Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Healthy Diet Tips And Much More

Secrets to Healthy Weight Gain

Secrets to Healthy Weight Gain
Beverley Brooke

There is so much emphasis on weight loss in todays culture that it is easy for people to forget that many out there are actually people out there trying to gain weight, not lose it.

There are many different reasons why someone might be trying to gain weight. Many people for example may become underweight due to medical problems, such as hormonal problems or digestive diseases.

Still others have a very fast metabolism, and are naturally thin, to the point where they may feel uncomfortable about their weight.

You may be one of the few athletes out there that is looking to pack on more pounds to appear muscular. Regardless of your reasons, gaining weight requires that you pay careful attention to your diet to gain weight in a healthy manner.

The key to gaining weight healthily is taking in more Calories per day than you expend. The number of calories you burn during a day will depend on a number of factors.

If you are an athlete, you likely burn more calories than someone who leads a relatively sedentary existence. A physically demanding job might also result in greater caloric expenditure every day.

Once you take into consideration your activity level, adopt the following tips, which will guide you through the weight gain challenge in a healthy way:

1) Eat foods that are high in good fats including those that come from fish, avocados and nuts. Avoid high calorie sweets that will only add fat not muscle to your frame. You should also ensure that you are consuming adequate amounts of whole grains and proteins.

2) Take a multi vitamin and mineral supplement every day.

3) Exercise, particularly strength train. Strength training will help you build muscle mass, which in turn will help fill out your figure.

4) Try eating five to six smaller meals per day. Keep your body Full of high density and high energy foods that will keep you energized throughout the day.

The most important thing to remember is that it is possible to gain weight in a manner that is healthy. Remember above all else to stay away from foods that are highly processed, contain too much sugar or are full of saturated fats.

About the Author

Beverley Brooke, Editor of Health & Finesse – Free health, diet and fitness articles and weekly newsletters

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How To Eat A Healthy Diet During Pregnancy

How To Eat A Healthy Diet During Pregnancy
Beverley Brooke

Perhaps the number one complaint of women trying to watch their weight during pregnancy is that they are hungry all the time. True, pregnancy does result in an increased metabolic demand on the body, which can cause you to be hungry. Many women also experience a number of cravings during pregnancy, which can make healthy eating challenging.

The first thing to remember is that the idea that you should eat for two is wrong. You only need an additional 300 calories per day, and generally you dont need these calories until you are well on your way to the second and third trimesters.

So what can you do to help manage your weight and stick to a healthy diet?

Remember that during pregnancy it is vital that you do not cut back on your caloric intake. This has the potential to rob your baby of essential nutrients that are necessary for his/her growth and development. Here are some tips to help you stick to a healthy diet throughout your pregnancy:

Avoid skipping meals. If you have a habit of skipping breakfast, youll find that you are not only more fatigued but ravenous during your pregnancy, which will result in overeating. Be sure that you eat each meal every day.

Try eating several mini meals throughout the ay. This will not only help you feel fuller longer, it will help minimize the nausea often experienced during the first trimester.

Satisfy your cravings with nutritious snacks. Have a variety of healthy things to snack on readily available so you avoid overindulging in foods that are too decadent. If you are craving something sweet, consider having some mini chocolates near by or opt for a cup of hot chocolate. Both are far better for you than an entire candy bar or piece of cake.

Exercise during your pregnancy. The act of exercising in and of itself will be plenty to motivate you to stick to a healthy diet. Youll feel better about yourself and find that you have more energy throughout the day.

Avoid high calorie beverages. Soda pop (which isnt good for you anyway, particularly during pregnancy), juices and other flavored drinks often contain a good 100-300 calories per serving. Stick to water or flavored water during your pregnancy.

Drink lots of water. You may think you are hungry when in fact you are actually thirsty at many points during your pregnancy. In fact, the brains hunger and thirst centers often get mixed up, so people often feel hungry when they are in fact dehydrated. The better hydrated you are, the les likely you are to overeat.

About the Author

Article by Beverley Brooke, author of “Ensure A Healthy Pregnancy For You And Your Baby And Lose Weight After Pregnancy” – visit for more on a range of pregnancy health issues

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Healthy nutrition for children

Healthy nutrition for children
John Gibb

When growing up, it’s important to have healthy nutrition for children. Since their bodies are in a state of constant growth, a lack of vitamins and minerals can result in poor growth processes and problems later in life. It is important for your child to eat a variety of healthy foods, balance the food they eat with regular physical activity, and choose a diet with the right nutrients.

For instance, a child’s growing body requires high levels of calcium and iron, sometimes even more than adults. Iron is crucial to a child’s development since it is used in developing strong muscles and producing blood, while calcium helps bones and teeth grow strong. These substances can be found in various foods, but it can be more helpful to get your children a supplement to help aid these needs.

Children of schooling age require around 1600 to 2400 calories per day, depending on their age and activity level. Once the growth spurt occurs, girls tend to require an additional 200 calories per day and boys need an extra 500 calories. No more than 30% of your child’s diet should come from fats. To maintain healthy nutrition for children, this can help to prevent obesity and other health problems. It is also important for your child to get a daily variety of vegetables. Requiring two to four servings of vegetables per day, children can meet these guidelines by eating such vegetables as salad greens and legumes. These vegetables contain nutrients key to a child’s development.

Children should also have 2-4 servings of fruit per day, and 6 to 11 servings of bread, cereal, rice or pasta. 2 to 3 servings of meat, beans, or nuts per day are also key to help a child develop properly. Following these steps, healthy nutrition for children can be a breeze. Just be sure to get all their daily requirements covered and your child will thank you later.

About the Author

John Gibb manages

The site deidciated to nutrition

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Discover The Truth About A 500 Calorie Diet

Are you a bit of a risk taker when you want to lose weight? If you are the 500 calorie diet may be just what youre looking for. The truth about this diet is it is considered an extreme form of dieting; but is highly popular. Low calorie diets are common and 500 calories is at the lower end of the scale.

A diet is considered low calorie if it involves ingesting no more than 1200 calories per day. The idea of a low calorie diet is to lose weight quickly. If not administered correctly they can be dangerous and as such it is important to plan your 500 calorie diet with a professional dietician or nutritionist before starting. This article will help you to decide if the 500 calorie diet is right for you.

It is well known that the way to lose weight is to burn more calories than you take in. However a very low calorie diet can actually do more harm than good. When your body is craving more calories (energy) it can affect your metabolic rate. This means your body actually starts to eat away at your muscle mass.

It is doing this for the purpose of converting the muscle mass to energy, since there are no food reserves to take from. Because gaining muscle is the path to losing fat, this can have a highly detrimental effect on your body.

500 calories per day may be sufficient for some people depending on their:
– Gender
– Activity level
– Height
– Body type
– Overall health and well being

For other people though, particularly overweight people, consuming only 500 calories a day is almost like starving yourself. Your body is more than likely used to taking in over 2000 calories per day and up to 5000 or more. If you all of a sudden drop to 500 calories or less your body moves into starvation mode. Your metabolism then slows down to conserve energy.

While you are on the 500 calorie diet your body will learn to live with fewer calories. That means if you go back to your old high calorie habits (as all too many people do) you will have a sudden gain in weight, which is more than what would have occurred, had you not gone on your low cal diet.

The only real way to determine your ideal daily calorie intake is by using a bmr/amr calculator. You will then know how many calories you need to be healthy and to support your lifestyle. If you take 500 calories away from this, then you have the ideal number of calories, to take in per day to help you get your weight down.

As men and women are obviously different their ideal calorie intake is also different. This of course means while the average woman may need only 1200 to 1300 calories a day to survive, her male counterpart may need from 1500 to 1600. Again this is why it is so important for you to consult with your physician before starting any diet.

In conclusion a 500 calorie diet can be dangerous. However, if proper precautions are taken, such as a physical, to determine your overall health fitness, you can lose weight quickly.

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