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Health Plan: A ‘Healthy Business’ Plan

Health Plan: A ‘Healthy Business’ Plan
Marjorie Geiser

In business, owners create business plans and marketing plans
for the New Year to help set their course for success. This
becomes their template to make their dreams and business goals
come true. They can then track their progress and make
adjustments when necessary to keep themselves on track.

But, why not do the same thing if your goal is improved health?
Just imagine setting up a real action plan to address what you
want to achieve and how you will go about making those goals
happen. Let’s look at some of the parts of a business plan and
see how they can be adjusted into a ‘health plan’.

Mission statement

According to Stephen Covey, all individuals should have a
personal mission statement. Do you have one? Ok, so you probably
don’t. But what about creating a personal health mission
statement? What would you want that statement to say? It should
include what your health would ideally look like and why you
would want it to look that way. You may want to include what
your primary goal is for creating a health statement, too.

An example may be, “I am committed to becoming a healthy example
for my family so that they learn healthy habits and never have
to suffer from disease caused by lifestyle. I will do this by
avoiding unfavorable health habits and eat a healthy, whole diet
most of the time and stay active on a regular basis.” So, here
are the questions to ask yourself in order to create your health
mission statement: 1. What do you want your health to look like?
2. Why do you want this health result? 3. How will you
accomplish this goal?

Vision statement

What do you want your health to look like in 10 years? What will
you feel and look like? How will you know if you have succeeded
in your goal?

Answer each of these questions to create your ultimate vision
for your health. Perhaps you have been struggling with great
amounts of weight for years. You have tried every diet known to
man, with limited success and then ultimate failure. So, your 10
year vision may be to weigh your ideal body weight, feel great,
look fantastic and be off all medications.

Do not allow doubts or limiting beliefs voice their opinion. If
you allow yourself to believe this can happen, you can make it


Now it’s time to break down that big vision; what will you have
accomplished in one year, three years and five years?

You have an ultimate 10-year vision, above. That is your
ultimate destination. Now is the time to create the rough plan
for how you will get there. Again, never mind what the limiting
thoughts say. What would you like to accomplish in these
milestone time frames? Examples may be that in one year you will
be walking every day, five to six days a week, for a total of at
least 60 minutes. Or maybe in a year you will be ready for a 5 K
walk/run race. Another example may be that in 1 year you will
have lost 10 pounds or are off your diabetic medication. Then
for three years and five years, allow yourself to open up and

Strategies and Tactics

What will your biggest challenges be? Determine these first,
then brainstorm how you can overcome these challenges. Then list
what it will take from you to make overcoming these challenges a
reality. What techniques will you use? List seven – these are
your strategies and the tactics you’ll use while using these

Examples of challenges may be; not enough time in your day, too
tired, can’t find anything you like to do, hate vegetables or
cooking from scratch. But, as you consider your challenges,
there are always strategies you can use to determine how to
overcome these challenges. A few examples are to find
pre-packaged foods that are low in fat and sodium but healthy
and tasty and add a salad or vegetable to it, join a health club
such as Curves, where you can run in and run out and fit in a
workout in just 30 minutes. Find a buddy to walk with at
lunchtime. Buy a stationary bike and put it in front of the TV.
Set up a vegetable challenge at work, where everyone can keep
track of how many veggies they eat each day, with a prize at the
end of the month for the person who is eating the most. What
else can you think of?

Next you have to address what tactics you will use to make these
strategies actually a reality. Come up with at least five for
each strategy, because there will always be times that the
situation will call for a different tactic to overcome the
challenge. A few examples are to tell your friends and family
that you are now walking every day after work, set up a back-up
plan when you can’t walk, or each time you go food shopping you
buy a new fresh, frozen or canned vegetable to try, not limiting
yourself to just one form of the food. Or buy a new cookbook and
commit to yourself to prepare one new, healthy meal per week, or
spend some time on websites such as to
research something new and healthy for the family. Again, I’m
sure you can come up with some tactics that sound good to you.

Values and Beliefs

Although your health may not be what you would like, this does
not mean you do not value health. You may value other things
more, though, or feel other things in life have taken priority
over health, and, before you know it, your health has suffered
as a result. What is meant by health values? To clarify, what
value do you put on health; yours or the health of others? If
you are reading this article, you probably do value health as
something to attain or maintain. If you are concerned with
maintaining your health, chances are it has held a high priority
for you through your life. Everyone has a different value of
health; for some, it may be the absence of disease, for others
it may reflect an inner calm and serenity. Some people may
consider health as physical or mental capacity or the weight
they are at. The belief may come from what you believe a
particular health condition (good or bad) represents. For
instance, some people may consider an ideal body weight as
health and something that represents inner strength or the lack
of health a weakness. For others, a sign of good health is a
healthy attitude towards life and others and themselves. None of
these values or beliefs are right or wrong; they are just how
you feel and what you believe.

List at least five personal values you have around your health
and life and the beliefs that go along with each value. Spend
some time on this, because many times people who are struggling
with health issues don’t want to address the true beliefs or
values around their health, which can be the biggest reason they
are unable to overcome conditions that limit achievement of a
particular health goal, such as losing weight.

Then answer these questions to see what areas need attention:
How do these values relate to your health? How are these values
reflected in the way you live currently? Are your values and
beliefs in sync with your lifestyle? Spend some time with these
questions and write down what you come up with.

Branding and Imaging

When friends and family think of you, how would you like them to
describe you and your health?When you consider what you would
like others to say about you when talking about health, are you
currently living up to that vision you have? If not, what needs
to change to become that person? How will you feel when you are
that person you imagine them talking about? How will you feel if
you do not become that person? List five things you would like
people to say about you and your health and lifestyle.

Action Plan

Now it’s time to create a real plan to make all of this happen –
your action plan. For those of you in business reading this, you
already knew what was coming. Do you see the parallels? Look at
your goals, and then ask yourself how you will plan to
accomplish those goals. Use your strategies and tactics as the
templates for your action plan. I have business clients create a
calendar from their strategies and tactics, setting up a
specific plan from month to month. You can do the same thing for
health goals. Set small goals on your calendar; maybe a goal of
walking five minutes every day, or avoid that morning doughnut
at least three days a week. You may have a goal that by the end
of the first month you are eating four servings of fruits and
vegetables a day; you can start by setting a goal of two
servings per day the first week, three servings per day the
second and third week, and then four servings by the 4th week.
Look at where you would like to be in a year, but then break
that year into more manageable chunks by looking at just one
month at a time and what you would like to have accomplished by
the end of that month. The purpose of an action plan is to make
what you need to do more real; to put legs on the ideas and
intentions you came up with earlier in the process. In other
words, how can you change from just thinking about what you
want, in the abstract, and make it something that really happens?

Budget and financing

All business plans must have a budget plan. What is necessary to
fund your new health plan? Can you do this on a small budget or
will it take a big financial commitment? How will you cover the
expenses your health plan will require? For some people,
bypassing certain expenditures, such as eliminating the morning
muffin at work can pay for the extra fruits and vegetables at
the market. Or avoiding an afternoon snack can add up to enough
to buy a new pair of walking shoes. Everyone can decide where
they want to prioritize how they will make health a priority and
how to make it fit not only their lifestyle, but also their

Many people envision a healthier day, someday. For those who
create a plan, and then develop strategies to stick to their
plan, tend to see success. As an example, read from participants
in the National Weight Control Registry, a group of over 5,000
people who have lost at least 30 pounds and have successfully
kept that weight off for at least one year, Reading some of these examples
proves that even if you have over 100 pounds to lose, it is
possible; you have to have the desire, the awareness that it
will take dedication and determination, and that you have to
create the strategies and plan to make it happen. Just as with
business, failure to plan results in planning for failure. Make
that plan and enjoy success this year!

About the author:

Marjorie Geiser is a nutritionist, registered dietitian,
certified personal trainer and life coach. Marjorie has been the
owner of a successful small business, MEG Fitness, since 1996,
and now helps other health professionals start up their own
private practice. To learn more about the coaching services
Margie offers, go to her website or email
her at

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Discover The Truth About A 500 Calorie Diet

Are you a bit of a risk taker when you want to lose weight? If you are the 500 calorie diet may be just what youre looking for. The truth about this diet is it is considered an extreme form of dieting; but is highly popular. Low calorie diets are common and 500 calories is at the lower end of the scale.

A diet is considered low calorie if it involves ingesting no more than 1200 calories per day. The idea of a low calorie diet is to lose weight quickly. If not administered correctly they can be dangerous and as such it is important to plan your 500 calorie diet with a professional dietician or nutritionist before starting. This article will help you to decide if the 500 calorie diet is right for you.

It is well known that the way to lose weight is to burn more calories than you take in. However a very low calorie diet can actually do more harm than good. When your body is craving more calories (energy) it can affect your metabolic rate. This means your body actually starts to eat away at your muscle mass.

It is doing this for the purpose of converting the muscle mass to energy, since there are no food reserves to take from. Because gaining muscle is the path to losing fat, this can have a highly detrimental effect on your body.

500 calories per day may be sufficient for some people depending on their:
– Gender
– Activity level
– Height
– Body type
– Overall health and well being

For other people though, particularly overweight people, consuming only 500 calories a day is almost like starving yourself. Your body is more than likely used to taking in over 2000 calories per day and up to 5000 or more. If you all of a sudden drop to 500 calories or less your body moves into starvation mode. Your metabolism then slows down to conserve energy.

While you are on the 500 calorie diet your body will learn to live with fewer calories. That means if you go back to your old high calorie habits (as all too many people do) you will have a sudden gain in weight, which is more than what would have occurred, had you not gone on your low cal diet.

The only real way to determine your ideal daily calorie intake is by using a bmr/amr calculator. You will then know how many calories you need to be healthy and to support your lifestyle. If you take 500 calories away from this, then you have the ideal number of calories, to take in per day to help you get your weight down.

As men and women are obviously different their ideal calorie intake is also different. This of course means while the average woman may need only 1200 to 1300 calories a day to survive, her male counterpart may need from 1500 to 1600. Again this is why it is so important for you to consult with your physician before starting any diet.

In conclusion a 500 calorie diet can be dangerous. However, if proper precautions are taken, such as a physical, to determine your overall health fitness, you can lose weight quickly.

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The Quick Facts About Teenage Pregnancy Diet Plans

If you are searching for teenage pregnancy diet plans, then you are aware that it is important. As any mother will know, there are many special dietary needs that teenagers have. Whether you have a growing teenage boy or a growing teenage girl, you understand that there are some things that they need more than others. You have probably tried to help give them exactly what they need while trying to keep them away from all of the stuff that only serves to make them a little unhealthier. The old saying goes mother knows best, and that holds true not only in regards to knowing teenagers have special dietary needs, but also that pregnant women do.

Pregnant women strongly need to have a balanced and nutritional diet. Without a healthy diet, the risks of complications with the birth and with the baby itself increase exponentially, thereby increasing the danger to the mother herself. This can be quite a trying thing to the mother, especially if she does not realize the danger that she can put herself and her baby in by not eating a nutritious and healthy diet. For the mother who does not realize this requirement before something happens, it can be a tragic and devastating blow.

So what do you do when you have a pregnant teenager? As you can imagine, the dietary needs for pregnant teens can be extremely important. Not only does the mother have to take care of her own teenage dietary needs, but she also must consider the balanced and healthy meals that provide the growing baby with the sustenance that it needs in order to live and to continue to grow. This can be an extremely challenging task and is of the utmost importance both to the babys health and to the mothers.

The best thing to do in regards to teenage pregnancy diet plans is to talk to a nutritionist about the specific diet plan that would be right. This can help to ensure that you get the exact nutrition that is right for the situation. When in doubt, it is always best to play it safe. Nutritionists specialize in making sure that certain people get the right types of food for their conditions.

Teen pregnancy can be a scary thing. If a nutritionist or a doctor is not an option, then the best choice is to search the internet in order to find diet plans for pregnant women. Try to ensure that your diet is well balanced and is not too small. If you do not have enough to eat, you can make things worse for yourself. Pregnant women are often tired, and without proper nutrition, this can cause serious amounts of weariness. If you are looking in order to try and find the quick facts about teenage pregnancy diet plans, then be sure to double check your information with other websites, in order to ensure it is correct.

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Simple Tips For A Diabetic Diet And Losing Weight

When you go into your doctors office and you hear the words, Diabetic Diet you may tend to freak out, but you don’t have to. There are no actual Diabetic Diets out there for you to take part in. However, a licensed nutritionist and your doctor can give you support and guidance in the right direction. This article will provide you with some tips and give you some ideas for to discuss with your doctor and the nutritionist.

After you have some time to adjust to the idea of having diabetes, call your doctor and get some information on how to eat properly to control your diabetes. Since there are no exact diets to use for diabetes you can create one that will specifically fit your needs. The first thing to take into consideration is that when you have diabetes you don’t have to quit eating everything you normally eat you just need to eat them differently.

A few things you can change in your eating habits are:

1. How much you eat

2. When you eat

3. How you prepare your food

4. Decrease sugar and sweets

5. Watch how and when you eat carbohydrates

6.Increase the following:
Whole wheat grains

7.Reduce fat intake

8.Moderation in alcohol

When you are trying to adjust to a Diabetic Diet Plan keep track of how much you normally eat at each meal and if you have snacks throughout the day. If you don’t eat regular meals, then its important for you to create an eating schedule. You need to see to it that you are eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner along with small snacks in between meals. It is important to maintain at least a 1600 calorie diet on a daily basis.

If you are used to eating a large amount of food then you will need to cut back a little bit at each meal. Adding small snacks during the day will help fill the void in your stomach. This will do positive things for you. It will help keep your sugar level. Keep your appetite under control. And keep you from pigging out when you sit down to eat a regularly scheduled meal.

A really good positive thing about eating like this, along with exercise, it will help you to lose weight. Not only will it help in the short term, but once you get used to it, you will find you can keep the weight off. In addition you may well see an overall increase in your physical health.

Make sure you eat breakfast every morning and try to include some fruit. Fruit not only taste good, but it is good for giving you energy and it can be a great snack. Its also important that you eat lunch every day to help you maintain a steady amount of energy throughout your day no matter what you are doing. If you are a person that normally skips lunch try starting out by having some crackers or a salad for lunch so you will be eating something and it will be a light meal.

The next important meal you need to eat is dinner. When you eat dinner try to eat a well balanced meal so that your body won’t feel over full or bulky. It is also important to eat at regular set times every day so that your body can adjust and process the food before you go to bed. Be careful not to eat too early. If you eat too early in the evening then you may become hungry again and want to eat before you go to bed.

There is one last tip to pass on about your diabetic meals. And this is how you prepare your meals. You should broil or bake your meats. In addition if you have to cook on the top of the stove use Virgin Olive Oil in lieu of butter and other Trans fat laden foods.

As you can see a diabetic diet is not the end of the world. If fact if it is followed, you will delay the worsening of your diabetes, lose weight and improve your health overall.

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