vitamins and nutrients from the fruits themselves. In the case of citrus fruits, like oranges, vitamin C comes in high concentrations. We’ll get to the vitamins in the next section. Other juices are good for different reasons, but remember that there is no such thing as a “bad” natural fruit juice. Many natural juices are also fortified with calcium, which is another excellent nutrient that will not only strengthen your bones and prevent osteoporosis when you grow older, but it is also related to fat loss.

No matter how good the label looks, do not drink artificial fruit-flavoured juice, because those only contain sugar, water and flavouring.

Vitamins and Herbs

Many people suggest high doses of vitamin C to cure the common cold. It is such a good nutrient, it should be taken daily, whether you’re sick or not. Vitamin C, ascorbic acid, is known to boost the immune system, which is why it is recommended for treatment of the common cold. But a good immune system is always beneficial; it is better to prevent getting a cold by having a strong immune system than to treat it once you’re sick. Vitamin C is also a most powerful antioxident, which means that it prevents all sorts of cellular decay and counteracts cancer-causing carcinogens. Finally, vitamin C boosts the production of adrenaline, which will boost your feeling of wakefulness, energy and speed your metabolism, supporting weight loss.

Vitamin C is not the only supplement that sick people are told to take. My mother is particularly fond of echinacea. This is an herb that also boosts the immune system. It has proven effective in treating the common cold, but unlike vitamin C, it does not show a significant effect on healthy people.

Taking a multivitamin everyday that contains high doses of vitamin C, as well as a full complement of other vitamins, minerals and essential nutrients is a positive step for anyone. It is virtually impossible to get every nutrient that you should every day unless you take a multivitamin. For those attempting to lose body fat by reducing their food intake, it becomes essential. Not only will you replace the nutrients you’re not getting from your restricted diet, you’re also packing in those nutrients that can speed up your weight loss.

The best multivitamins and nutritional supplements can be found on the Diet Products page.

Chicken Noodle Soup and Other Good Food

When you’re sick, you may have a friend who offers to take care of you and make you some chicken noodle soup. There are a lot of theories about why chicken soup may be good for you when you have a cold. Some say that it’s just the steam and hot liquid that opens up the airways; others claim that it inhibits neutrophils, white blood cells responsible for inflammation. My theory is simpler: chicken noodle and chicken vegetable soups are just good food, and should be consumed regularly. In a tasty meal, you’ve got protein from the chicken, carbs from the noodles and/or vegetables, spices and seasoning that have herbal benefits, and the chicken fat as well. A good rule of thumb is to eat simple, good food that has these properties.

An easier, faster way to get such a balanced meal (more complete than even chicken soup) is to have a meal replacement for two meals a day. These can be found on the Products page, click here.


The final and most important ingredient to beating a cold is rest. Of everything discussed in this article, it is also the element that most modern men disregard. Even when sick, we tend to get up and do some work, rather than concentrating on getting well. Sleep is the time your body and mind recuperate from the day’s activities. Without sufficient sleep, your body cannot heal properly, and your mind cannot function properly. There have been some studies that show that sleep deprivation can lead to overeating and obesity, due to the elevation of certain hormones.

Sleep recommendations have varied tremendously in all the studies done. Most people today believe that 8 hours is the optimum duration of sleep. However, some adults can’t bring themselves to sleep longer than 6 hours, and many will sleep for 10 if not awoken by an alarm. The need for sleep steadily declines throughout your life. A baby can sleep as much as 18 hours a day, but it will come at odd times until their rhythms match their parents. So, it seems like they never sleep because they’re always crying in the middle of the night, but they’re sleeping a lot of the rest of the time. In contrast, the elderly awake early and frequently cannot fall asleep until very late. Some may nap frequently, but in all, they are awake far longer than most adults.

The amount of sleep any person needs seems to be quite individualistic. To find your perfect sleep duration, try waking up at the same time every day for work, but go to bed one half-hour earlier each night. You may not feel comfortable right away, but you’ll probably fall asleep within 10 minutes. Eventually, you will find a time that is ideal in that you will fall asleep easily and wake up feeling really energetic. On a weekend, you can test your theory by going to bed when you feel tired, and not set an alarm to wake you. When you wake up, write a note of the time you first woke up (in case you want to sleep in further). Then it is a simple matter to figure out how long your body wants to sleep.

Sleep is not the only component of rest. People will actually tell you to “take it easy” to help you recover. This is also a good idea for everyday life, not only when you’re ill. Learn to take time every day to relax. There have been many books and studies on the benefits of meditation. None that I know of relate meditation to weight loss, but it is related to a reduction of stress. Lower stress levels will reduce your risk of heart disease, and if you’re an “emotional eater”, then reducing your stress through meditation can be a big step towards weight loss.

Feeling Under the Weather?

Until you become weightless, like me, you’ll be “under the weather” because the clouds are above you. So, every day behave as if you’re under the weather: drink plenty of fluids, especially water and natural fruit juices; take a multivitamin and the proven herbal health boosters; eat natural food in good proportions; and get adequate sleep, including meditation or some form of relaxation.

Article Originally Posted: Healthy Weight Loss
About the Author

David “Mr. Weightless” McCormick is the founder of Weightless Products, the best weight loss program for men. All articles are available in full for FREE, with no banners, no pop-ups and no registration. Wait Less for Weight Loss, visit the Fast Weight Loss Diet for Men

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Medical Tourism FAQs

The process may still be unfamiliar to you, but you will find that medical tourism can be very convenient and easy, once you understand the rules and find the right people and agencies that can help you. Medical tourism is quickly becoming a big sector, especially among Asian countries. More and more Americans and Britons are going to new places to spend less and get some much needed rest and relaxation. Here are some common questions.

When and how do I pay for my treatment abroad?

In most cases, getting a medical tourism package will require you to provide a partial or down payment to the medical institution. There may be third agencies involved to ensure that your payment stays safe and documented. Once you arrive at the destination country, you will pay after the treatment is done at the medical institution or hospital. You may pay using your credit card, a PayPal account, cash and check, depending on the institution and the online preference available.

Most foreigners make reservations and other preparations online. You can start your own PayPal account and pay for the down payment instantly. You only need to provide credit to your account using your credit card or via money transfer. An email will be sent to you confirming that the payment has been received. You may show this to the hospital once you arrive at the destination country.

How can I make sure that I am dealing with reliable institutions?

Only deal with internationally accredited hospitals. Accreditation may come from different bodies, such as the ISO, JCI and Trent. Being accredited means that the medical institution has been approved by the right agencies and comply with the standards and regulations set by top groups worldwide. You should also talk to the physician and surgeon who will conduct the surgery. This way, you can ensure that the professional has had more than enough training and experience to deal with your case. The success rate will also increase if you deal with well-trained professionals and experts.

Double check and review the diagnosis provided by your local physician with the one made by your doctor overseas. You can then ensure if you really have the condition and needs the right approach or surgery to get well.

How can I ensure that I will stay safe and comfortable throughout the trip?

Visit the official web site of the hospital or medical institution where you are going to. You should check how often they upgrade their equipment and tools, as well as which technologies are already available in their area. The tools and facilities available should be modern, with regards to your case. This way, you get the highest quality of treatment possible without having to pay as much.

You should also consult your travel agent and check out the plan and schedule provided. Find out more about your hotel accommodations, the city where you are staying and what other things are included in the package, such as food, transportation and other freebies. Find out how many days you are supposed to stay and which airlines will take you to and from the country of destination.

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