Healthy Weight Loss Tips

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Slowed Metabolism As Women Get Older- Creeping Scale Dial

OK, you are getting older and you are starting to see the dial on your scale creep up. You know it is not your fault, after all, we all know that slowed metabolism as women get older is something that just happens. Or is it? Is this an inevitable and irreversible side effect of getting older?

Well, I’m not a doctor and I can’t really say for sure but according to what I have read we don’t necessarily have to expect to have slowed metabolism as women get older. As a matter of fact, from what I read, in some ways we are causing the problem ourselves!

You see one of the biggest culprits of a slowing metabolism is the loss of lean muscle mass. As we age we stop being as active as we were when we were younger.

As we become more sedentary the lean muscle mass in our bodies decreases thus slowing our metabolism.

This issue is made worse when we start to see the numbers on the bathroom scale getting higher and higher. Many of us will then mistakenly try to cut down on our food intake.

This only makes things worse because then our body thinks that it is starving so it shuts down as much as possible to conserve energy.

Once that happens we are really heading in a downward spiral. We will continue to gain weight because our metabolism is slowing down so we panic and eat less thus slowing our metabolism down even more.

The good news is that there are a few simple things you can do to combat this trend, it does not have to be an inevitable part of aging.

Here are two of the best things you can do to reverse this trend and keep that trim figure you’ve had up until now:

1. Eat better. That can mean different things to different people. For some of you that will mean to eat less food in general. Some of you may need to cut way back on the amount of bad for you fast food that you eat.

Others may just need to eat more “organic” types of food and steer clear of the overly processed foods. That may include those frozen “good for you” dinners.

As a rule of thumb, anything that is already prepared is not that nutritious. You are almost always better off making all your food from scratch with natural, fresh ingredients.

2. Weight train. If you are wasting hours every week on the cardio machines at your local gym and not doing any weight training, you are wasting your time.

You see endless cycles of cardio can actually burn off your lean muscle mass. Have you ever seen a long distance runner? They look almost emaciated, they sure don’t look healthy. That is because they have very little lean muscle mass.

To really increase your metabolism you should add as much lean muscle mass as possible. And for crying out loud ladies, don’t fret about “bulking up”. You can’t. You don’t have the right hormones to “accidentally” get big. Even if you really wanted to it would be a challenge for most women, you sure aren’t going to do it accidentally.

These are the best ways to combat slowed metabolism as women get older.

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Advantages Of Men Weight Loss Versus Women

Ah, the eternal debate: what are the Advantages of men weight loss versus women weightloss and lack of energy?

There are many elements to this question, do men lose weight more easily than women. And what role does lack of energy play, if any, in weight loss?

First of all, I want to make clear that I am not a doctor, scientist or personal trainer. What I am going to share with you in this article is what I have read and learned. I can not guarantee that it is accurate, but if nothing else, it will give you something to think about.

Ok, do men lose weight more quickly than women? From what I have been able to find out the answer would be “yes”. But it’s not what you may think, and that doesn’t mean it is necessarily “easy” for them either.

You see one of the biggest culprits of weight gain as we age, this goes for both men and women, is loss of lean muscle mass.

This happens for several reasons but the biggest reason is that as we get older we tend to move less. Less movement means that our muscles kind of wither away.

When that happens, and you may not even notice it at first, fat can build up in those “crevices” where the muscle once was. As your lean muscle mass deteriorates your metabolism slows down. This then can become a bad cycle.

Another thing to consider is that being out of shape can lead to a lack of energy. When you are feeling out of energy the last thing you want to do is workout. Again, a downward spiral.

To combat all of this just find the motivation, or hire someone to help you find it, to work out. Eat right, build up your lean muscle mass and you will find that you have more energy and your metabolism will burn hotter making it easier for you to stay at a healthy weight.

To be honest, none of this is rocket science. Today most of us know that a lot of what our parent’s generation thought about staying in shape was wrong.

We know that the idea of eating 3 big meals a day is wrong. All you accomplish by doing that is you flood your body with more calories at one time than it can process.

We now know that it’s better to eat small, healthy meals throughout your day to keep your metabolism burning hot.

We also know that even women need to do some weight training so that they can keep their lean muscle mass too. And we also know that since women don’t have enough of the hormones that build big muscles, it would be impossible for a woman to “bulk up” accidentally.

There may not be as many advantages of men weight loss versus women weightloss and lack of energy as we may have originally thought. To a large degree it seems as if we all have pretty much the same challenges. And it also seems we may all need pretty much the same solutions.

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Weight Loss Exercise Program – Dont Shortchange Yourself

When it comes to finding the right weight loss exercise program many people make one huge mistake. They think solely in terms of doing cardiovascular exercises and either don’t do enough weight training, or worse, don’t do any weight training at all.

Some people mistakenly think that they want to burn the fat and the only way to do that is to do tons of cardio. And of course, you do need a full cardio workout in your overall exercise plan, but if you neglect the weight training aspect of your workouts you will really be shortchanging yourself and your overall fitness goals.

A lot of women also make the mistake of thinking that they can only lift very light weights and / or only do a few repetitions of each exercise or they will get bulky. They are so afraid of getting big that they neglect this extremely important aspect of working out.

Let’s set the record straight, while it’s true that women have both estrogen and testosterone in their bodies naturally, the levels of testosterone are only about one seventh of what men have. For a woman to “accidentally” get bulky just by lifting weights would be impossible. The women body builders you see don’t get that way on accident, they work hard at it and treat is like what it is… a full time job.

So, make sure you lift weights as part of your routine. The more lean muscle mass you have the more calories your body will burn all day every day, no matter what you are doing. That is a great side effect. Having nice muscle tone will also make you look trimmer and slimmer, no matter what your weight is.

So you will look thinner at 125 lbs if you have a lot of toned muscle than you would if you didn’t have good muscle tone. When first starting out (after you get your doctors ok) find someone to teach you how to use the proper form, then start with a weight that makes it challenging to finish a full set, one set is between 8 – 12 individual repetitions of the exercise.

The general rule of thumb is that you should be able to finish the set, but just barely. That is how you know that you are using the proper amount of weight. Once you can easily do all reps of one exercise at a certain weight, move up to a higher weight. At first you may not be able to do a whole set at the higher weight, that’s ok. Just do what you can and build on that.

Make each repetition slow and controlled and don’t forget to use proper breathing techniques. If you have never done this before you really should have someone show you the proper techniques in order to avoid injuries.

To get the most out of all your weight loss exercise plans, make sure that you eat right, get plenty of water and rest and incorporate a full weight training routine. You won’t get bulky but you will burn more calories and that may just make you hot.

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Exercise To Lose Weight And Save Time

Many of us have very busy lives, even though we know we need to lose weight, and we are willing to do the work, we still only have limited time. For that reason you need to focus on the best exercise to lose weight so you can get the maximum results in the shortest amount of time.

Workout routines are usually broken up into two main components: cardiovascular (Cardio) and weight training. Both forms of exercise offer great benefits to your body and your overall health.

Cardio is a great way to get your heart rate up which can lead to a healthier heart and lung capacity. Weight training will help you build muscle tone and can lead to increased metabolism rates and a stronger body. Effectively combining the best elements of both forms of exercises is usually a good way to go.

But the downside to that approach is that it takes more time. If you go to a gym, any gym, you will see people who spend 20 -30 minutes on a treadmill, elliptical or exercise bike. Then they will go over to the weight machines or free weights and spend another 30 or so minutes lifting weights.

There is nothing wrong with that type of routine if: you have time to do it consistently, and you don’t find it boring. If either one of these issues is an issue for you than what you need to do is concentrate only on the weight training.

Why? Because you can get a cardio benefit out of the weight training too. This actually can happen in two ways, for one thing, if you do each repetition in a slow and controlled manner (which is what you should be doing anyway) than you will find that you are sweating and breathing heavy. In other words, you are getting a cardio workout.

But, unlike many forms of cardio exercises, you are also benefiting from the weight training too. You are building a lot of lean muscle tone. That will help you appear thinner since the muscles will “hold you in” kind of like a girdle, but more importantly, the more lean muscle mass you have the higher your metabolism will burn.

That increased metabolic rate isn’t going to just happen when you are at the gym working out, it will be happening all day everyday! Think of what that will do to you to your weight loss efforts if you are actually burning more calories every single day no matter what you are doing (yes, even while you sleep or sit on your rear on the couch).

So, if you want to know what the best exercise to lose weight is, it is a combination of cardio and weight training. If you need to shorten the time you exercise each week but don’t want to miss out on any of the benefits than your best bet is to do weight training. As I explained above, if you do it right you will get a cardio benefit too and that will last long after you leave the gym for the day.

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