Healthy Weight Loss Tips

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Nutrition, Evolution, and Having a Healthy Diet

Nutrition, Evolution, and Having a Healthy Diet
Judith Schwader

Nutrition has everything to do with health. This isnt news, exactly, but looking around at the crazy information on the market, one wonders if anyone actually makes the connection: what you eat affects how you feel. Its that simple. Your health depends on the food choices you make in both the short and long term.

Take a pill, and all youve done is treat a symptom. Change your eating habits, and create a lasting change in your well-being. There are so many approaches to eating, however, and so much conflicting information that its come down to this simple question: does whatever youre eating right now make sense?

Well, sense isnt common, and it does depend on some good information. So here is something to consider: what kind of foods are humans evolved to eat? Cheetos? Dont think so. Thats a no-brainer, but what about some others that we counted as healthy staples until recently, like bread and pasta. Go way back in your imagination, to hunter gatherer days before agriculture and the obesity which followed for the first time among humans and consider what would be part of our ancestors normal diet. If youre about to pop something into your mouth that wasnt around before agriculture, (a relatively recent development in human history), then eat it knowing its not considered a normal food by your body. Foods your body considers normal contribute to your health, other foods are either neutral or harmful. How simple is that?

A well-known exploration of this concept that certain foods help our bodies thrive is Dr. Peter DAdamos book, Eat Right 4 Your Type, in which he bases his lists of what to eat and avoid on blood type. DAdamo asserts that type O is the oldest type, and the newer A type didnt show up on the scene until agriculture. So, Os should eat lots of meat and veg because that blood type doesnt know how to handle too much grain. Type As can eat grain, but not dairy. Dairy is a category reserved as a normal food only for the yet more recent human blood type, AB. (Maybe well evolve a new type that can handle Cheetos and red licorice, my personal favorite abnormal foods).

DAdamo supports his blood-type theory with all kinds of careful research, and so what? Does it make sense that humans should rely primarily on foods that occur naturally? Absolutely. If youre going to eat a grain like wheat then, eat it whole, or dont eat it at all, and dont eat much of it anyway because humans pretty much made wheat up! Im not going to take the, Does it occur naturally? debate too far, because its time to look at another researchers take on the food and evolution connection.

Dr. Phillip Lipetz wrote The Good Calorie Diet, a book for the weight loss market, but he also has supported his theories with all kinds of careful research. His describes how the human response to starvation that was developed during the ice age carries on today. Ironic, isnt it, that the food available to us today – rich and sweet and abundant – causes our bodies to behave as though starvation is at hand.

The short story for how this works is that up until the ice age, humans ate whatever was readily available, like roots, plants, fruit, and a little tasty carrion now and then. Along came the ice ages, and those foods became scarce. Now humans were forced to hunt, but it was dicey and the weapons were primitive, so spans of time occured between kills. The result: our ancestors evolved ways to make the most of the conversion of excess blood sugar into stored nutrition in the form of body fat. When they starved, they lived off stored fat.

Todays diet mimics the ice age diet: high fat and high protein, and our genetic programming says, Uh oh, were facing starvation again. Better store up some fat. Lipetz goes into convincing detail about food combinations in his book. He describes some that cause the creation of excess fat, such as butter on bread. More useful are his combinations that actually inhibit fat formation, like lean meat with most vegetables. In a society where obesity and its attendant health issues are rampant, these food combinations are helpful places to focus our attention. Yet the single most useful bit to remember from his research is that foods which cause our bodies to create excess fat all have one thing in common: they werent part of our ancestors normal diet.

Armed with this overview, next time youre about to pop something in your mouth – whether your focus is health or weight you dont need to have a bunch of rules and whacky information in mind. Just use common sense. Ask whether its a food that was around before the advent of agriculture. If it was, go for it. If it wasnt, then consider that your body wont consider the food normal, and in both the long and short run, thats got health consequences.

© 2004 Judith Schwader

Judith Schwader holds a Master’s degree in Education, and has written extensively on health. She has a background in social science and addressing chronic health conditions through nutrition and life style. Judith’s articles appear in:, and

This article may be reprinted in its entirety so long as this paragraph and the authors credits remain intact.

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Eat Healthy Without Meat

Eat Healthy Without Meat
Alex Fir

As concerns about healthy eating have grown, so has the interest
in vegetarianism. Numerous nutrition experts recommend eating
low on the food chain. In plain language this means eating more
grains, vegetables and fruits, and fewer meats, cheeses and
other animal based products.

There are various levels of vegetarianism, and each type has its
own unique health benefits and some health challenges as well.
Of course vegetarians, like meat eaters, must still make healthy
food choices. Simply pigging out on French fries while avoiding
the burger will not make you a healthy vegetarian.

Some people who consider themselves vegetarians still eat
poultry and seafood, while others avoid all animal flesh, even
fish and chicken. Most vegetarians still eat milk, dairy
products and eggs. In nutritional circles these people are
referred to as lacto-ovo vegetarians.

Vegans, on the other hand, avoid all animal products, including
eggs, milk and dairy products, and even fabrics like silk,
leather and wool. It is vegans who face the largest challenges
and risks when trying to follow a healthy diet. Most vegetarian
diets provide more than enough nutrition, as long as smart
dietary choices are made.

The key to eating a healthy vegetarian diet is much the same as
eating a healthy diet that includes meat. It all boils down to
making smart food choices, understanding nutritional labels, and
cooking your vegetables to maximize their nutritional value.

Choosing the foods that make up the bulk of a vegetarian diet is
very important. For most vegetarians, vegetables, grains,
lentils and soy products will make up the bulk of their diet,
and these staples are included in many vegetarian recipes.

When cooking with soy, however, it is important to remember that
tofu is relatively high in fat. The fat content of tofu dishes
is often comparable to that of dishes that are made with lean
cuts of meat. Those vegetarians following a low fat diet may
want to limit the amount of tofu based products they eat.

The same caution applies to the nuts and seeds that can make up
a large part of a vegetarian diet. Nuts and seeds are excellent
sources of dietary protein, but they can be high in fat as well.

Many newly minted vegetarians worry that they will not be able
to get enough protein and iron without eating meat, but for most
vegetarians this is not a problem. Most diets today actually
contain too much protein, and there are many non animal derived
sources of protein for vegetarians to enjoy.

Proper cooking techniques are of course very important to any
healthy diet. Avoiding high fat cooking methods is important, as
is avoiding the use of high fat creams, butters and sauces. A
vegetable stir fry cooked in healthy olive oil can be a great
addition to any vegetarian menu. And a great fruit salad is both
easy to make and delicious as a snack or a meal.

The only real area of concern when it comes to vegetarianism and
health is the B-complex vitamins, particularly vitamin B12.
Vitamin B12 is almost exclusively derived from animal based
sources, so vegans, who avoid all animal products, should take a
high quality vitamin B12 or B-complex vitamin supplement. It is
also important for vegans to discuss their diet and lifestyle
with their family physicians. As vegetarianism becomes more
widespread, the amount of information on the nutritional needs
of these two groups continues to grow.

The bottom line is that vegetarians can enjoy a very healthy
lifestyle. Making vegetables, fruits, whole grains and beans the
centerpiece of the diet is a smart move for many people, and a
good low fat vegetarian diet can be a great way to enjoy a
healthy lifestyle. As with a meat based diet, however, it is
important for vegetarians to follow common sense eating
guidelines and make smart choices when creating meat free meals.

About the author:

A lot of people eat foods that are generally deficient in the
vitamins and minerals. Visit Nutri
tional Supplements Center
to learn why it is vital that you
take nutri
tional health supplements

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What Is A Healthy Low Carb Diet

With all the adverse publicity on high protein low carb diet, how do you know what is a healthy diet to follow?

The new diet travel says that rather than just limiting the amount of carbohydrates in your diet, you should be looking to eat only those that have a low GI index. The Fighting man Index measures the impetus at which glucose is released into your blood dtreak following consumption of a specific food. If you do not use all the glucose you consume, your body converts it to fat and stores it. Not ideal when you are trying to lose weight.

So how do you know if a food is low Man-at-arms or not? Highly supermarkets have now started coding their foods so you should be able to see from the packet. The foods that you would normally avoid on a diet also tend to be high GI i. e. cakes, biscuits, white bread, white pasta etc.

The good news is that chocolate is a low GI food but this doesnt mean that you can eat loads of it! Avoid any more sugar based ingredients and opt for a plain bar of dark chocolate if you want to treat yourself.

Barley, quinoa, new potatoes and yams are all low GI foods so would be good staples for your healthy low carbohydrate diet. Apples, dried apricots, citrus fruits, plums and tomatoes are all bad low GI fruits but play past Watermelons, peaches and bananas.

You should increase the quantity of water you drink especially because most slimmers increase the amount of fiber in their diet by eating more vegetables. You should aim to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. Drinking water helps to lose weight as we often misunderstand our bodys signals and eat when in fact we are thirsty.

When you are trying to follow a healthy low carb diet, it is useful to watch your portion size. As a nation, we are used to consuming large portions of everything. Reducing the size of our meals will help you to lose weight as will eating a little and often rather than isolated large chop chop a day.

Never skip breakfast as countless studies have shown that you re likely to consume more calories later in the day than you hold back by not eating this important meal. Eating change the old fashioned old softie not the instant microwaveable variety, will help to keep your energy levels stable and lead to less cravings.

Drink skimmed instead of full fat milk. Eat low fat yogurts but watch for hidden sugars and sweeteners. Keep alcohol intake to a minimum as not only does it contain empty calories but also lowers our inhibitions leading us to eat the wrong foods.

Keep yourself busy. We often eat due to boredom rather than hunger. Get powerful every day to increase the amount of energy you consume. Reducing your food consumption bit increasing your activity will help you lose weight as will following a healthy low carbohydrate diet.

24 Hour Fitness

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Gastric Bypass: Is It Really Necessary?

Sometimes when we look at ourselves in the mirror, we don’t like what we see. Our modern lifestyle does not exactly engender healthy living for normal people. The convenience of fast food combined with a sedentary lifestyle is not exactly conducive to a healthy life. Obesity is quickly becoming an epidemic in in terms of how it has spread. A lot of people are trying to be more fit, of course, with diet and exercise. However, sometimes, that’s not enough. This is where a gastric bypass comes in.

Having weight-loss surgery is quickly becoming an increasing trend among people who find that they just can’t seem to lose weight. This might have come about because of a combination of lifestyle choices, genetic predispositions and physical problems, but the results are still the same: stubborn flab that doesn’t seem to go away or even in some cases, incredibly overweight individuals. For people like these, a gastric bypasss is often their only hope.

What exactly is a gastric bypass? This is a simple process in which stomach capacity is lessened and a large part of the intestinal tract is skipped in the digestive process. It may sound complicated but it is actually the simplest weight-loss surgery that is possible. There are actually several variations of gastric bypasses but the most common type is the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. In this type of gastric bypass, a pouch is create at the top of the stomach using surgical staples sometimes this pouch is as small as a walnut. Then the stomach pouch is connected to the middle part of the small intestine, the jejunum.

All of this can be done by either an open procedure, where in the whole abdomen is sliced open, or by making a small incision in the side of the abdomen and using small tools and a camera to do the procedure, a process that is sometimes called the laparoscopic approach. An open procedure can be actually very dangerous and is also subject to longer recovery times; this is why the laparoscopic approach is often advised.

Of course, this is all a major surgical procedure and you can’t just have your digestive tract messed with. You can only be qualified for this procedure if you have been obese for five years, in which you have tried everything to lose weight, are not alcoholic, and not suffering from any psychiatric disorder. An age limit is also set for procedure only individuals from 18 to 65 may have a gastric bypass.

It may all seem like a done deal: just hop onto the operating table and you’ll be well on your way to svelteness. Unfortunately, it’s not that easy. A gastric bypass is a four hour operation followed by a five day recovery period, in which the patient is observed. Liquids will be the only source of nourishment for him during the observation period. Afterwards, there will be a twelve week regimented diet that will take him from liquids to solids so that the patient’s new stomach may handle it. There will also be side-effects: a smaller stomach means less food which means less energy overall you’ll be lethargic until your body learns to cope. Also, you may experience pain and vomiting after eating too much or too fast.

A gastric bypass looks like a great shortcut to slimness but it’s a lot more difficult than it may seem.

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