Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Healthy Diet Tips And Much More

Lose Weight Quickly Eat Your Breakfast

Studies have shown that people who wake up every morning and eat breakfast weigh less than those who consistently start their day without proper fuel for their bodies. If you want to lose weight quickly, then you must get into a proper routine. Wake up, start the day with a glass of water, and then eat a nutritious breakfast before heading out the door.

But how can you lose weight quickly if you start to eat breakfast? You have probably been told time and time again that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Your parents and your school teachers were all telling you the truth. It is!

The word breakfast means break the fast. When you sleep, you are fasting for a period of anywhere from seven to ten hours. Once you wake, you need to give your body the necessary fuel. Think of it in comparison to a car. It won’t run without gas, right?

Your body is the same way. You need to feed it and by so doing, you can lose weight quickly. Not only will this allow you to maintain a stable healthy weight, but eating breakfast also allows the body to feel full and it promotes proper metabolic function. All of this is crucial to starting the day off right as it lends itself to giving you the energy and brain power you need to accomplish what you need to do in the run of a busy day.

Another important point in relation to weight is that individuals who eat breakfast consistently are much less likely to overeat throughout the day, eat late at night or to snack on unhealthy foods unnecessarily.

What makes a nutritious breakfast is the next question. In order to remember what to eat, you need to think eat 1-2-3 energy. You require one serving of protein, two servings of fruit, and three servings of grain. Excellent choices of protein include eggs, low fat milk, peanut butter, yogurt and cheese.

Fruit ensures that you start the day with the vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates that you need. Fruit also helps to stave off dehydration and it prevents constipation from setting in. Oatmeal is an excellent breakfast food for those looking to lose weight. Oatmeal is a bulk dense food that slows down the digestive process, thereby making it possible for a person to feel fuller for a longer span of time. Oatmeal is also excellent for soaking up cholesterol in the blood stream.

Fiber is also important as a means of losing weight quickly. Fiber should be an important part of breakfast. Fiber keeps the digestive system running smoothly and helps the bowels to do their job. Choose high fiber cereal and whole grain breads. It is also best to choose fresh fruit over fruit juice. If fresh fruit is pricey, buy frozen fruit. Steer clear of canned fruit as these are loaded with sugar. Wheat germ and flax meal can be sprinkled over cereal, oatmeal or yogurt for an extra helping of fiber.

An excellent choice for breakfast would be to eat two slices of whole grain bread with a tablespoon of peanut butter and a glass of orange juice. On a day that you are in a rush, health can still be a priority. Choose a bowl of high fiber cereal or oatmeal, a banana and a glass of skim or one percent milk.

You need to look at your eating habits carefully. If breakfast is not important to you, then it is time to readjust your priorities, so you can lose weight quickly.

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Posted by: admin | Category: Healthy Breakfast,Healthy Choice,Healthy Diet,Healthy Eating,Healthy Foods | Comments (0)

How To Lose Weight With A Diet For Gout

How To Lose Weight With A Diet For Gout

Have you ever slammed a car door on your fingers? Have you experienced the hot, searing, excruciating pain that shoots through your hand, which radiates through out your whole body, when you do this? If you have then you have a small idea of what gout suffers go through for hours at a time.

If you are overweight you are a prime candidate to get hit with a sever case of gout. This article will explain how to lose weight with a diet for gout.

By the way the information contained in this article is not medical advice, nor should it be taken as medical advice. It is for informational purposes only. As always with a physical illness you should consult your personal physician right away. Please! read on.

Gout is a type of arthritic illness which occurs in your bodys extremities such as the fingers, elbows, knees and toes. Uric acid is the cause of gout and when there is excessive uric acid in the bloodstream, crystal deposits form in your joints which causes swelling, redness and excruciating pain.

You may be one of the thousands upon thousands of people who thought gout was a thing of the past. However, it is alive and well in today’s overweight society. Obesity is one of the primary contributors which can cause this painful attack on your joints.

In the old days gout sufferers used to have to drastically modify their diet to relieve and prevent gout symptoms. However modern day medicine has eliminated this requirement. Regardless of medications however, it will help you to undergo some diet restrictions so as to reduce your weight and the severity of the gout attacks.

Do you eat a lot of meat, especially red meat? If you do it will help you to shed those extra pounds by restricting yourself to 6 ounces of meat per day (preferably chicken or fish). In addition it will reduce the chances of a gout attack occurring. This is due to the purines found in meats. If gout sufferers eat a lot of food containing purines (a chemical) then uric acid can form, leading to gout.

Other foods that are particularly high in purines are:
dried beans
dried peas

Where possible these foods should be avoided when following a diet for gout.

There are many other diet tips that can help to minimize the occurrence of gout and help you lose weight while doing so. These are just a couple of suggestion which may help you. Again check with your doctor to make sure it’s ok to use these tips.

The avoidance of alcohol is an important factor for you to keep in mind. Excess alcohol affects the removal of uric acid from your body. A gout attack supplemented with alcohol can go bad very quickly, as hyperuricemia can occur. Ideally alcohol should be completely eliminated by all gout sufferers.

Drinking a lot of water can have a positive effect on gout as water helps in the removal of uric acid which is what gout sufferers need. Furthermore, as you know water will help you to digest your food more thoroughly and help too flush the excess from your body.

Weight is an issue that needs to be addressed. Excess weight puts extra stress on the joints and drastically increases the chance of gout and hyperuricemia. Sensible weight loss which avoids excess purines is the correct way for gout sufferers to lose weight without increasing the risk of illness. High protein diets can be dangerous as most protein comes from meat and fish. Also avoid low carbohydrate diets; instead maintaining a balance of various nutrients.

There are many low purine foods that can make up the majority of the diet for gout sufferers and the overweight. These include:

1.Low fibre breads and cereals
3.Fruit juice
4.Low fat cheese
6.Peanut butter
7.Soups (without meat)
9.Dark berries

If you are an avid meat eater you may find it hard to adjust to a virtually meat free diet. Consider tofu as a meat alternative. It has a rough texture and is filling like meat.

As you can see a diet for gout is a healthy diet, which can also help you to lose weight.

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Posted by: admin | Category: Healthy Diet,Healthy Foods | Comments (0)

Weight Loss And Exercise For Diabetics

I’m sure you are quite aware of the fact that if your overweight your odds of developing Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes goes up dramatically. You also know that we aren’t talking about a few extra pounds; we are talking about 20 plus pounds. In other words we are talking about being obese. One of the best ways for you to have weight loss and lower the odds of being diagnosed with diabetes is exercise. Exercise for diabetics is critical.

Although Type 1 diabetes cannot be prevented exercise is a phenomenal way to help control insulin sensitivity throughout the body. The exertion brought forth by the exercise causes the muscles to burn the glucose more efficiently. But a great side effect of the exercise will cause your metabolism to speed up, which in turn will burn calories thus helping your body to shed those extra pounds.

You should know that even though Type 1 Diabetes cannot be prevented, it is possible to prevent Type 2. One of the first steps you must take to prevent it is commence a weight loss program that combines exercise and healthy eating. You should then follow up step 1 with the proper vitamins and herbal supplements, which in turn reduce insulin sensitivity and help in maintaining a healthy weight.

Recent studies have determined that a 30 minute walk every day can dramatically decrease the possibility of an overweight person contracting Type 2 Diabetes. The natural swing of the arms and legs will increase the circulation to the heart and lungs. This in turn will reduce the chances for heart disease and help avoid the possibility of losing circulation in the lower extremities. This is a deadly side effect of diabetes.

Diabetics and overweight people often suffer from high blood pressure. This as you know causes a shrinking of the blood vessels and restricts blood flow to the extremities of the body, particularly the lower ones. Exercise of course lowers the blood pressure and in doing so opens the blood vessels. Thus increasing the blood flow to the lower extremities; which in turn prevents the terrible damage to the toes and feet of a diabetic or overweight person.

However, this does not happen overnight and it is imperative to your weight loss and control/prevention of diabetes. Because the exercise should be done every day there are some inherent dangers which can be induced by the exercise. The good thing is if you are aware of these dangers you can stay ahead of the game.

1. If you are diabetic or borderline diabetic exercise will lower the blood sugar levels and you may become hypoglycemic. If you exercise alone always have a candy bar or a natural juice (orange juice) or other fruit juices which can quickly restore your blood sugar level.

2. Closely monitor how you feel physically during and after exercise. If you notice that you are feeling weak and drained or experience a sudden onset of hunger it’s possible your blood sugar levels are dropping below the safe level. Again go for the candy or the juices.

Weight loss and exercise for diabetics go hand in hand. It is important you work with your doctor or other professional health provider to make sure you are doing things right. You can control both weight loss and diabetes, don’t let them control you.

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Posted by: admin | Category: Healthy Eating,Weight Loss | Comments (1)

How Does The Atkins Diet Work And Why

There is a large controversy about whether the effects of the Atkins diet are positive or negative. There seem to be effects that lean towards being positive or negative in different experiences, and is some cases a person will have positive and negative effects that both affect them equally. People will have positive effects such as weight gain and being able to eat smaller amounts without cravings but may also have negative effects such as muscular problems or making a person feel very faint or extremely weak.

The reason for both the negative and positive experiences is the same, the way that Atkins diets work. The main point of an Atkins diet is to remove carbohydrates, which is sugar in its simplest form, so that the body will be forced to use another energy source. The nest energy source that your body turns to is your fat, which in turn causes you to loose weight. This can cause you to lose lean muscle, which can not only make you feel weaker but can also make you physically weaker.

Many people feel that their weight is more important then their health, this can be very hard on them and can mean that they without realizing it could hurt their body. Dr. Robert Atkins created this diet for himself so that he would be able to lose weight and this diet was so successful for himself that he let others try and in turn, it was successful for them in many cases. There have not been a lot of research conducted that had to do with the long term effects of the Atkins diet, but some individuals have proven that for them it was a very hard diet and left them with negative effects that outnumbered the positive gain.

There are many advances in diets and research every year, meaning that these side effects could be a worry that is in vain or could also simply be eliminated in the future by small differences in diet. Currently, there are still many positive sides to the Atkins diet such as the recipes that are offered. With the Atkins diet you are completely carbohydrate free for a period of week then you have to gradually find your way back to eating in a balanced matter so that any side effects can hopefully be reversed while you still get to keep the figure that you worked so hard to acquire.

The recipes that are offered are very appealing to many people, and after being carbohydrate free the return trip to a healthy balanced diet can be very enjoyable. Steadily but in steps carbohydrates are added back into your meals, this can help to reverse negative effects if such is possible but is mostly used to make sure that you can then stay constant without further damaging your muscles. Many people have found this diet to be successful for themselves and others who they may have suggested it to.

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