Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Healthy Diet Tips And Much More

Some Healthy Nutrition

Some Healthy Nutrition
Terje Brooks Ellingsen

Below are listed some foods that are containing ingredients of
healthy nutrition.

Berries are incredible antioxidants

Ah, the sweet taste of fresh berries! Berries are actually good
for you and contain plant nutrients called anthocyanidins. Some
of these have high levels of resveratrol, which helps fight
heart disease and cancer. The next time you want something
sweet, juicy, and good for you, reach for blueberries, grapes,
or strawberries, and do not feel guilty!

Tasty Almonds

If you love nuts, then you are in luck. Almonds are not only
delicious and make a great snack food, medical studies show they
contain as much protein per ounce as red meat. In addition, they
aid in reducing the risk of heart attacks by up to 50%. The next
time you need something crunchy, reach for a handful of almonds.


A great way to maintain a healthy cardiovascular system is by
adding flaxseed to your daily diet. Flaxseed actually contains
what is called alpha-linolenic acid, which is a fatty acid
essential in controlling blood pressure. They have a benefit of
helping with digestion; just make sure the flaxseed is crushed
for easier consumption and absorption.

Saucy but Healthy

Eating bland foods is boring, unsatisfying, and if that is what
your diet consists of, more than likely, you will be off it
shortly after you start. If you enjoy good tasting food, some
sauces and spices can enhance your food while not adding
calories to your food. The next you grill meat, consider using
one of these:

*Reduced-salt Soy Sauce



*Worcestershire Sauce

*Vinegar (this comes in wonderful flavors)

*Teriyaki Sauce

*Tomato Sauce

*Hot Sauce

Some like it Hot

Hot, spicy foods that contain curry, chilies, or other hot
peppers such as cayenne, help to trigger endorphins. These
hormones are what make people feel good and well balanced. In
fact, endorphins are like a natural morphine that helps ease
pain and provide a sense of well being. The next time you are
feeling a little down or have some minor pain, try eating
something spicy.

Stick with Whole Wheat

Whole wheat is actually better for you. It offers more fiber,
which helps reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer,
diverticulosis, diabetes to name a few. When possible, set aside
the white flour and bread and reach for products that are made
from oats, barley, buckwheat, bulgur, rye, brown rice, millet,
and wheat.

What are Flavonoids?

These are oestrogen-like compounds found in plants that act as
hormone blockers any place in the body where there are excess
hormones that could cause such cancers such as breast cancer.
Flavonoids are also strong antioxidants, which can be found in
foods such as beans, onions, broccoli, apples, and soy products.

About the author:

Terje Brooks Ellingsen is an internet publisher. His
offers valuable free information for all
who are interested in fitness issues, for example
diets and other fitness products
. Check out Fitness4Life now.

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Seafood – the healthy alternative

Seafood – the healthy alternative
Coleen Panetti

Most red and white meats are very fatty and are not a healthy way to eat. Seafood on the other hand offers you a great tasting alternative. When cooked correctly you couldnt ask for a better tasting meal.

Seafood can be purchased either fresh or frozen. By freezing the seafood fresh it can be shipped all over the world so everyone can have the opportunity to enjoy fresh seafood that they may not otherwise be able to enjoy.

Seafood that has not been kept at or below 39 degrees may not be safe to eat, so if youre not sure if its good or not, throw it away. It is not worth the risk of getting sick. When choosing to purchase fresh seafood be sure and check it out thoroughly to make sure it is fresh. One thing to look for is to make sure the eyes are not bulging, but clear instead. Dont accept fish where the gills are pink, they should always be red. A very important fact to remember is that even though it is seafood, it should not have a fishy smell to it. If you notice any of these things wrong, do not purchase the seafood.

The best and safest way to cook frozen seafood is while it is still frozen. You can cook it by baking the seafood in an oven, or cooking it in a frying pan. The most popular way to cook seafood is wrapped in foil, and placed on a barbeque grill. This seems to give you the best flavor possible. You can thaw out the seafood before cooking it, but if you do this, make sure you cook it as quick as you can. If you do not cook all seafood that has been thawed, make sure you throw away any that is left. Seafood can never be refrozen.

Because eating seafood can actually treat some illness and prevent certain diseases, it can be considered a very healthily diet. Some fish contain the omega-3 oils which help stop certain disease, and help in the aid of curing some illness. Most all seafood is high in protein and low in fat, with the exception of a few, such as the eel.

Seafood has been linked in helping the prevention of Alzheimers disease, and to aid in the prevention of breast cancer. Women in countries that eat more seafood than red meat have a lower tendency of contracting breast cancer. Using fish oil has also been linked to preventing some diseases.

There are a lot of healthy benefits from eating a seafood diet. Scallops and mussels add zinc and iron to your body. Seafood also contains iodine, which is good for your thyroids. Having a seafood diet is just a smart and healthy thing to do.

About the Author

Coleen Panetti runs the famous seafood information website

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Why Child Bearing Is Healthy

Why Child Bearing Is Healthy
Dr. Randy Wysong

From a purely biological perspective, bearing children can be considered the most important reason for a womans existence. For that matter, the same could be said about men, since both sexes are, in effect, disposable packages of genetic material. We die, but our genes continue on immortally.

With increasing population pressure and modern independent lifestyles (unlike the family farm where children were almost a necessity), procreation has become an option that is increasingly declined or at least significantly restricted. But with these choices women take themselves out of a natural biological role. Additionally, treating the breast as an ornament rather than a feeding organ by opting for synthetic formulas also removes women from a natural biological function.

When these choices are coupled with the use of contraceptive hormones, hormone replacement therapy, an increasing load of estrogenic pollutants in the environment and food, and a diet that has veered significantly from its natural design, the formula for hormonal pandemonium, metabolic dysfunction, and disease is in place. The result is early menses in children, infertility, abnormal and erratic menstrual cycles, cervical dysplasia, fibroids, endometrial cancer, breast cancer, premenstrual syndrome, dramatic mood swings and depression, osteoporosis, and other symptoms of abnormal menopause: hot flashes, psychological problems, decreased libido, and thinning of the vaginal wall.

This is a difficult problem with no easy solution. If women would have as many children as they are capable of, nurse them for years as they are designed to, eat natural foods, and live in a more pristine environment, most of these modern health problems would disappear.

If money flowed out of our tap we would not have economic problems either, right?

The desire to limit families may soon not even be an option. We either curtail population growth or we will saw through the branch we all sit on. Population is the engine that ultimately drives all environmental woes. We live on a finite planet with finite resources, but we have an infinite ability to breed. We either live within the limits of Earths sustainable resources or we will destroy ourselves. Having children may be a natural and healthy process, but can be a deadly game for sustainable life on Earth.

So we have a conundrum. Women need to fulfill their biological reproductive role to achieve metabolic balance and health, but if they do so unlimited, the health of life on Earth is jeopardized.

In an attempt to solve this dilemma, women have turned to the quick fix of pharmaceutical synthetic hormones. Hormones that control conception, hormones that control abnormal menstrual cycles, and hormones that fix menopause. It is an overly simplistic solution to a complex problem.

The saying, Dont mess with Mother Nature is particularly applicable when dosing the body with hormones. Since the 1940s when estrogen therapy became popular, hundreds of thousands of women have succumbed to cancer. For example, a woman is nearly 13 times more likely to get endometrial cancer, and at nearly a 30% increased risk of breast cancer when she takes estrogen. Recently, researchers have identified the two top preventable breast cancer risks: oral birth control pills and estrogen replacement therapy.

For those who justify the use of estrogen for the benefits of decreased risk of osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease, consider that proper exercise, diet and lifestyle choices can have the same beneficial effect without the potential consequence of cancer.

How have women specifically put themselves outside of their natural context to make themselves more susceptible to cancers?

The average mom gives birth to about two infants. Although this is an intelligent number from the standpoint of population control, it is unnatural in that by not continuing to have pregnancies and to nurse (which stops ovulations) she will ovulate an incredible 438 times during her lifetime.

On the other hand, a woman in the primitive natural setting who may not even know what causes pregnancy or how to prevent it even if they wanted to, would have started menstruating and ovulating at age twelve and would have delivered nine babies and breast-fed them over the course of her reproductive career. Breast-feeding can continue for children in a totally natural setting for up to five or more years of age. The combination of pregnancy along with breast-feeding in the premodern setting would have decreased the number of ovulations that a primitive mother would have had to about nine.

This means that today women cycle through their menstrual periods an abnormal number of times, subjecting their bodies to surges of estrogen 50 times greater than our primitive ancestors living in a natural setting.

Many cancers of women are sensitive to high levels of female hormones.

For example, breast cancer is sensitive to estrogen. In dogs, simply removing the ovaries can often prevent or halt the progress of mammary cancer. Tamoxifen in humans is used to block estrogen activity within the mammary glands and thus is believed to exert its protective effect in this way. (This pharmaceutical agent can, however, increase the risk of uterine cancer to about the same degree that the risk of breast cancer is reduced!)

The resting periods of lower estrogen levels that women experienced in the premodern setting served a protective effect to spare organs and tissues from cancer. Women who nurse for a total period of time of even as little as two years are known to have a decreased incidence of mammary cancer.

This excess ovulation hypothesis is the likely explanation for the tragic phenomenon of modern female cancers. When humans decide to flout and repudiate nature by interfering with natural biological design, disease will always be the consequence.

If the problem is a departure from nature, then the solution is a return to it. Here are some options:

1.Refer to the Wysong Optimal Health Program for guidelines on life choices that can enhance overall health and thus hormonal health (

2.Emphasize fresh raw foods in the diet and avoid processed foods as much as possible.

3.Eliminate hydrogenated oils and refined sugars. Hydrogenated oils displace healthful dietary fats and have been shown to be carcinogenic, and sugars can stimulate a rise in estrogens.

4.Try to use organic foods as much as possible and avoid synthetic materials in cosmetics, at home and in the workplace to help reduce exposure to environmental estrogens.

5.Do not attempt low fat or low cholesterol fad diets that often create dependence upon processed carbohydrates and seriously reduce important natural dietary fats and essential fatty acids.

6.Increase the consumption of natural vegetable foods containing phytoestrogens which tend to counteract estrogens.

7.Avoid hormone medications if at all possible.

8.Explore natural birth control measures.

9.Nurse your babies for as long as you can.

Modern life presents many choices, freedoms and rights. Tinkering with child bearing, however, is a choice that is not without consequences. Women need to be aware and take the steps necessary to make sure the choices they make do not also bring with them the increased risk of serious modern diseases.

Zeneca Pharaceuticals. Tamoxifen Patient Insert. Zeneca, Inc. Wilmington, DE. 1998.

Dr. Wysong is a former veterinary clinician and surgeon, college instructor in human anatomy, physiology and the origin of life, inventor of numerous medical, surgical, nutritional, athletic and fitness products and devices, research director for the present company by his name and founder of the philanthropic Wysong Institute. He is author of The Creation-Evolution Controversy now in its eleventh printing, a new two volume set on philosophy for living entitled Thinking Matters: 1-Living Life… As If Thinking Matters; 2-The Big Questions…As If Thinking Matters, several books on nutrition, prevention and health for people and animals and over 15 years of monthly health newsletters. He may be contacted at and a free subscription to his e-Health Letter is available at

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Cancer and the pH miracle diet

One of the most important points of the pH miracle diet is that cancer can be prevented and reversed by applying the principles of the diet. Although these statements have caused some controversy in the world of health and wellness, many people credit the use of the pH miracle diet in reversing their cancer and improving their overall level of health.

According to Dr. Robert Young, the creator of the pH miracle diet, cancer is not a sickness or a disease as commonly thought. It is an effect of the metabolic acids that are built up in the blood and then released into the tissues. Cancer, according to Dr. Young, is actually an acidic liquid that spills into the cells, tissues and organs. It is not a mutation of the cells.

No condition happens without a cause. There are clear and direct causes for cancer, and as the pH miracle diet books show, the cause for cancer lies in over acidity. Diseases like cancer are due to systemic acidosis, which is extremely low pH (below 7.4). Any pH below 7.0 is considered acidic, and the lower the pH is the higher the acidity level in a persons body is.

At the cellular level, your cells consume the food that you eat and produce metabolic acids. Those acids are normally expelled by the body through sweat or urine. When you consume a vast amount of acidic foods and lead a lifestyle that produces even more acidity, your body does not know what to do with the rest of the acid waste. When you eat highly acidic foods on a regular basis, your body simply does not have enough energy to get rid of the excess acids. They collect in the body, and create disruptions at the cellular level.

Metabolic acids are first kept in the blood and then they are kept in the tissues. When acid is kept in the tissue, it causes sickness, disease and cancerous tissues. Cancer is the acidic liquid from metabolism that pools in the body. It affects the cells around it and, like a rotten apple in a barrel, the effects spread from cell to cell causing disease. Cancer is not made of mutated cells. The cells themselves do not change form but they are limited in their function due to the presence of excess metabolic acid. There is no such thing as cancer cells; the cells are actually normal cells that have become highly acidic.

One of the most surprising parts of the relationship between pH and cancer is that tumors are in fact trying to help the body. They form in areas where the metabolic acid is becoming rampant and effecting cellular function. Tumors are your bodys attempt to prevent the spreading of the acidic cells to other parts of the body. The tumor is actually a signpost to where your body is collecting excess metabolic acid. Some people are genetically predisposed to collect metabolic acid in certain places. This is why some families have a history of, for example, breast cancer.

The tumors themselves are not the problem, but are just signs of what is going wrong in that part of the body. When cancer metastasizes, it is a sign of the acidic condition moving to other cells and making them acidic as well.

Cancer is not something that people get out of the blue. Cancer forming in the body is a sign of the choices that we make in what we eat, what we drink and how we live. An alkaline lifestyle that focuses on an alkaline diet and other calming behaviors will be much less likely to produce cancer, if it does at all. An acidic lifestyle and diet will be full of the pains of the build up of metabolic acid which can, in extremes, lead to cancer.

That is exciting news because it means that cancer is preventable and treatable. A cancer patient can start taking steps toward reversing the effects of cancer and preventing the spread of it. His or her alkaline centered diet may be more aggressive than someones who is just trying to get better overall health. However, by applying the principles of the pH miracle diet they can effectively reduce, control and eliminate cancer from their bodies.

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